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New cycle

I am saying that CD one was the day that I started my miscarriage. Thursday night I took the four misoprostol vaginally along with pain medication and sleeping pill given to me by my doctor. I went to bed around 9 and woke up at 8 the next morning. Very small amount of spotting. Then went back to bed. That was when all hell broke loss. TMI heavy bleeding started I was passing huge things probably about 6 to 8 inches in size pretty gross and upsetting. The heavy bleeding has continued. The pain hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be, doctor made it sound like it would be terrible and the stories I read online too. They felt like menstrual cramps. I have always been one to have bad cramps so this wasn't anything different for me. I feel very tiered and depressed. My moods are all over the place. I'm either angry or crying. It is up and down and back and forth. Probably all the hormones still. But trying to move on. I need to see the doctor again this week to make sure that my body "got rid" of everything. If not I will need to do a D&C to prevent any infections. Hoping the bleeding slows up soon. I just want to move on and start TTC again.

I have been blessed to have a fantastic husband. He has been there despite my nasty attitude and emotions. He took care of the house all of our fur babies and me. I couldn't ask for a better man.
I am counting Friday as CD 1. The doctor didn't tell me when I could start trying again, and I didn't ask either. I think my body will know, planing on just going with the flow this cycle. Not doing anything but enjoying my husband when I get back in the mood.

Thank you again ladies for all of your support and words of encouragement it really has helped and means a lot to me.

26 Comments • 9 years ago



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My hear breaks for the loss. I applaud your strength and courage, you really are a strong woman. Praying for your rainbow baby soon. Hugs

9 years ago

I am so sorry that you are going through this - I agree with are a really strong woman. No one should ever have to go through this! Praying things go smoothly and you get your rainbow baby soon!

9 years ago

Awww sweets, I have been checking and checking for updates from you and think of you constantly. That is the most terrifying thing a woman can go through but you are handling it like a trooper. Sounds like your body is doing what it should so lets hope there will be no need of a D&C.<img src=

9 years ago

Sending love and hugs your way, my heart goes out to you and your hubby xx

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9 years ago

I've been thinking about you a lot. My heart breaks for you. The anger & emotions being all over the place is normal after a miscarriage. It is actually a loss of a life that you loved so dearly. You are a strong woman and I admire your courage.
I'm glad you & your dh have such a strong relationship.
Hopefully everything will pass & I'm glad you are getting checked out later this week. Prayers & hugs sweetie.

9 years ago

I'm so so sorry that you have to go through this. I think about you guys all the time and I'm praying for you. It's good to hear that your husband is treating you so well and helping so much. We're here for you any time. Praying it'll be over soon. Hugs

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9 years ago

I'm glad to hear you are okay - was worried about you over the weekend. It sounds as if you have handled this awful situation with amazing strength. Feeling depressed, angry, etc. is totally justified. Allowing yourself to feel all of those ranges of emotions is a healthy part of dealing with the loss. I am hopeful that your Dr. appt goes well this week. Hugs,

9 years ago

Thinking of you and I hope you won't have to get a D&C xx

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

9 years ago

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I've been thinking about you and praying you are okay. I'll send tons of healing thoughts and prayers your way. I'm glad to hear your hubs is your rock. He sounds like he's doing a good job. Huge hugs!! <3<3

9 years ago

<3 Thinking of you. You are in my prayers.

Jan 6 2010 - DS Preston May 27, 2013 "Angel Baby" - (13 weeks) Feb 20, 2015 Sleeping Angel Connor Everett - (36w4d) Mommy loves you Sweet Angel.

9 years ago

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