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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hello my beautiful ladies, (CD8)
MD. Did you not get a positive opk while on clomid? I have heard of this but don't understand how it can happen, did your doctor explain why? It could help those going through it not to worry, esp as you got a bfp!

Jandei. I only ever had spotting a few hours before coming on while on vitex but when I added progesterone cream I would spot two to three days before. I thought it was because I wasn't using enough, will try look into it further.
You are not out until af comes so still keeping
Hate that smell too! I try not to keep the cup in for much more than an hr or two to reduce the chance of infection plus I only use it twice each cycle. What we do ttc
I have read the secret too, keep a copy of that and the power next to my bed.

Pink. It's not like you to lose hope?? You are a natural optimist. Maybe implantation takes longer than we think? Don't get down, I remember having this same conversation with mrsd and she got her bfp so no looking hope.

Ani. Welcome and you are not out until af arrives. I have heard of some ladies having success using vitex with pcos. It can increase chances of ovulation, shorten and regulate your cycle. Might be worth you looking into it IF you don't get that bfp this month.

Audnaz. How are you getting on? You didn't answer my last questions, sorry if they were too personal for you

39. You will have to update us with any golden nuggets of information you find in your book. We are always happy to learn. Have you read the secret too?

Lunar. I still get confused with the whole creamy/watery/sticky cm, ewcm is the only one I have worked out, lol. Sometimes it seems to be a mixture, just to mess with our heads. I'm only CD09, so just starting to use opk' s and timed bd'ing. Getting up to per is a good sign, let's hope this is your month

Dizzy. Welcome, I'm only a day ahead of you but as we know that can all change depending when we ovulate. 3 and 4 year olds, wow it must be great to have them so close together. Are you doing anything/using anything to help increase your chances?

8 years ago • Post starter

Happy. I have heard some verry encouraging things about acupuncture, just make sure they are experienced with fertility acupuncture.
I hope clomid works well for you, that and the acupuncture is sure to increase your chances Keep us updated on how you feel on clomid xx

8 years ago • Post starter

Good evening ladies, well it is here in UK , you have been busy today, welcome aniaka & dizzyniki, hope you get your soon and we are here for you either way
Thank you for all your support and pos comments, yes I was upset, especially as my boobs are so painful, im constantly light-headed and feel like my tummys gonna burst, all this of course could be down to the clomid doing its job , its 4 weeks since BD handed his sperm sample in and they have now got back to us and said he needs to do another one next wed as it has been misplaced? so if I am not preggers this month and his sperm is zero thats us out for a while at least, can't help worry about the clock ticking and not looking forward to my B/day in May turning 46, (is that too old to be a new mummy?)
Thankyou audnaz, mrsD, lunar, jandei, kerzie and 39andcounting, your words of wisdom and encouragement are the best, I wish you all lived down the road from me so we could have a cuppa together , your right by the way kerzie, I am very positive person normally so I had better stay that way thank you -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Although not my personal story I really want to share my sis in law's FULL story. To me she's the walking proof that miracles do happen.
Her dh is approaching 50 (she's only 33). They went in to a prior TTC doctor's visit and got checked out. She was more worried about his semen result because of his age and her being young she thought she was perfectly fine. Well, all their results came back. He had very low sperm count but that didn't compare to her results. She was going through pre-menopausal stages ALREADY. I don't remember her #s but her AMH (ovarian reserve) was pretty much non existent. FSH levels through the roof. They were telling her she didn't qualify for IVF and her chances we that of 1% to conceive with clomid. Her mom had full blown menopause at 40 and it's usually the same for daughters (give or take 3-4 years) This is of course very young and almost unheard of. I remember how she was upset that she never knew when her mom had menopause otherwise if she had known that she would've been trying sooner. She started acupuncture right away (twice a week) , drinking wheat grass every morning before o, royal jelly, taking daily walks and taking her prenatal. 6 months later her AMH were almost in the normal range!!!! That's unreal!!!! First she got pregnant a few months ago and had an ectopic. 3 months later on the 9 month of TTC and the month of bfp she added vitamid D3. Now she's 7 weeks and heard heart beat yesterday. She was also giving her dh Coq10, Iron, vtc C, and vit d plus a one a day vitamin. Although she qualified for all the procedures she didn't need them. She actually had an IUI scheduled for the following month. She thinks the acupuncture made her body function better. In her words it's like something "reset" in her body and started functioning full swing. Even when time was running out she made the best of it. Acupuncture is pretty much the only effective way to increase AMH leves and everything else you can think of. IT WORKS. I'm really thinking about trying it too!

