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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

831 - 840 of 2177 Replies | Last Page

Not heard of that.
Will google.
Sounds relaxing tho :)

8 years ago

Shanta-I was reading about the hip bath..Just use caution.. It said this about it.

“HPV can live on the surfaces of objects for long periods of time,” he says. If someone is sitting on something, he would make sure that the seat has a disposable lining. Hygiene purposes...


8 years ago

Good morning ladies and happy hump day!

Welcome Khanada! You've joined a great group of ladies. Your cycle sounds positive. Test in another day or two since the pregnancy doubles every 2-3 days. Our forum seems to be a good luck charm for all the newbies so I am sure you will get your soon.

Shanta I am so jealous. I have always wanted to do the hip bath. It's also called the vaginal steam bath. They don't offer it where I live but it's popular in California. Where do you live? Definitely let us know about your experience.

Holly you asked Kerzie about the sex of her baby but it's Kaimarie who is pregnant. Well maybe you are predicting the

Kerzie !

Kaimarie good to hear from you hun. So is it all becoming real to you now?

8 years ago

ooops 39, you are SOOOO right!!!! Sorry about that Kerzie! Kaimarie, will you know the sex soon??? :-)

8 years ago

Well H-E-L-L-O Ladies!!! Good day to you.

Welcome Khanada! Your cycle sounds promising!

Holly - oh my! Glad to see you didn't just drop out... I was getting a little worried girl, but your explanation was most amusing! I've had a lot of problems myself with the site crashing and then I type up a large response ... then it crashes! Go figure!

Shanta - sounds interesting! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Kai- so good to hear from you lady! How are you?

ATM I am on CD6 and starting my (Natural Fertility Shop) Fertility Cleanse. I took my temp today, but am thinking that maybe I'll take this month off of temping since I'm really not supposed to be ttc during the cleanse because of the possibility of toxins in my system. Other people on their site have claimed to get a bfp before they finish the month long cleanse, but I'm not sure I want to take that risk. It will be a nice break from temping since I've been doing that for over 2 years now. BTW - this oldie (I'd like to say this... Fine Wine...) is 47 years young! xoxo

and to all!

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8 years ago

Thought I'd bring up the topic of "hair dye". Safety of chemicals is a concern of mine, especially if "trying" to get pregnant or already are pregnant. Would like to know what you gals are doing? Are you dying your hair? Leaving it grey? Would like advice please!! I only have a few grey hairs and have only dyed my hair a few times in my life....

8 years ago

Also, could everyone please tell me what supplements they are on? I'm on B-Complex with Vit. C and Folic Acid. I also take 1000 I.U. Vit. D3 twice daily. Thanks!

8 years ago

Holly I dont know what half those are your taking but I take the pregnacare for conception tabs and my other half takes wellman tabs & ginseng tea, the tabs contain all sorts of vits, lycrene, folic acid, ginseng amongst other stuff, also d2 and low dose aspirin daily, pineapple juice implantation time, flaxseed before ov and progesterone cream after lol, it seems a lot all written down but never really noticed before now, and for hair dye well my hair is pink lol, Ive been pink for last 10 years or so, my natural hair colour is a boring shade of brown and when I went to a hair dressers once ages ago they did it various shades of brown, I hated it and told them I felt like ken barlow from coronation street and went home and dyed it bright orange hahaha, anyway no grey for me yet, (my mum/nan never went grey) but i still do a permanent dye every 2 months so the directions natural pink punk colour takes, Ive never had a prob with hair dyes even through pregnancy etc, good job really
Hiya Baby, yea we are not old, we are in our prime
How you doing 39 -x-

8 years ago

Pinkster - LOL Hi there Prime Lady! Lucky you that you don't turn grey! I'm afraid I would be very salt & pepper ... heavy on the salt if I didn't dye my hair. I am a brunette also, but love my natural color... although I really don't know what that is anymore!!

Holly - I go to my hairdresser, who is a very good friend of mine and knows I am ttc. She has been using an organic hair dye on me. It's a little more expensive, but worth it to me. Well currently I am cleansing so am only taking a low dose aspirin and prenatal vitamin daily. After the cleanse I will be on the aspirin as well as a multivitamin/prenatal from the Natural Fertility Shop that includes Vitex and Maca Root! It's all in one so I don't have to take as many pills!

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8 years ago

Evening all, (CD10)

Khanada. Big welcome, another oldie here at 44. Everything is sounding good for you this cycle , Hope you get your in the next few days. Do you take Mecca capsules or powder? I couldn't stand the taste so bought some capsules to put it in.

Holly. Glad to see you back, I've got a problem with monsters too but they steal time from me. I swear days are shorter. Gathered the msg was for kai, wish I was going for a scan but my time will come As for hair dye is it worries you use non permanent hair dye to cover the grey. I can't use permanent hair dye without my head swelling up like a football so can only use bleach or non permanent. I'm bright red at mo.

Shanta. Never heard of it but let us know how it goes x

39. Thanks I needed that laugh, had a mother of all fights with h (he doesn't deserve the d at moment) last night and feeling drained and shitty today. To top it all can't shift my headache, men aaaah!!!!! So glad I'm not ovulating yet, can you imagine

Baby. Good luck with the fertility cleanse, keep us updated on how it goes

Pink. Amazon does a good deal on his and hers pregnacare conception, if you order two boxes at a time it also qualifies for free delivery. My natural hair colour was described as mousey brown (they now call it dark blonde) but yes it's drab and boring. I like to change it up a lot too, I'm crimson red for now.

Afm. Having a bit of a crap time just now and want to escape my life, just for a little break. Anyone ever felt claustrophobic with their life? I need to go do something fun, I need to laugh a lot! Sorry for being down

8 years ago • Post starter

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