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June/July IVF buddies?

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Anyone starting IVF soon or starting IVF again? This is my first cycle trying it and am looking for others to chat with during the process whether you are a first timer like me or you could practically get an honorary doctorate in reproductive endocrinology because you know so much :-)

197 Replies • 11 years ago



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Lilangel- I am so sorry your embryo didn't make it to transfer. Please don't feel defeated! If you want to expand your family I know you will find a way to do it! Thanks for your prayers for my fet. It's so thoughtful of you in the midst of your own disappointment and I can use all the help I can get. It's so wonderful having you to chat with through all this because not many people understand just how difficult this is.

Waitinggame - How is trying on your own this month going? Are you waiting for ovulation? I hope you get lucky this month and don't have to move on to ivf!

On a final note, I had my u/s check today for the fet. Lining and blood work both looked good. So now all I have to do is start progesterone and wait (impatiently) til next Friday!

10 years ago • Post starter

mnor - sounds like things are plugging along for you! Hopefully your body is much more relaxed this time for the FET since you didn't have to go through nearly as much!

Trying on our own is not going great. Mainly just because I haven't even gotten a positive ovulation test (and I doubt I will). I'm CD 24 right now. At this point, I'm just waiting on my period so I can start BCP's and get this going! I'm so anxious! Sounds like I'll only have to take about two weeks of them. We still haven't chosen our "package" and I'll have to do that by the day I go in for baseline. I have a choice of four and I think we will go with the 2 fresh and unlimited FET's (depending on how many you get, which could be none!).

Keep us posted mnor!

10 years ago

The packages definitely seem to be the best deal. We had to take a bunch of qualifying tests and got into a refund program which includes 3 fresh and 3 frozen cycles. It cost 15,000 up front but when we crunched the numbers we would have paid over 30,000 paying cycle by cycle for that many tries and we get 75% back if all 6 don't work. So far I feel like it was worth it, I don't even have to get my wallet out for copays when I go in. All I pay for out of pocket now is meds. If you can come up with the money I would recommend going with a package, just make sure you read the fine print of what is included. About 75% of ivf procedures use icsi so if that isn't included it may not be a great deal. Ultrasound and lab appts can add up too so try to get those included as well.

10 years ago • Post starter

Well, I see everything is moving along for you mnor0406...did you have the transfer?

thewaitinggame...what have you decided do? Will you be moving on to IVF soon?

We still don't know what exactly we are going to do, I don't think I would do another ivf cycle. It just didn't seem like my body responded very well. I literally only got 1 shot at it and spend way too much money doing it. We could have done like 8 IUI's. We got pregnant with my daughter through IUI with only using only clomid. I don't know what to feel anymore, we are starting to look at adoption however I am nervous about that and I don't know if I quite feel like giving up on trying to have our own child. I wish my clinic had a package, but they don't offer that. I think I will email my clinic and ask to do a follow-up over the phone so I don't have to drive 2 hours for a 15 min appt. I hope that my doctor will do that, and I really trust his opinion, so I think I need to hear what he thinks.

I hope everything is going well for both of you

10 years ago

I am now 2dp6dt! Had to thaw all 4 embryos because the first 2 weren't good quality. The 2nd 2 were much better, one rapidly expanding blastocyst and 1 that was also expanding just slower. So now if this doesn't work I will have to do another retrieval which I don't want to do again, especially now that I can't take a whole month off work to do it. I am trying to stay super positive and hopeful but still preparing for the worst. I kind of can't help it after so many failures.

I am doing everything to get these embryos to stick! Stayed on bedrest the day of transfer, only got up a couple times and I have just really tried to relax all weekend. Also, keeping my feet warm, which I don't like, but Chinese medicine suggests it and I will try anything. I like the saying "you can't bake a bun in a cold oven". Made sense to me so what the hell...I will try it. Also, have been trying vissualization techniques, like visualizing the embryos implant and like sewing them in. Again...will try anything.

