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Cycle buddy for 6dpo

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Im looking for someone who would like to compare notes with me during this wait time!!

81 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi 30y/o and 4 wks post op TR. Had TR 3/23/2012 and after local ob gave green light to ttc on 3/9/12 i tested 11,12 and got -opk but on 3/13 i got my :) only 3 wks after surgery and iam now 6dpo...tww is horrible but im praying for bfp in a few days...fx

12 years ago

Oy vay! I have been tracking for four months out of the five now and the positive OPK has fallen between days 14-15 each time....except now, of course! I do use the digital test and it has bee negative since I started testing on day 11... but I always eject the stick and look at the two lines. On day 11 it was pretty dark.... by today, day 15 - almost non-existant. Luckily we have been having sex - just in case - every other day since day 8, but I feel like since I do not know when I ovulated that I completely missed the opportunity! I go to the RE for the first time next Friday. What is the first visit like?

Oh, no! That is bad timing. It stinks having to decide on delaying taking the test that may reveal something or missing an ovulation. I vote for delaying the test a week. That is a one week delay as compared to a month.

Do the injectibles carry higher side effect risks? That is what scares me most about Clomid et al... the side effects.

I wish you: with a positive OPK so you will not have to delay or skip!

12 years ago • Post starter

Good luck, LJ! Keep us posted : )

12 years ago • Post starter

How did you do this weekend, MNor?

12 years ago • Post starter

Appt on Friday went well. Pretty similar to regular OB at this point. Have to run more tests before we make more plans. I'm going back this Wed for testing and on CD3 of next cycle to test hormones before we consider trying either a higher dose of Clomid, injectables or a combo.

I know Clomid slightly increases your chances for multiples, not sure about the injectables. I think I'll do some research today. Half of my students are out today because of snow days (go figure in mid-April). I work at a school that is made up of many districts. I should have some time on my hands.

DH and I bd-ed for the last time yesterday until after his test on Wed. Still no smiley face on CD19. If we get one tomorrow though I'll have DH postpone his test.

Hope you caught that egg if you missed your smiley face!

12 years ago

Im just waiting for my first RE appt Friday and to see if AF shows up. I don't feel terribly pregnant ...gave up the OPKs after getting negatives from days 11-18. Not a good sign if I didn't ovulate :(

How did it go today with the testing? Any smiles or new info for what you are going to do after todays visit?

12 years ago • Post starter

sorry i've been mia. this cycle has pretty much gotten away from me. I am 5dpo today, but he was sick right before ovulation so I think we BD'd like once and I've been sick for the last week so I'm thinking we are totally out this month :( We did BD 2 days before O, but that seems like a long shot.

12 years ago

That's bad luck, Ali! That happened to me two months ago! And this month I skipped traveling to see my sister because I would have gone alone and we would have missed an ovulation! Crazy how it can run your life!!

12 years ago • Post starter

We were worried about missing the big O too because of DH's SA and having to abstain for 3 days before it. Although today is CD23 for me and I haven't gotten any positives on OPK's yet. I either missed it too or it didn't happen this month... who knows?

Our lives seem to revolve around making a baby too. I've taken 2 days off from work this week for testing and appts and DH took off 1 day. My glucose tolerance test came back normal this time, when a year ago it came back as insulin resistant. Still waiting on all the blood work results for hormone levels and DH's SA to come back.

12 years ago

What does a glucose interolerance test demonstrate? Forgive me... I am still learning what all of this means!

I went to the RE today and was quite shocked to find out that he immediately recommended IVF because I am 42. I am in a state of shock and sadness because even though I know I have old eggs (that even sounds awful!), I thought maybe there was something else that could be done. I am really afraid of the drugs that go along with all of that (which I am still learning about as well!) I have to go over the next month for bloodwork - days 3 and 10 of the next cycle and an extra of my ovaries and my bf is being sent for seman analysis. My mind had not really wrapped around the fact that I might not be able to conceive!

I guess there are two good things: 1. No costly birth control is necessary for me ever and 2. IF I am approved by my insurance company, they will pay 100% for up to 6 IVF treatments. He talked about possibly doing one treatment of IUI, which I still have to look up information on! The distrubing part (as though all of this is not enough to ensure I do not sleep that he says I only have a 3.5% chance of conceiving (and moving to a live birth) on my own and only a 20% chance with each IVF treatment.

So much for waiting to find the right person to have a baby with.

12 years ago • Post starter

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