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BYOB: Blocked Tubes & Leaking Boobs

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Hi ladies!!

Lets start things off as usual.... with an introduction/update!

My name is Joy
DH and I are both 29 (he'll be 30 next month)
we've been together just over 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
We have 1 fur baby named Cooper
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but will soon be a stay at home mommy

I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby

Got pregnant again in June of 2011, but had a missed m/c (baby had died at 8 weeks) with many complications & a 3 week hospital stay

I Finally got back to TTC in Jan/Feb 2012 and on March 21st I got my BFP!
I am currently 38 weeks 2 Days pregnant with a precious baby BOY!
I am due in just 12 short days, on Dec 1st 2012!

This is truly an amazing group of ladies & I really hope our string of luck (& bfps) continues!! ladies!


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100 Replies • 11 years ago



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infertility clinic tomorrow, I wonder if they're going to stop my Clomid?

Period due the day after.

Very moody - full of PMT. I wish I would just sleep for the next week and not have to put up with the period pains and depression

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

periods due today, nothing yet but I do have a killer headache!

almost got all the Christmas stuff sorted now.

any news from anyone else?

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

Everyone has disappeared again!!!!

Lisa, I so have my finger crossed for a Christmas BFP for

User Image User Image Very Faint 17.08.12 it sticks!!!!!!!

11 years ago

just got my period only slightly late, onto clomid cycle 5!

if I conceive this month my baby would be due around my birthday which would be cool. it also means if I don't I will be 26 at least by the time it arrives and my dd will be almost 6!

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

That is poo Lisa, I am so sorry showed her ugly face, Good luck for your next

User Image User Image Very Faint 17.08.12 it sticks!!!!!!!

11 years ago

So I had a colposcopy yesterday with a biopsy. I was told to expect some bleeding. Well I'm bleeding alright so much so that I'm sure it's my period. Only 15 days late. I'm actually kind of relieved. It wouldn't be fair to bring a baby into this situation with my exdf. I'm going to go back on bc and wait until I'm in a stable relationship.

Elle-- sorry AF came. All the best to you on your next cycle. I'm rooting for you!

Happy Christmas everyone!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

Sorry its been so long!! Thing have been crazy busy here with all the Christmas festivities!!

Did I miss anything exciting??

Elle - So sorry the evil witch showed up hun... but a bday baby would be awesome! FX!

J1M - I'm still here, just been too busy to respond!! Hope all is well!! xx

Jil - Sorry about af & that you're gonna be going back on bc... prob smart to wait tho.

Only went back a page, so I am sure I missed a ton! Sorry!! Thinking of you all!!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!

xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hi all! Just wanted to jump in here and say I'm still reading but I got hired on at my job so I am in full new job new life mode! I was actually RELIEVED to see AF this month because I couldn't imagine starting in 2 weeks and saying "btw, that maternity leave I get now? Ye3ah, I need to use that in 8 months..." WHEW. I'm so excited and things are great. I am relieved to not be pregnant right now so I'm just going to try and wait a few months to get my new job under my belt!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

User Image User Image

11 years ago

Hi all!

Well the thread's pretty much dead again but I thought I would update anyway lol who knows someone might read it.

I am cd13 on Clomid cycle 5. Still just in 50mg. So I am heading into the fertile phase. This month I am also seeing the sepcialist at the hospital and having a scan to see how my ovaries are coping.

1 day into new year and thus far no family or friends have announced a pregnancy haha!

I hope you're all doing well!

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

What happened?? Where did everybody go??

elle - hope all goes well this cycle!

xx Joy

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

11 years ago • Post starter

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