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How long did it take you to get pregnant after MC?

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Hello Ladies,

To those of you that already went through the horrible experience of loosing a pregnancy...I now understand how hard it is to go over such a sad event... I try to be positive and since I only miscarried at 5 weeks, we are trying our chance once again!!!

I was wondering, for those of you that have already had an early natural long did it take you until you got your BFP again??? I want to be realistic...and I know that each person is different, but I am just wondering...

Thanks so much for your replies!!!
I for healthy pregnancy!!!

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51 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi ladies,

My name is cynthia and Im new to this forum. Is it ok if I join this thread? I have been following you ladies for some time.

I had a m/c late january and finally had a af cycle on march 2nd. But i feel so confused as to when I would ovulate. I dont even know how I would calculate my cycle I just used 34 days from the first day of my m/c, is that correct?

i use the digital opk's and running out of them quickly, I should have ovulated by now. I just have a feeling that I ovulated earlier than expected and i didnt catch the egg.

Any advise or experiences?

Cynthia (30) & DH ( 30) ~ DD (4) & Angel in heaven (m/c @ 11.5 wks) Praying for my rainbow!

13 years ago

Hi Cynthia,
Welcome and sorry about your loss. I had a chemical pregnancy on 2/20. My cycle is wacky to say the least. I actually got a positive OPK on cycle day 18/19. That is late for me. So this may be the case for you too. I hear it is common to Ovulate later after MC but some people go on to Ovulate as they would have normally.

I counted the first day I started to bleed from my MC as CD 1. That is because of the type of MC I had. But If I understand you correctly you had an AF since the MC. That first day of AF, march 2 would be cycle day 1 for you. Knowing that, when did you start doing your OPK's? Your mid cycle (if you are regular) would have been 3/15 and would have ovulated somewhere around that date. However, due to my MC I ovulated later than normal. I also got a positive OPK one week apart. I may have geared up to O the first time and didn't until the second +OPK. So, I wish I could help you but after MC our bodies may not be the same. Just know that there are others going through the same frustration.

I wish you the best of luck!

13 years ago

thanks for the great info, we started TTC in dec, I was one week late my first cycle so think it may have been a chemical MC then I got pregnant the next cycle and had natural MC at 7 weeks 3 days. My levels were too low for my dates and i was still increasing the day I had MC. My dr told me to wait one cycle before TTC so we are patiently waiting for AF. It has been 2 weeks since i had Mc and i`m pretty sure i am OV now. We decided to wait the month to make sure my body is ready instead of going for it right away. That was pregnancy 3. 7 years ago we conceived our DD after 1 cycle of trying, 4 years ago it took 7 cycles with DS, I hope it won`t be too long now i am 36.5 and don`t have the luxury of waiting too long to conceive again, nor am i willing to try for more than 6 monthes. Or at least, that is what i told my husband! I hope AF will come soon, I`ve already made sur DH plans business trips around potential Ov times, basicxally he can`t go anywhere next month!

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13 years ago

just wanted to update you, after a year of trying i got my bfp.
fingers crossed to all of you and hope that you get your BFPs and a sticky bean.

13 years ago


Oh minx you just made my day! I'm absolutely thrilled for you, and it gives us all hope! Please don't disappear - want to keep track of how you are doing

Has anyone heard from Happy???? Come out Come out wherever you are!!!!!

13 years ago

just had a look and she has posted a postive hpt 7 weeks ago.

13 years ago

oh my god minx....i can't even believe i'm reading this right now......sending you big hugs. I know I don't really "know" you, but I feel like all of us on here know one another on a level that few do. Please know that i'm thinking of you and sending prayers your way.


13 years ago

thanks hun
just trying to stay postive, and i know i can get pregnant, just can't stay pregnant

13 years ago

You will. Part of the whole process which I find is so frustrating is that it seems like once you can get pregnant, doctors assume that you're A-ok. I've been told this or more than one occation, and I just feel like screaming. Yes we do know you can get pregnant, which is half the battle. Now its just taking it easy, giving yourself time to deal with everything going on, and then looking into if something could be going on.

Sending lots of prayers and strength your way. You will get through this, and you will be wonderful mother....some of us just get stuck with these bumps in the road.

Lot of love and big hugs

13 years ago

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