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MARCH CONCEPTION (Maybe) OVULATING Today - Any Cycle Buddies

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Hey lovely TTC Sisters!

Today is my ovulation day! Whoohooo!!! DH and I lastnight and admittedly it was great!! ((blushing)) I'm totally excited that lastnight's BD might have been just in time to catch my ever so elusive egg! Not to take any chances however I hope to ambush him tonight when he gets in! Praying of course he won't be too tired.

Anyway AF is due on 26th March, and I'm looking to group up with anyone due around then to the end of March. Or anyone ovulating today or due over the next few days.

Hook me up! Would love to trade symptoms and chart the next TWW together! Happy BD all!


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

537 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Hello ladies!
Just popping in to see how everyone is doing. Steph you sure do seem busy lately. I miss you and hope your new job is going well. Wilson I wish I could give you a big contagious pregnancy hug! I hired a midwife yesterday I'm super excited to have the baby at home but the rest of my family is very unsupportive of my decision

11 years ago

hello ladies how are you doing awh bauer id say u are so excited id luv to have my kids at home but i be afriad to did you have a nice easter :)
steph how are u doing how u getting along on ur cycle im on cycle day 16 ovulated 2 days ago :)

11 years ago

Did you test yet Wilson? 4 your

11 years ago

hey bauer how have u been no have not tested yet going to wait till friday if af is not here by then i will test dont think ill be lucky this month do

11 years ago

hello ladies so af showed :( so on to next cycle
bauer how are u keeping
steph hows ur cycle going did af show ?

11 years ago

Hey Wilson!
Sorry af came. Maybe you will have better luck next month.
I am 33 weeks 2 days today. I can't wait to meet the baby. I asked Scarlett if she was ready to meet the baby and she started laughing hysterically! I guess she thought I said EAT the baby. She keeps teasing me now pretending like shes going to eat both me and the baby. Such a great sense of humor for a 2 year old. She finally potty trained last week!!!! its like she just woke up one day and decided she was big. She potty trained completely in 3 days learned to dress herself and started pushing me away when I try to help her do anything! I feel so un-needed. A little too much independence too fast for me I'm sure this new found independence will be wonderful when the baby comes tho.

11 years ago

hey bauer ye well have pasted ovulation for this month so only hope can be had now awh 7 weeks left wow is flying in for u cant wait to hear if u have a boy or girl so excited for u awh shes gettin all independent go scarlett well done say ur feeling a little not need but at least in a few weeks u will be so busy with the babs and scarlett will love it a new baby

11 years ago

hello ladies how are ye all keeping
steph whats happening ur side
bauer how are u doing u must be nearly due
i have decided to give up ttc for a good while anyway have had a very hard few days my 11 month old nephew passed away on saturday worst thing ever nd the poor little man wasnt even sick its so sad cant get my head around it at all

11 years ago

Hey ladies

Missed you guys soo soo much! (((BEAR HUG)))) I'm doing great. Had a few ups and downs job wise, but thankfully I'm back on the up. Relationally DH and I didn't bd for months! We weren't getting on either and was just going through a bad phase. I don't know if my working made my dh think I don't need him anymore or what. But when I wasnt working we were cool, but suddently we were hardly sleeping in the same room! Gosh why can't I have it all! I work, my relationship falters, I don't work, everything on the home front is fine! Anyway we're better now, bd last cycle. I was prayerfully hopeful I would've conceived, but was very disappointed when af showed up:-( It's just finished so now I'm entering my fertile phase. OV should be on the weekend, I think. may try again then.

Besides I'm good. State job didn't work out :-(((( they were the worst bunch of people I had every worked with! They hated me for British accent, and took pleasure speaking to me in a hostile manner. So that ended, but soon after I got interviewed for another company and I started there now 2weeks, 30hrs per week, workers are professional and I am truly happy with my workload and work environment. I was like thank you Jesus for bringing me to somewhere I could appreciate working much more than where I worked previously. I'm hoping to be there longer than that state job lasted.

Oh my Wilson! What absolute sadness! I'm sooo sorry to hear chica. I can't imagine what you your family must be dealing with in trying accept that he is gone. I don't even know how to imagne it. Very saddened by the news hon, I'm very saddened. I pray peace of mind to you and your fam and that you guys will find some solace in his memories. I'm hoping by my not tcc as much as before we'll just catch! Not sure if it works, didn't work last cycle when we did it for the first time after months of not bding. But I'm hopeful a few more random bd during my fertile phase will make it happen. Maybe you're doing so give you success. Any word from your dr re your fertility and stuff? May hav to see our dr if nothing happens end of this year. By then it would've made 2yrs, though we weren't vigorously trying all that time. Still 2yrs to not conceive makes me think something is up.

Bauer how's mommy and the little one doing? I hope well.

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

wilson im so sorry for your loss! i will pray for your family
I had my baby yesterday!!! its a girl her name is Vega Estelle, she is very tiny 5lbs 12 oz 20 inches. Thank you guys for all of your support.

11 years ago

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