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TTC PARTY! BYOB: Bring Your Own Baby! AKA AF Christmas Girls

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Ok ladies...

Our last thread was 17 pages long!
We were honest, open and held nothing back.

I really enjoyed every one of your posts and want to thank you so much for being such a fantastic support to me and to all of the other beautiful women on the thread. Everyone has got something unique and special to offer... Let's help eachother through this next month.
Here we go! On our way to making some babies!

Thanks so much for joining me on this journey!

BIanca's Mama (NIcole)

338 Replies • 13 years ago



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Thanks for the warm welcome... Btw, I have no problem at all with tme, lol.
AF didn't show this morning, but my bbt dropped a little. I decided not to test today....just can't bear with another bfn.
Although, who knows? I am just putting it in my head that I am out this month...and actually, that is how I started the 2ww. I was doing well until 7 dpo when I thought I felt implantation cramps.

@ Babymumma - I am with you. I am such a planner and I need to know what's coming, so I can plan. I have put off a few things over the past few months because of ttc. The worst part - I gained a little weight and I need new clothes (work and fun), but I know if I get pg, I will gain even more weight and need even more clothes - lol.

@ Corvina - Your signs all look really good!!

Have a good day everyone and good luck testing. ttyl

13 years ago

awww ... hope da i nd all of u can use dis smileys soon...

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User Image User Image 34 years old, endometriosis, got oophorectomy jst 1 ovary working..

13 years ago

Hi Ladies,
Well today has started out interesting.....
I woke up this am felt fine. Went and got my cup of coffee i always have on small cup every am. I took two sips and felt like I was going to get sick. So I could not drink it. I went out to run a few errands and picked up a bagel for breakfast and the same thing I thought I was going to get sick. I'm starting to get a headache now from lack of caffeine. I picked up some hpt but not going to test yet if I can hold off.

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago

I think I'm out, ladies. I took my temp this a.m. and it was .22* below coverline. The only hangup I have about that is that it was at least 3 hours before I usually take my temp because hubs and I are taking care of my mom this week and she was up at 5, 6, 7, and 8. *sigh* So...I'm not positive. But I'm trying to reconcile myself to the idea that I'm probably not preggers so that I'm not AS crushed when AF shows up. *sigh* My temp wouldn't change THAT much just from three hours' difference, would it?!

Anyway. Just for the sake of record, here are my symptoms at 10DPO:

* bloated
* nauseous
* irritable
* heightened sense of smell
* food aversion
* tender, tingly, sensitive boobs
* I almost gagged myself with my toothbrush this morning when I was brushing my teeth (this NEVER happens)
* I'm crazy tired

Fingers crossed for all of you ladies!

User Image I want a !!! User Image

13 years ago

Morning ladies.

So I poas this morning, and no surprise, bfn. I know it's still super early (8dpo) but I'm pretty sure I'm out this month which means a month or 2 off from ttc for me

Good luck to everyone else and either way, i'll keep following along with you guys.

13 years ago

Covina and Expecting- have you guy poas yet!? I wanna hear!!!

13 years ago

Well I am starting to get irritated. I am 19dpo and still no af and got a this morning. This is starting to feel very familiar... a couple months ago I went all the way to 21dpo, with no af and constant bfn's.

Feeling very crapy... starting to thnik I am never going to get my bfp. Hope af comes soon so I can get this cycle over with and start all over again. (How depressing)

Corvina & WantAnother I hope you ladies had better luck!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago

I am back in bed squinting at a FRER. The sun is not out today, so I do not have that extra help to see lines. I do not think I see even the hint of one. AF is due in tw days and I am showing no signs of the witch other than the sore boobs and they are much moe sore this month than normal. I am kind of getting discouraged. I feel like I am just getting ready to start my period and probably catch some type of cold. I hope not, but this is my kind of luck. I am a little pissy because 2 people I know announced last night on facebook that they are pregnant. Neither one was even trying. It makes me positively sick! I have always felt like the person that gets the short end of the stick, but I REALLY feel like that now. Sorry, I uess I just started off the day on a realy sour note. It should get better unless my foreman decides to be a real asshole tonight (then again, him being an asshole is every night).


13 years ago

DONE! DONE! DONE! A friend I already knew was pg just announced her first ultrasound results. TWINS. And last week, she was bitching she does not want to be pg. DONE!


13 years ago

So enough is enough. I called my doctors office this morning and asked for a referral to a fertility specialist. A year and a half of trying for another baby is getting exhausting and depressing. Hopefully they call back soon with an appointment for me.

Corvina- sorry you didn't get your bfp . I really thought you'd be celebrating today! Don't let the others get you down, it will happen...eventually!

13 years ago

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