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Who's with me on the 2WW?

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Hello all,
I am new here. Getting straight to the point. I am now 10 dpo. Hoping this is my month as I had a new symptom at 7 dpo. Came down with a sore/itchy throat for that one day only. Don't know where that came from. Also CP was high with a soft cervix that day as well. Now it's back to medium high and medium soft. Sore boobs. dull cramps.
Hoping for bfp. AF due in 1-2 days.

1084 Replies • 10 years ago



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Don't worry about your coverline. Once you get a confirmed O with Fertility Friend, they'll put a crosshairs on your chart, with the "x" on the day you O'd. The horizontal line is your coverline, the vertical line is the day you O'd. Have you had the chance to check out my chart? Oh, and my temps usually plummet the day before or the day of AF.

AFM: Still yet. I'm not expecting her for a day or so, but I wish she'd hurry up Today is the 1st day I've been able to resist POAS! A small victory, but a victory nonetheless. I was half expecting my temp to drop like it does the day the witch shows, but nope. It dropped, but not like it usually does. So excited for this next cycle!

On a side note: My house on-post is "supposed" to be ready to view/move in to this week!!! Ahhhhh! So excited!


9 years ago

Soo.. I'm calling the doc on Monday concerning this brown discharge I have been having. Today it has gotten worse and it is really starting to worry me. If you guys don't mind, please say a little prayer for us. Thanks in advance.

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Bumpin--> for you my friend. As long as it's just brown discharge and not bright red, it's probably nothing to worry about. But I would definitely call. You may even get to score an early ultrasound! Keep us updated!

AFM: Today brought on the hormone headache, along with a case of the poops (TMI), which always precedes AF. FINALLY! Hoping tomorrow will bring about the start of next cycle!


9 years ago

Thanks!! :) it has slowed back down today so that does make me feel a little better. I'm hoping they will set up an ultrasound just to put my mind at ease when I call tomorrow. I have read that it is very common between week 6 and 7. It was just a lot that came out so I thought the worst obviously. It hasn't been even the slightest shade of pink, just brown so I'm just going to try to stay calm until I can get an appointment.

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Yes I was able to view your chart @2frsty. That's cool how they will make a cover line for me. I have to realize this is my first week let alone 1st month BBT. Btw my AF was strange. Today is cd4 and it's completely gone already. Cd1 I got it by 4 pm and it was light pink not heavy at all then cd2 was slightly heavier but not by much at all then yesterday cd3 went to barely there/spotting to light brown. I went to a party last night and was dancing youd think gravity would take place but there's was absolutely nothing when I came home. Uhh ohhh. So on wensday I'm going to test with a dollar store cheapie to ease my mind of why AF was so quick and light.

You sound just as excited as I was too start AF so u can move on to the next cycle :-) I know the feeling.

@bumpin- I'm praying for you girlie. I hope all is well. It's common to spot during pregnancy. Just like we all know it's possible to have AF while pregnant. It's just when it happens to us our bodies go into panic mode but I'm glad your doing okay and it has gone down. I hope you get an early ultrasound to like 2frsry was saying. Please keep us updated.

Oh yeah and bad me!! I totally skipped out on the soy isoflavones yesterday since it was cd3 so Im making lunch right now and will start it this afternoon on cd4. I just hope I'm not taking this while not being sure about having a BFN since my cycle was really light, short and funny. Even hubby was surprised. 7 years hubby knows the routine so when I told him he looked in disbelief.

9 years ago

Bumpin--> The fact that it was brown and not red means that it was old blood and not fresh. That's good. And you're right; it is very common. But I still think you're right on by calling tomorrow. Chances are they'll bring you in for an ultrasound to make sure you're not miscarrying. I know that sounds scary, but don't let the "M" word scare you. They have to code it as "Possible/Suspected Miscarriage" to get the insurance to pay for it. I have no doubts that your bean is perfect and that their little heart is pumping away!! Let us know what they say!

Annie--> Hmmmm. How strange. And don't sweat the Soy. I actually made up my own schedule of Soy before, then Clomid, then Soy again for 2 days this cycle and O'd right on CD 13-14.

AFM: Still waiting around for AF. For some reason this TWW has seemed longer than normal.


9 years ago

Bumpin - Dont stress over the blood thats the worse thing to do. Relax and wait for an ultrasound then you will know for sure!

I am now 8 DPO!! I really dont like this 2WW.. Symptoms so far are nausea, bloating, gas, constipation (TMI), tender nipples and fatigue.. Guess time will tell..

9 years ago

I'm sitting at the ER now. Just had betas done. The blood turned bright red last night and had little clots in it and I woke up with it in my underwear so here I am. My of wouldn't see me bc I haven't had my first appointment yet.... Praying for good news.

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

oh no bumpin i truly hope its nothing.

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9 years ago

Bumpin - praying its nothing!

Welcome to Jessica.

2Frsty - I feel you on this TWW feeling longer than normal. I'm on 12dpo. I have about a 14 day lp so I'm trying to wait a bit longer to try to test. Hoping the craziness at work and trying to get ready to move will help keep me distracted enough!

Amber - good luck!

AFM, symptom spotting has been a wash since my colposcopy last week! Couldn't track CM. So who knows whether I could be. Last night I swear my nipples looked bigger but I'm not positive. Trying to wait out the rest of this week and test this weekend.

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9 years ago

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