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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi everyone!! Ok so here is what is going on with me!!! I spotted a tiny TINY bit over the weekend so the doc did my first prenatal exam today. He said everything looked great an couldn't identify the source of the spotting!!

Then my lab work came back and he said my HCG was great at 19563 but that my Progesterone was low normal at 15.1 . He put me on 200 mg of progesterone to be taken orally by mouth every day.

I thought 15.1 was normalish...are these numbers okay??? The nurse said it was just cautionary and to not be worried and that they just prefer it over 20. Of course, I am now worried :).

What do you girls think??? No worries??

12 years ago

good morning ladies.. sorry (again) its been a very busy weekend for me.. too much things to do at work.. finally it's over..

i did make it to my appointment yesterday.. the doctor just did a urine preg test and it came back negative.. i am instructed to wait till my next period and if AF didn't come i will need to take hpt myself.. do i need to take it as it is or do i need to ask for a more thorough test done like blood test?? i am so disappointed on the outcome and i really felt depressed..

thanks fluff for the prayers.. thank you all ladies for being there always..

i am so happy for you lily, lizzy and mazie.. hope we could join you soon..

12 years ago

((Lhen)) I am so sorry you didn't get the news you would have liked, so very sorry to hear that... I wonder why your doctor didn't just do a blood test... I know you said you basically had a few days of spotting... so that doesn't seem like it is much of a period... I guess this weekend it couldnt hurt to just take a hpt yourself and see... just in case. ((big hugs!)) to you!

Lizzy, Spotting can be very normal at the beginning, but I am glad you were able to go for your first prenatal exam.. I am glad your numbers was good, well except for a slightly low progesterone lvl...and since its cautionary try not to worry, its not like it was incredibly low or anything... they just want to help you rise yours a little bit to make sure there is no room to worry.. okay :)

12 years ago

fluff i also don't know why the doctor didn't do a blood test.. well i guess i will test a week after just to make sure.. am waiting till my next period.. but i am quite sure that it is not AF but a mere spotting because normally i would have clots that comes with AF (sorry TMI) and it will last 3 to 5 days.. mine only a day and a half then gone.. i am still keeping fingers crossed..

how about you.. any updates.. how was your appointment with the doc?

bride, moVegas how are you ladies??

lizzy, lily, mazzie any updates? hope we could join you soon..

to us all..

12 years ago

Lhen, yep testing later sounds like a good idea to me...just incase it was to early before because it really sounds like it was implantation bleeding but not to be negative but I have had a period like that before too which was rare...but I think it was beacuse I didn't ovulate? but I don't see how that would be your case since you've been on clomid. So are you still taking clomid or anything else? What did your doctor say to do?

its CD23 for me and AF should be due next Monday. I am still waiting on the blood test results... hopefully will hear something back soon!!

12 years ago

i did think i ovulate early because i've had too much of cm after the 5 days of clomid.. i remember on my past cycle that even if i ovulated or not i would still have my 3-5 days regular period (with lots of clots - sorry TMI).. still keeping fingers crossed.. doctor only told me to continue with my folic acid and vitamin c.. she also told me to wait till my next period if it comes..

12 years ago

I hope it was just implantation you experienced, Lhen. If it was, you should be able to take a test five to seven days or so after it stopped. I hope you're pregnant! Thinking about you.

I hope the rest of you ladies are doing well. Fluff, doing OK? Bride, you still out there?

I have my 18-week scan on Monday. If you ladies would, please say some prayers. You know I get nervous about things. I just want everything to be normal on the scan. I worry. I felt fetal movement very early on, but I only feel it once every one to three days lately. I'm almost 18 weeks, so I feel like I should feel it more being the second pregnancy. I wish it would get stronger and more regular. I just hope everything is OK with this little one. I am excited to see what it is. I'll let you guys know first thing Monday how everything goes. My scan is at 7:45 a.m. eastern time. Thanks ladies!

12 years ago • Post starter

Lhen, well that is was implantation bleeding you had! I would think this weekend would be okay or atleast Monday to test and see...

Lily, will be praying for your appointment on Monday, how exciting it will be to get see your sweet baby! I can't wait to hear what your baby will be

CD24 only a 3 more days to go until AF is due...unless I get another short cycle like last month.. then AF may come tomorrow. I am not going to test until Sunday (maybe Saturday if I can't wait)

12 years ago

Well, ladies, I've been thinking about all of you and how you all are and where each of us is in this process. It's crazy.

Fluff & Lhen - fingers still crossed for both of you. I hope you join the rest of our pregnant friends in the coming days.

Lilypad - this is so exciting! And never having been pregnant, I can't speak to what you should or should not be feeling, but all of my friends who have had two or more kids have said that each pregnancy was VERY different. So while you want to compare this one to your previous, they just may be different pregnancies. I'm sure you and the wee one are just fine! But we'll all be praying for you, regardless.

Both my blood test and my husband's s.a. came back perfectly normal. The only thing she recommended was that my husband start taking vitamin C - I think that helps with sperm mobility.

Tomorrow is my dye test. I've heard from numerous women now - some say it's awful others barely felt it. I've also read that woman have an increased chance of getting pregnant following the test because it clears our the cobwebs. We'll see I guess.

Lizzie, Mazie - how are things? Lizzie, if your levels were something to be worried about, I'm sure the doctor would have indicated that...and now you're taking the progesterone so it'll be smooooooth sailing!

Bride, how are you? Are you going to start trying next month again?

and to us all!

12 years ago

i would like to think that it was implantation bleeding only.. that is why my hopes are still up not until yesterday and today i got a bit of red-brown spotting (again).. its not much but then it worries me.. it has been two weeks since the spotting happened and now i had what they call a mid-cycle spotting.. what could it be???? i would be on watch the whole day and see if it progress into bleeding..

lily you are in my prayers.. it is so exciting you will be able to know if its a boy or a girl.. keep us updated..

fluff you are not yet out till the fat lady sings..

moVegas hope your test will be okay.. keep us posted..

bride how are you hun?? are you going to start again this cycle??

lily & mazzie any updates??

to us all..

12 years ago

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