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TTC PARTY! BYOB: Bring Your Own Baby! AKA AF Christmas Girls

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Ok ladies...

Our last thread was 17 pages long!
We were honest, open and held nothing back.

I really enjoyed every one of your posts and want to thank you so much for being such a fantastic support to me and to all of the other beautiful women on the thread. Everyone has got something unique and special to offer... Let's help eachother through this next month.
Here we go! On our way to making some babies!

Thanks so much for joining me on this journey!

BIanca's Mama (NIcole)

338 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hopefully being thirsty is a positive sign for you all!!!

I'm CD 6 and I want to poas. I've never used opk's but I'm seriously tempted just to get my poas fix!

13 years ago

Hopefully being thirsty is a positive sign for you all!!!

I'm CD 6 and I want to poas. I've never used opk's but I'm seriously tempted just to get my poas fix!

13 years ago

Oop's I did a double post by mistake - sorry about that!!

13 years ago

Hey ladies!!

Monty, I know what you're going through, dont feel too bad about being jeaouls... it's nothing we can control. And remember you have us here for support & to vent to!!

Ben's, LoL, glad your enjoying the emotions! hehe. As for being thirsty, I have been for the past few days as well. I remember being like this last time I was preggers too, so hopefully it's a sign for both of us!!

Still no af for me!!! Super nervous for poas tomorrow though!! I really want my bfp, and I know I will be crushed if I don't get it!!

Good luck ladies!!

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13 years ago

BabyMumma I would start using opks if I were you... they help relieve the urge to take a hpt a little! LoL!

Bens, you've never gotten a pos opk? Hope you get a pos hpt!! I know how you feel seeing the bfn constantly, hope it will be positive for both of us!!

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13 years ago

GREAT TITLE!!! I love it.. so 6-7 dpo today poas yesterday with a bfn..Sore boobs and nipples but otherwise feel normal except for a little backache,but that could be due to work habits...Can't wait to see how this thread goes and to meet some new people...

13 years ago

just following along here as well; I have almost the same cycle as curl_girl.... I will O tommorrow or Thurs. We are doing the BD this week and I then I can begin to obsess again for the tww. My hubby and I have been ttc seriously for about three or four months and I have been off bc for a year and a half now. I have some medical issues which makes my health a factor so I had to get myself in a good place and hopefully I have now... cross my fingers.... I hope we all have good luck this month and if not we can help each other through all of the ups and downs!

13 years ago

Ahhhh!!! Ok my pg friend (due a week before i should have been) is driving me crazy!!! Everytime I talk to her it's "I'm sick" "This sucks" "I can't wait to have the baby, I'm so sick of being pg"!!! I can't listen to it... she has all these "issues" she complains about everything. I can't even count how many times she has gone to the hospital!! And yet she doesnt listen when her doc tells her bed rest!!! GRRRRRR!!! She just makes me so mad! I know some of it is jealousy, but c'mon now!

Anyway... had to vent a little! Sorry! LoL!!

SOOO tempted to poas, yet terrified to do it at the same time!! I am so worried it's going to be another bfn and I don't want to have to wait another whole month! I feel like I have been waiting for so long already and I just am so sick of dissappointment!!

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13 years ago

Hi all...

I have been following you for a few days and I am really struck by the positivity and support...hoping to be a part of it as well.
Background on me: 35 y/o married, ttc #1 for 1 month.
Last af started 12/23, O on 1/6, which makes me 12 dpo. AF should be due sometime between tomorrow and friday. I have every symptom, lol and have had 3 bfn's.
I am so sure af is coming.

I will be away from dh for O this coming cycle, so I know for sure no chance to try again until March.

I definitely want to offer my support to all of you through this process and hopefully in the end, we can start another group on a pregnancy website!!

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your group!

13 years ago

Hi Briele, welcome!! We are happy for you to be here and be as open as you want here. We have a "say anything that's on your mind" thread here.

Bens, are all your posts going to be emoticons now!? Lol...they are so cute!

Girls, I understand being nervous to POAS and see that BFN. I have done it so many times too! But for whatever reason, I'm kind of just like! "whatever." and it's not because I don't care but because we really don't have any control of the situation. I can't control it. :) and I love to control everything!!!

So, I say POAS! Go for least at 14 dpo you won't be as sad.

13 years ago

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