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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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Bride, That is good news!! I hope it truely is the week that you no longer have to deal with all of that...

Lizzy, I know your ready for your weekend away in the mountains! Its still possible to get pregnant then ;) but I know most of all you just want to have a fun relaxing time with hubby :)

Lily, I am glad to hear things are still going well :)

Thank you so much ladies for the prayers and support! I need it right now...its not been easy lately..

12 years ago

Bride, That is good news!! I hope it truely is the week that you no longer have to deal with all of that...

Lizzy, I know your ready for your weekend away in the mountains! Its still possible to get pregnant then ;) but I know most of all you just want to have a fun relaxing time with hubby :)

Lily, I am glad to hear things are still going well :)

Thank you so much ladies for the prayers and support! I need it right now...its not been easy lately..

12 years ago

Hey girls! Just checkin' in...we had a wonderful Valentines Day and I think just maybe, I was ovulating...not even sure if it is possible so soon, but I sure had some physical signs of it. ;) We shall see, I suppose!

Hope you're all doing well!


12 years ago

That's great, Bride! Glad things are back on track!

Have fun on your mountain getaway, Lizzy!

I had my 8-week appointment today. Doc plesantly surprised me with an ultrasound in the office. Saw that beating heart again, which makes me feel better! They printed out a pic. I'll put the link below if y'all are curious. Crazy how big it got in just 12 days.

Take care, girls!

12 years ago • Post starter

bride that's good news.. nice to know you are back on track.. we are definitely together in this tww..

lizzy how is your vacation.. i know you are having a great time with your hubby.. who knows you may conceive this time.. for you..

lily how i love your pic.. hope we could join you soon..

fluff how are you.. hope your hubby is doing ok now..

as for me i am on cd20.. no symptoms yet.. me and DH BDd last night.. we are still on ttc but not putting much stress to it.. we just enjoy every minute we are together..

all of you ladies are in my prayers..

to us all..

12 years ago

Bride, That is wonderful! Its very possible to be ovulating too.

Lily, That is one precious photo!! Aww I am so glad everything went well at your appointment today!

Lhen, well its good not to put to much stress on the ttc situation, glad your enjoying your time with hubby. and Thanks for asking about hubby.. he is still feeling bad.. and hasn't passed his kidney stone yet :(
Its kinda funny "Valentines Day" couldn't think of a better ovulation day... but ironically it was a very un-romantic day for us, with poor hubby dealing with a Kidney stone...

I keep debating if I should keep charting this month or not.. lol I also have been debating about just not using anything else for awhile and just going with the flow... I guess really should pray about that.

12 years ago

Fluff, I feel horrible for your husband (and you) right now. I pray that the kidney stone passes SOON and without discomfort. Watching someone you love suffer is the absolute worst thing. I'm so sorry.

Lily, that picture is precious! I think it's a girl :) That's just my guess, though. Glad that you were able to see the little hearbeat again too...reassuring, I'm sure. So cool!

Lhen, this could be our month, huh? I've already decided now that I'm no longer bleeding that I'm not going to obsess over conceiving either. I'm just going to enjoy life, enjoy my time with my husband and let God take over. I've never really had too much difficulty getting pregnant, BUT I've never been TTC at nearly 36 years old either. We're leaving it in God's hands. If it happens, HOORAY. If not, we will still continue to celebrate the love and the lives we've already created together. I know how blessed we are, either way.

Lizzy girl! Can't wait to hear what a great time you had. You deserved it!

12 years ago

Well this jas been very exciting for me ive been reading all the post from week 9 until now.I love every minute of it!!!!!.well im in the tww now .i saw af jan 30,and on feb 11 dh and i bd i think i o on the 12 we aslo o bd that morning also.Now im 5dpo havin cramp and the worst back pain eva*!! Jus concerned that its mother time coming around to see me .This would be the first time doing the tww and im so nervous. Lily can u pleaese tell me u had back pain because i do and af is due on 2/28/12.This dull back pain has its way of making me think af is near but so early for af symptoms .when would it b a good time to test? I wish and pray for the best for all u ladies: )

12 years ago

Hi Ladies!!! We leave for our romantic mini vaca tomorrow and I am so excited!!! I have been really busy at work this week trying to get a head start for next week since I will miss monday and tuesday!! BUT I am so excited to ski and have fun and sit in the hot tub and not worry about a thing...I have already packed all my sexy pj's LOL ;) Im going to suprise the hubby with something pretty every night!!!

We need this time to spend together...all this ttc stuff has made sex a chore and children should be born of love!!!!

How are you ladies??? LILY omgsh!!! I love that pic!! I think it is a girl too!!! :) Even though I have no way of knowing this...LOL :)

Bride!! I am so happy that you have finally found something to be happy about!!! It must be a relief to finally be able to have that stress off your shoulders!!!

Fluff...I am sorry your hubby is in pain. I will be praying for you guys!!! :)

Love you ladies and I will try to log on if I can this weekend...but who knows ~ Maybe we will be having too much fun!!! ;) Have a great weekend girls!

12 years ago

Hey, Fluff. I feel really bad for your husband. I had a kidney stone once, and I'm telling you, it's one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. It's right up there with labor. I'm not even kidding. And he's been living in this pain for weeks?! That's terrible. I say get back up to the doctor...I know...I always say this. That's no way to live though. I'll definitely lift him up in prayer.

Precious, welcome!! That is so cool that you have been following us this whole time! Good luck this cycle! And yes, I felt a dull backache around ovulation and then again in the TWW and onward for several weeks. As for testing, everybody's different. I am an early tester and I always start on 7DPO, but I prepare myself that it is most likely a that early. If you are the type of person that doesn't mind seeing a , then test when you like. But if it bothers you, then I would wait until is due or late. I really hope this is your cycle!

Don't worry about us, Lizzy, you just have fun on your trip, and we will be here waiting to hear all about it when you get back! Have fun! I'm so excited for you!!

That's awesome that you guys think it's a girl!! Both me and my DH want another girl! All our friends and family keep telling us it's a boy. No one thinks it's a girl but us. You made me smile. We should know in two more months...I can't wait!

I'm pullin' for everyone!

12 years ago • Post starter

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