8 years ago

Wow thats brilliant

8 years ago

Welcome Dizzy, glad you found us.

Kerzie. I love that book. Yea those softcups may work wonders for some women but definitely not for everybody.I actually read that progesterone can make you spot the first few months and that's actually a good thing . Not sure where I read that and why that is cause it doesn't make sense to me. If I can find it again I will post it.

Pink, I can't believe they lost you dh sperm!!! That's absolutely crazy but you were saying you had a feeling that this happened. Boy, how cool it would be if we all lived down the street from each other We could easily quit our jobs and give advice for a living with all the knowledge and experience lol

Ani, I don't like looking into things either but it's so hard not to

8 years ago

That story made me emotional. I love when God blesses us. I really do. I just turned 31 and I have had a roller coaster but I am a witness to God answering my prayers. You never know what he has in store for us all. All I can say is believe and when u are about to give in just don't give up is what I say. The light is at the end of the tunnel.

8 years ago

Jandei thank you for sharing that amazing story! God is real.

Happy I was doing acupuncture and I loved it. It's very relaxing. With this new book I think I will have to start again. I only stopped because my practitioner got hurt and took some time off then I just relocated so I have to find someone new.

Kerzie yes I read The Secret. I like The Power of Positive Thinking much better. My husband is a huge optimist so he keeps me positive. Although I was totally shocked that he was all for me taking Femara, because we are both anti western meds. I think his science brain took over. No Femara for me.

Can't wait to share what I learn from the book.

Positive vibes for you Pink!

8 years ago

Good morning ladies, (CD10)

Pink. I can't believe they have left you all this time only to admit to losing the test, do they not realise that these things are time sensitive? Bet someone dropped it or spilled it and rather than own up, hid the evidence. I'm sorry you both had to go through all that stress
In so many cultures and times gone by it is always the older women that look after the children (retired age). I think that our culture discriminates against age and it is wrong, age is a silly number that we should never measure ourselves to. If your heart is filled with love for a potential child and you still ovulate then why not? Check out fertility friends, they have a forum for over 50 and ttc and quite a few are successful! You will be a wonderful new mummy
Good luck with your next test xx

Jandei. Thank you for sharing with us, what hope it gives to us all. Your niece/nephew will be so treasured and loved beyond words, what more could a baby ask for. I am still hoping the stays away from you.
Wouldn't that be great to do this for a living

Mrsdaniel. Did you not get a positive opk while on clomid? I have heard of this but don't understand how it can happen, did your doctor explain why? It could help those going through it not to worry, esp as you got a bfp!

39. I think when you want to be pregnant so bad it is hard not to go to any lengths. It is good that both yours and your husband's views are the same, if one of you is tempted the other can step in and be strong. I admire your strength to stick to what you believe in

Afm. Time to start the Looking forward to a bit more fun, this week has been so busy. Will be testing at least twice a day, will NOT miss another ovulation and go through that stress.

Wishing all you ladies well and sending

8 years ago • Post starter

Pink- I agree with kerzie, Im sure the screwed up, how awful. Working in medicine, I can say that 1000% unacceptable. Hopefully they are more responsible this time. :(

Kerzie- Haven't taken any new supplements or anything new this cycle. This legnth between cycles hasnt happened before. I'm an open book, not too personal at all. Must've just read over it!

Jadei, MsDaniel, 39, happy,

Hope you ladies are all doing well!! (as well as anyone else i didn't name)

So, I just found out that I do in fact have PCOS. The tech was wrong, the radiologist or whoever ultimately reads the ultrasounds said I do have polycystic ovaries. I admit I am crushed. Completely devestated. My doctor is starting me on metformin today but I have to say I'm feeling very very low and ready to cry.

8 years ago

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