I am wondering if I am going crazy but feel like I am having symptoms already. I have a headache, have been dizzy and nauseous and have really sore breasts. Now I have had these from progesterone before, but I started progesterone twice daily over a week ago, when in the past I just did once daily. Normally I experience symptoms right away so it is strange that I didn't have anything until after the transfer. Especially with a double dose I would think that would hit me faster.

Guess I won't know for another week or so, but I really hope this is it!

Lilangel- If you conceived with an iui before, you could still be able to again. Maybe it was just luck of the draw that it didn't work before you moved on to ivf. Hopefully if you give the iui's a few more chances it will eventually work! It is about the same chances as bding normally so maybe you just need a few more tries.

10 years ago • Post starter

Sounds really promising...I am really hoping that you are pregnant.

I have a follow-up apt booked with doctor tomorrow morning. He agreed to do it over the phone so that's really good. I'm curious to see what he as to say.

We started the adoption training class and it seems to be going ok so far. I guess we can pursue both avenues until we know exactly what we want to do.

10 years ago

hey mnor0406 how are you feeling? When do you go for blood work? I can't wait to hear how you are doing.

I had my follow-up appointment on the phone the other day and my doctor actually recommended not doing anything right now, He told me he is working on getting some new technology in his clinic in the new year and wants me to wait. He said he couldn't give me any details yet but he said its a more cost effective way and he thinks I would be perfect candidate for it. He called it invocell. I asked him if I should call him in the new year and he told me that they would probably be calling me, so not sure exactly what that meant but I guess we will be waiting to do anything else and will continue with adoption in the mean time.

10 years ago

mnor - so anxious to hear your results, I know it's got to be soon. I have my fingers crossed for you!!!

lilangel - that new procedure sounds really interesting. Definitely keep as posted as you learn more about that.

As for me, I thought I just wasn't going to ovulate this month. I had given up with the OPK's, but then finally noticed increased CM and decided to test. Sure enough, positive for ovulation and then I felt the cramping later that day. I'm now 10 dpo. I had some light pink spotting after sex last night... wondering if that means anything? I haven't had any other symptoms except for Friday I was super tired and feeling a little sick. I'm definitely trying not to get my hopes up since I doubt I can conceive unassisted, yet staying positive! I mean, I am on a cocktail of medicines and supplements that I wasn't before! Planning to test Wednesday morning (12 dpo).

As for IVF, I would start my bcp's and go in for baseline as soon as my period starts, but now DH seems to be getting cold feet! It is SOOO frustrating... this we are rushing into such a drastic measure. I'm like... it's been two years!!! Hopeing he will come around (he's a super wishy-washy person to begin with) and also hoping I can go through with as much as possible without signing the IVF papers to give him more time to figure this out.\

Maybe my miracle will happen this month and I won't have to worry!?

10 years ago

I have no idea what to think or feel right now! I took hpts from 4dp6dt til 8dp6dt and they were all stark white negative. I read that most ladies got a positive around 5-7 dpt so I gave up and didn't test yesterday and decided to just wait til my beta officially told me it didn't work. So today 10dpt, I had my beta done and my hcg level was a 5 which my clinic counts as positive. They said they like to see numbers around 50 or so and not to get too attached because it probably won't continue. Ugh! I have to go back in 2 days for another beta. So I am really hoping it just implanted late and my numbers are heading up. Since I didn't get any positive hpt's I hope that it's going up and not down. So I have 2 more days to be in pregnancy limbo :-(

Lilangel - That new research sounds exciting! Maybe they will ask you to participate in a study? Some places do that and won't charge you. Can't wait to hear more about it! Have you started any adoption research yet?

Waitinggame - That's great that you think you ovulated! 10dpo is right in the implantation window so maybe it was some implantation bleeding. I really hope that this is your lucky cycle :-)

10 years ago • Post starter

Another update: Beta on 12dpt was 16. It more than tripled with a doubling time of 28 hours! I also got bfp's finally on 13 and 14dpt (see post) and I am going for beta #3 today. I am hoping they at least double again! By the look of the hpt's I think it is still rising. I am so excited but still wary because the numbers are still on the low end of the normal range.

10 years ago • Post starter

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