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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies, yeah I've only recently qualified as a pastry chef, so I'm just doing bits and pieces with it at the moment. I've been a qualified baker and cake decorator for a few years which is what I've mainly been doing and I absolutely love it (although the early mornings as a baker are pretty tough!). I think while I'm pregnant I'm going to focus more on the cake designing and decorating side as it's something I can do at home and carry on as I get bigger.

I'm really trying to eliminate stress from my life the best I can as when I had my mc last year I was working such an insane schedule and was so stressed that I'm pretty sure that played a part in it. I know that there's nothing I can do to completely make sure it doesn't happen again but I just think for the first couple of months at least, trying to cut back on any added stress will be a good thing. Hubby is very supportive and keeps telling me to sit down and put my feet up! Saying all that I think I need to really keep myself busy this week so I don't keep getting myself worked up about the scan on Monday, its less than a week away but it seems like forever! I'm just terrified, but I'm praying that we'll see our little baby on the screen and that everything will be fine. Please pray for me ladies!!

Fluff - it must be really hard to stay strong around this time when you're expecting AF. Will you be testing if she doesn't show tomorrow?

MoVegas - Praying this is your month. How many dpo do you think you are and when do you plan on testing or are you going to wait and see if AF shows? Good luck!!!

11 years ago

Hi ladies,

Fluff, what's your status?

Baking, eliminating stress is HUGE and hard. So good for you for making that a focus. I can also speak from experience now that acupuncture is a HUGE stress reliever and worth looking in to. I can't tell you how much better I feel when I walk out of that office.

I suspect I'm 7dpo and not planning to test until at least the weekend. I really, really, really want to just wait for AF, but I'm not sure I have the patience this month! I'll keep you ladies posted!

11 years ago

Baking, eliminating stress is good to do...that is good to make that a focus, I think we all need to eliminate stress in our causes so much harm mentally, physically ...

MoVegas, I am glad to hear that acupuncture is going so well and that you feel totally stress relieved from it. Hehe it is challenging to wait to test but try to see if you can wait a little longer this month and of course keep us posted!

Well AF didn't show up yesterday and I would have test this morning but I woke up to cramping and knew AF must be on the way, and sure enough cramps are getting worse, feeling bloated and just checked AF is here. *Think happy thoughts, Think happy thoughts, not thoughts of AF, not thoughts of AF* *sigh*

Anyways... How is everyone else doing?
Lily, we are waiting to hear from you :)

11 years ago

hi ladies just checking in, 30 weeks now and baby is engaged, dac said it could be any day now but hopinh to hang on in there for another wee while.

stay stronge ladies your day is just around the corner.

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11 years ago

Mazie, I will be praying for you and baby! try to take care and not worry okay, everything will be okay.

11 years ago

Hey, ladies! Sorry to keep you in suspense, but I did have the baby! Alyssa Rose was born 9/21/12 weighing 9 pounds and measuring 21 inches long! Here is a link to a pic and my full birth story.

Thank you all for the prayers and sorry I didn't let you know sooner. She's been a handful. I'm thinking of you all as always! Thank you for always being there for me.

11 years ago • Post starter

Aww yey Lily, I'm so glad to hear your good news. Alyssa Rose is SUCH a beautiful name! Congratulations!!!

MoVegas - Did you test this weekend or did you manage to hold out? I really hope this is your month!!

Fluff - I hope AF wasn't too bad this month and that you're staying strong :-(

Well, for me today was the day, my first scan! Aaaaaand, everything looks lovely!!! Baby is measuring 7 weeks and we got to see the lovely little heartbeat flickering away, it was sooooooooo reassuring! Here's a link to the a piccie, sorry about the quality, I had to take a picture of the picture on my phone which isn't very good!

Hope all of you ladies are doing well and I've been thinking about you all. Please pray for this little one!

11 years ago

Congrats Lily and Baking on your wonderful news. I pray for all you ladies every day. I am feeling crappy. I go to my midwife again on friday. Hoping to hear the heartbeat maybe. I am 9w today..Yay!!!

11 years ago

Awwww, welcome baby Rose! She's absolutely gorgeous! And congrats on the scan baking - I am sure that warms your heart.

Smiley - is it all morning sickness? Exhaustion?

I didn't make it through the weekend without testing. I tested Saturday - 10dpo and got a bfn. So today I'm day 25 - I should start tomorrow or Wednesday, but as of now I have NO symptoms of AF. Usually I'd at least be bloated, but I'm not. Then again I've been dieting and working out like crazy, so maybe I just don't FEEL bloated?!?!? I don't know. Afraid to test again, so I'm not going to. I have a big work event tomorrow night and if I haven't started by Wednesday morning, maybe I'll test again.

Fluff, how are you doing?

Thanks for all your support ladies. It's amazing that getting on here and reading about ladies I don't really even know makes me feel good.

11 years ago

Lily, she is beautiful, congratulations :) I am so happy you and little Alyssa Rose are doing well.

Baking, aww I am so glad that you were able to see the baby and the heart beating away... I know that brings you much comfort and joy.

Smiley, I know you will be excited to visit with the midwife Friday and hear that little heart beating :) yay for already making it to 9w

MoVegas, hang in there okay, you never know that bfp could be just around the corner for you! Exercising and eatting better does help with bloating and other af stuff... but not always ya know.

I am doing okay, I had another werid cycle... Thursday when af started I had very very bad cramps and it was kind of a normal CD1 as flow goes..then on CD2 it was light and then nothing for the remaining 2 days... this has happened before its been some month ago but I went through all the testing wasn't pregnant and I haven't tested but I do know that I am not pregnant, I just know ya know? But this short cycle concerns me..that something must be wrong.

I have my moments of weakness, moments I think about the desire to have a baby... but God always is there for me to help me through those trying moments ...

11 years ago

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