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Late Feb Early March Babies!

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Hey gals! I’m on CD 5, and if I get a BFP this cycle, I’ll be due 2/28. How’s everyone else doing? I’ll start temping again tomorrow. Giving this TTC thing one more year before getting surgery to remove my tubes.

~Summer~<img src=

425 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hey ladies! I had such a crazy busy weekend. I had a temp rise today, so hopefully two more days of that in a row will confirm O yesterday. I never felt any O pains or cramping, though.
@mama how are your temps looking?
@crams have you taken another pg test since 7dpo?

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies! I also had a super busy weekend. I went back to the RE on sunday and my pretty little follicle had grown to 20mm! And my lining was 8.3mm. My fertile CM finally decided to make an appearance yesterday as well and its in abundance today. I got high readings on my digital OPK, but never tested peak. I took the trigger yesterday afternoon and they advised me to not take any more OPK after the trigger as they won't be accurate. O is supposed to happen within 24 hours of trigger, so we BD last night and will again tonight. Today is CD14 and i honestly think (based on CM and CP) that i would have O'd today even without the trigger. All fingers and toes are crossed! I started the metformin last week and have been having some mild GI side effects, but nothing too terrible. I'm supposed to up the dose at the end of this week to 1000mg. I'm looking forward to getting on with this TWW. I'll be taking progesterone suppositories 2x/day starting Wednesday.

5 years ago

@lissa That is great news!! My fertile cm also made an appearance yesterday. Sounds like we will be TWW buddies again! Back in 2015, I got pregnant the first month I took a progesterone supplement. Mine was oral. I hope you have the same results! Baby dust to you!!

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Momma! I am trying not to get my hopes up but seriously everything i have going on is pointing me towards a BFP!!! I had HSG last month, i'm 2 months post M/C, DH SA is normal, follicle is beautiful, lining is thick and perfectly shaped, on letrozole and metformin for the first time, take baby aspirin & pineapple after O, progesterone supplement...If we don't get a BFP this month you can't say it was from lack of trying!!!

5 years ago

@Momma ... I did do tests yesterday as well and had a blue line. Hoping but I know it was still early at 8dpo. This morning fmu took an easy@home hpt, first signal, and equate +-. They all look negative right now but had to hop out of room before 10 min was up so I'll look at them once more when I get a chance. Going to keep positive as this cycle feels a bit different. Been getting upset stomach yesterday and day before and don't usually get that from eating tacos and subway. 9dpo today... hopefully start seeing something positive.

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5 years ago

This was an equate from yesterday. Was a vvvfl within window and took pic about 3 hrs later and looked like this.

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5 years ago

Momma my temps are still low but I definitely have some fertile CM going on. So hopefully within the next few days! Liisa I start 1500mg of metformin a day today. It’s gotten better now my stomach has gotten used to it I think so it’s not really bothering me anymore. Good luck with everything! Hope your TWW ends the way it should with a BFP! I hope we all get ours this month!

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5 years ago

Hey Mama good luck to you! I hope we all get confirmed O very soon! How long have you been on the metformin? The doctor wanted me to take 500 mg for one week then go up to 1000mg then up to 1500mg in another week if i can tolerate the symptoms. I'm really hoping to see some weight loss. Have you lost any weight? I've been stable so far. Been on a low carb diet since february and haven't lost a single pound. DH has been on the same diet for the same amount of time and lost 18 pounds. Hormones are so cruel.

5 years ago

My temps never came down. I’m so mad at myself for missing my Saturday morning temp. Being CD14, that one was pretty important, but I accidentally turned my alarm clock off somehow.
@crams keep testing every couple of days. Fingers crossed for you!

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~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago • Post starter

Update: I’m 99.9% sure I’m ovulating today! Yay! CP and CM and twinges in my side are all pretty good indicators. I am thinking my TWW will start tomorrow. Hate that I have to wait until Thursday to be sure and confirmed by temps.

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago • Post starter

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