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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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HA Kerzie, I was JUST looking at the sperm count home kit YESTERDAY! lol ;-)
Well I think raw spinach tastes better than cooked! I think you'll like it! ;-)

8 years ago

Wow, ive only been gone a minute, so much to catch up on!
Kerzie, I use Macca powder because I find it easier to find in organic form.
Some of them are really nutty and dissolve easier so mixes really nice with my decaff coffee.
Some are more bitter and get lumpy when mixed with liquid so I just put it in a shot glass, mix it to a thin paste with water and pretend its tequila!

I am now 3 days late for AF. Neg HPT this morning. Im thinking the clomid has just delayed AF. If I was pregnant, I would at least see a feint line by now.
Really annoying.

8 years ago

I agree with Holly, I dont like the mulsh either Kerzie and my kids won't eat it, I chuck raw spinach in with the salad and they don't know the difference, much better for you raw obviously and tastes yummy, enjoy
Thanks for the info, its good to know we are doing/taking all the right things, STILL waiting for dh sperm sample result, phoned several times this week and no sign of it at docs yet, its only been over 3 months after all and guess Im very impatient grr , I did try the home one and not very accurate but the colour looked ok I think when I did it , (its tough cos he only ever produces about a teaspoons worth, sorry tmi)
Can you believe when I was at work today I got some sharp twinges, I was in pain but actually smiled cos thought aww I hope thats implantation, crazy , I will start testing 10DPO-Sat morn, will let you ladies now how it goes but not much symptoms at mo, still creamy cm, not like me and very bloated in eves but get that every month
Good luck Holly and Kerzie with the
39 and Teacher when you testing next lovlies?

8 years ago

Khanada-are you temping, if your temps still high thats a good sign, hope you get a soon -x-

8 years ago

Thanks pinkster. Never done temping.....

8 years ago

Good afternoon ladies,

Kerzie let us know how that dom/sub goes...LOL.
Yes I ovulated last week just not sure what day. Somewhere between Thursday-Saturday.

Pink I got weak and took a test last night knowing darn well it is way too early. I only took it because I downed half a bottle of wine and I was thinking what if I'm preggers. So now I am going to try to have more restraint and wait until AF is due. Looking forward to you testing on Saturday!! Hope you get your BFP.

Khanada if AF hasn't arrived you are still in the game.

8 years ago

It's the spinach Pinkster!!! It gives me more energy to keep up with all these posts!! Lol Remember Pop-eye? Oh please let's hope someone gets a soon!!!!!

8 years ago

Bless ya 39, I really wanted to this morn and know I will want to again tom but also know it would be waste of a test at mo, but then again lol

8 years ago

Good luck on Saturday Pinkster!!!

8 years ago

Khan. I tried my macca in cranberry juice and it tasted really malty, not nice but will give it a go in coffee. Putting it in capsules but it's so fiddly. Don't give up on your bfp yet, mrsd (she recently got her bfp on here) doesn't get her bfp until something like 17dpo. Anyone remember exactly? So it does happen

Holly. With the energy you have bd'ing I will be trying it over the weekend in my salad.

Pink. Make sure your man drinks tons of water, I'm going to make sure mine ups his. Worth a try. Your doc needs a rocket up his ass! Considering they lost the sample last time they should put a rush on it. Get your doc to double check they haven't lost this sample. Keeping fingers crossed for you on Sat, we will all be sitting in the bathroom with you

39. Having naps isn't like you so hopefully something is going on in there. Wine, a distant memory. Became allergic to alcohol when preg with ds and it never went. I mean why not celery (which I hate anyway), why take alcohol away from me???? Have one for me xx

8 years ago • Post starter

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