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3rd Degree Tear - anyone?


I have had 3 babies, pregnant with my 4th.
With my 1st, i had forceps in theatre and had a lot of stitches.
2nd, 3rd degree tear, stiched in theatre
3rd baby, 3rd degree tear, stiched in theatre.

My question is, with this 4th baby, i am thinking a C Section needs to happen to stop future incontinance issues but i hate the idea and desperately want to have another natural birth...what would you do?

Ingi :)

3 Answers • 6 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

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Hi there. With my first pregnancy I got third degree tear and it was horendous and the healing process took forever. I'm anxious to deliver this baby in case I get third degree tear again. I really don't want a c-section as I don't want to deal with the scarring. So, needless to say, I am in the same boat as you.

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6 years ago

With my 3rd i saw a consultant who told me i had a 4% chance of another 3rd degree tear. Well i did tear again and had to go to theatre.
May sound crazy but i like giving birth naturally, the thought of having a C Section scares me and the 6 weeks recovery with 3 other children at home! But the thought of have incontinence issues in the futue scares me too...just dont know what to do!

Ingi :)

6 years ago • Post starter

I totally agree with you. Natural is so much better as I heard you don't get to hold the baby when he/she is born when you get a c-section and if I don't get that then I feel that I will loose that bond with my child.

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6 years ago

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