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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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9081 - 9090 of 9961 Replies | Last Page

Jace - I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I completely understand.

Pink - I hope this next cycle is it for you!

AFM, I'm a fucking nutcase. That's all!!

8 years ago

Hahahaha yes phatgirl, we are all mad here and thank you, wish this could be a good month for us all :) -x-x-x-

8 years ago

Ahh, finally found a place that I can feel comfortably insane lol!
I'm sitting here as I post this convincing myself that I am and am not pregnant at the same time . For me I know it's just the cycle of feeling symptoms and acknowledging that, then reminding myself that Im sure I feel this every month so don't go out and buy a crib tomorrow lol. And my hubby is no better at keeping my head out of the clouds...he has actually started rubbing my belly at night before bed. Guess he's taking the "speak it into existence" route

8 years ago

Hi Baby dreams yes we know these feelings well, the ups and downs, confusion and being so eager to give a little bump so much love, are we, arent we arghhh!!! My partner is still talking to my tummy even when Im on? which is crazy but good they are going through it with us, I found this site helps you keep on going at really tough times and its a real boost when someone gets a positive and shares their happy news -x-x-x-

8 years ago

Pinkster123 yes it's so comforting to know they are possibly just as crazy & obsessed as we are
Love this site though!

8 years ago

crazy.... me crazy???????? thank goodness i'm not the only one!!!!

9 days late and my boobs feel like they are inflated balloons filled with concrete, i have sore armpits, dry mouth, cramps and nausea... i feel like pulling my hair out.

I feel like AF is going to arrive and constantly checking, i took a test today ...BFN, i wasn't surprised.

Just want to know if i am pregnant or if AF is arriving soon!!!!!!!

8 years ago

Young & Dreams - Welcome!! And no, you're totally not crazy!!

Not sure if I've updated y'all from my scan on Friday morning. I'm at a pretty high risk for OHSS, since on Friday I had EIGHT follies maturing! If they've all kept growing by the time I have my next scan tomorrow morning, my RE will want to cancel the cycle and he's going to tell me not to trigger. Which I think I'm going to do anyway. Even he told me before we started that considering my history, I have a higher chance of NONE of this work than to have a multiple pregnancy. We'll see. I'm super excited this cycle. DH is even into it!!


8 years ago

Young & Dreams - Welcome!! And no, you're totally not crazy!!

Not sure if I've updated y'all from my scan on Friday morning. I'm at a pretty high risk for OHSS, since on Friday I had EIGHT follies maturing! If they've all kept growing by the time I have my next scan tomorrow morning, my RE will want to cancel the cycle and he's going to tell me not to trigger. Which I think I'm going to do anyway. Even he told me before we started that considering my history, I have a higher chance of NONE of this work than to have a multiple pregnancy. We'll see. I'm super excited this cycle. DH is even into it!!


8 years ago

Super sorry for the novel LOL

@cateegg- I hope everything is well! No news is good news :). I hear of sooo many girls spotting after sex when pregnant cause their cervix has extra bloodflow. I completely understand the fear though. I'm thinking of you .

@Holly- Good Luck Love ! Cant wait for an update :)

@2frsty- I hope your cycle doesnt get cancelled sweetie! You spend sooo much money on meds and to have it cancelled stinks. I'd trigger too. I had 7 follies with trigger and none took, so like you said, it's always possible that none would take instead of all. He may recommend a half dose of trigger to lower risks of ohss. I hope everything works out smoothly though. How are your injections going? It's scary the first couple times but awkwardly fun cause you know what it's for :).
I'm sorry you have to deal Rosacea. Skin issues suck. I have cystic acne due to this stupid pcos. It flared up really bad right before I started this provera. I had 10 cysts from my cheekbones down to my chin. It's so painful, swollen and red. I'm always embarrassed to go out during flare ups. I'll be 30 this year but the girl at the grocery store carded me for a bottle of wine cause I looked like a teenager. I'm sure the pubescent looking acne didnt help. Luckily everything is in healing mode right now. I hope the Dermablend helps. It's so hard to find a good coverup makeup that doesnt make you feel like a cakey mess.

@pinkster- I'm sorry AF arrived. I hope dh can get in for a swimmers test soon :)

@Babydreams & youngatheart- Welcome to the nuthouse! Lol!
Babydreams- awe, that's so sweet. DH pokes and talks to my belly everytime we go through treatment. He wants it so bad. Where are you in your cycle?

youngatheart- those sound like some really uncomfortable boobs! You're not out til the witch sings!

@jacesmama- I feel your pain honey. You know you can talk to me whenever you need to :)

AFM- I have 4 days left of provera. It's weird that you can look forward to AF but then again not. We have $900 of the $1200, we need for our next injectable cycle but dh and I had a long talk today.
I've broken down a few times over the past few weeks since finding out my sister is pregnant (btw she's 7 weeks, strong heartbeat). I keep my emotions in check around her but it's when I get home that I just need a hug from dh. Well, last monday after her first u/s, I balled in dh's arms for like 10 minutes. As happy as I am that she has a healthy peanut right now, I'm super angry and upset and depressed and everyother jacked up emotion, over the brokenness of my body and the fact that I never got to see my babies' heartbeats. So dh spent his downtime at the office this week researching more on pcos. Granted I'm practically an expert on the subject but he wanted to read for himself so he could help me in anyway he could. Anyways, we talked about our babymaking funds and I told him that as much as I want this I dont feel emotionally and physically ready for another injectable cycle right now. I know it sounds crazy but it's been a rough few months and I think I need to concentrate on my mental and physical health right now. We will continue to build our RE savings so we can afford 2 cycles before continuing. In the meantime, we're going to get back to really taking care of ourselves. Dh is already a crossfitter with a hot body but he gained about 5 pounds over christmas thanks to cookies lol. But me....yeah..I need some work! LOL So I'm going to concentrate on getting my body is the best shape for a healthy, strong pregnancy.
Granted mthfr makes that more difficult, but that's where the RE comes in. But as far as PCOS...I dont want it to define me anymore. It will always be a battle but I'm not going let it win!
I'll continue temping, supplementing and praying I ovulate but we're going to take a break on ovulation induction at the dr. Hopefully we'll be back at it soon (Like no later than May) lol.
Dont worry, I'll be on here still. Y'all are my family!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies, new here.

I've been reading ur comments for a while and finally decided to join the conversation:)

waitingonamiracle - I just read ur bio and all I can say it wow! U are an inspiration to all of us here. Ur determination and courage has me in awe.

I cried just reading it so I can't imagine how much u have gone thru.
I so hope u get ur rainbow baby soon. Unfortunately I know what having an angel baby is like. I had a MMC at 3 months last January and have been TTC my rainbow baby since. It's tough but I'm glad we have this board to help us thru it.

AF is suppose to show up any day now but I'm still hoping for a BFP and I'm obsessing about every symptom just like everybody else.

8 years ago

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