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9 days late - Negative Blood test and HPT

I am currently 9 days late! This is the longest cycle I've ever had in my life. (Today is day 39)

I have had BFN after BFN. On cycle day 37, I had blood drawn, and again...a BFN. My fiance is still convinced that I am pregnant, and I'm not so sure after being told my blood result was negative.

I'm still not sure if I should hold out hope or not.

Have any of you had a negative HPT and a negative blood test, but were still pregnant?

4 Answers • 6 years ago



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1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Are you temping or tracking ovulation this cycle? If you are and know whaen you ovulated, its highly unlikely. However, if you weren't tracking, perhaps you ovulated super late for some reason, in which case you could be pregnant but too early to get a positive.

6 years ago

I'm not sure when I ovulated, as i never got a peak earlier this month when I started testing on day 9 of my cycle. I've never tracked my temperature at all. I'm wondering if I should start.

6 years ago • Post starter

I had a 39 day cycle (AF arrived July 9th) never thought I would be happy to see the witch. Especially when TTC and your body decides to go wacky!!!! But I got a peak on CBFM June 17th (Father’s Day CD18) but I never got a rise on my temp after a week I went to Dr and did blood work to see if she could see if I ovulated. Well that Saturday my temp went up finally!! (Cd 24) she called Monday and said I was at my peak so I knew I ovulated finally. Guess my body tried but stress caused it to delay and try again. I usually have a 32 days cycle and ovulate CD17-20. With a 14 day LP. Well I didn’t end up pregnant as you can see above AF arrive July 9th. So I don’t know if this helped you but I just wanted to share that I had a long cycle and maybe you ovulated later than expected and could be pregnant. Best of luck and baby dust to you!
I have probably done and took everything someone has mentioned on this site to try LOL! Currently take prenatal, DH and I are both on Maca Root as well. But I done EPO, pre seed, baby aspirin, to eating pineapple core for 5 days after ovulation!

6 years ago

Thank you, that does help! Hopefully you see a BFP in the near future!

6 years ago • Post starter

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