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Hoping for a BFP in June...who else?

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Hy ladies,

I'm trying for number 3 and hoping for a BFP in June!! And a sticky bean that stays there and grows and grows!

Anyone else testing in June? And praying for their BFP then?

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65 Replies • 12 years ago



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OOh me to!!! I hope I have two Lines.. I'll know by the 22nd.. fingers crossed for you and myself!!!

12 years ago

I went to buy a test at lunch, when I went to test, af showed ..... And bfn. I am 2 days early.....never has happened before.
Oh well, back to the drawing board! :)
Gl to the rest of u testers !!!!

12 years ago

Hey ladies -

A big hug to those of you who got their AF. BFNs and AFs are awful, especially when all you want is a BFP at the end of the dreaded 2ww.

Star4Marie - I know all to well what it's like to test, get a BFN and then your AF...I HATE that! This is why I haven't bought a pregnancy test in some time. I'd rather get my period then a negative pregnancy test.

I had my blood drawn today, technically to check my thyroid levels, but I asked him to run an hcg test. I won't know until tomorrow, but the deed has been done.

No sign of AF and I'm 15dpo. My hopes keep going up then down, up then down. I wish they could call and tell me now - the waiting is awful. Makes me wish I would just man up and buy a darn test.

Baby dust to the rest of you who are still in the game and please keep your fingers crossed for me!

12 years ago

Hello Ladies! Anyone else feel like they are going crazy? I stopped the pill in Feb and 42 days later I got my first AF. Then my second AF came 35 days later on May 6th. One June 3rd I was supposed to start AF (if I had a 28 day cycle). But nothing. Test on 4th and BFN. I figured I had another 35 day cycle and waited to test on the 8th but another BFN. If I had a 35 day cycle, I should have started yesterday but nothing. I have been cramping the past 4-5 days and I never cramp outside my period. The cramping is sharp shooting at times too. I've been stuffy, broken out and just blah. My breasts are sore today to the squeeze (sorry if TMI lol). I'm planning on testing tomorrow on my birthday. Praying for an awesome birthday present . But every now and then I start to I just going crazy and imagining the symptoms .

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago

Hello everyone! I am in my 30's and trying to conceive my 3rd child. I have a 9 year old son and a 7 year old daughter. We have been ttc for 6 months now. I was on the neuvoring for two years straight with no period breaks. I did not get a period for three months after removing it, and when you go off you feel pregnant. I have had all the pregnancy symptoms every month since then. I did get 3 bfp's and one bfn last month but then AF came. :( So back to trying. I am most likely ovulating the 13th of this month. I just want to say I hate the tww! It is a terrible thing. I was looking for some friends to go threw this challenge with. Who are around my same cycle so we can compare symptoms and be supportive of one another. Wishing everyone luck!

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12 years ago

Confused and Frustrated. My BBT chart is all over the place and I am not even 100% sure my OPK test was actaully positive. I marked it as positive because it is the darkest I have seen it this whole cycle. Can anyone help me kind of figure out whether you think i actually O'd or not? The OPK test i am referring to is the top one in my profile. Any advice or "enlightment" will help.
Thank you ladies!!

12 years ago

Hi my name is nae and this is my second month trying I am hoping for a BFP on 6/15!!!

12 years ago

Testing on Father's day. Got my +opk on June 6th so probably O'd on June 7th which would be cycle day 18.

I am currently TTC #1 but #2 for DH.

I am having symptoms, but I think I'm just paying attention to my body and symptom spotting =P

Hoping for a BFP on Sunday, but I'm getting discouraged.

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12 years ago

karinaalvarez06, I would say that that opk was not positive but I bet within 12 to 24 hours you probably WERE positive. Your chart is very up and down, so it's hard to see where the O drop is. Are you testing at the same time every morning before getting up, drinking etc with at least 3 hours of solid sleep?

Also, and this is just my opinion and I don't know your situation, but you need to BD more! Just in case you don't have the right O date, your best results would be to BD every other day or BD every day the week of expected O and for 3 days after +opk. Remember, after getting a +opk, it's still 12 to 36 hours before the big O. If you are struggling with BBT, my suggestion would be to use OPK and saliva ferning tests. When you expect you should be O'ing, test at least twice a day with opk and saliva (personally I suggest once in the morning, once in afternoon, and once before bed) that way you are not missing the LH surge.

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12 years ago

Hi Pregnantnovelist. My chart is horrible. I do temp everyday usually at 5:15. Sometimes it's 5:30 and it's also been 4:45. But I would say 80% of the time it's at 5:15. About the 3 hours of solid sleep, not always. Reason being, I have a toddler who comes to our bed almost every night at about 3AM to sleep with us and guess who's side he comes to....mine! So, he does interrupt my sleep (I'm not complaining about him at all) because i have to help him in bed and sometimes change his diaper which requires me to get up. So, I am sure that has a lot to do with it. :(

I do agree about the BD. Some nights hubby gets home too late from work and I"m already in bed asleep and once I'm asleep, I don't wanna be bothered. LOL I'm also irregular. I have PCOS so I never have a set ovulation date or a normal cycle at all. So, this is my first month doing the OPK's which always seem to have 2 lines that are close in color. What is the saliva ferning test? I've never tried that one. I just wish I could have something tell me, OK go BD now!! lol

12 years ago

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