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Late Feb Early March Babies!

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Hey gals! I’m on CD 5, and if I get a BFP this cycle, I’ll be due 2/28. How’s everyone else doing? I’ll start temping again tomorrow. Giving this TTC thing one more year before getting surgery to remove my tubes.

~Summer~<img src=

425 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi girls, not much going on here. 9 DPO and temp was super high this morning. But tonight before bed I was feeling chilly (even though it's like a sauna outside) and I checked my temp for fun and it's below cover line. I know it's not time and doesn't mean anything but maybe I'm getting my estrogen surge (get this frequently during tww) and that's what made my temp drop. I am anxious to test in the morning. I did have a drop the month I got my bfp... So maybe??? I still have that weird cramp in my neck. Otherwise not much going on. I was reading some other posts and I think we might try soft cups next month. Coming up on one year of TTC and really really really don't want to spend $30k on IVF... Still not planning to test until Wednesday.
Mama and bug I hope you guys O soon. Keep up the bd!! I know how hard it can be trying to keep things going waiting for O. Mama have you tried the digital opk that shows the estrogen surge before the lh surge?? Or are you just using the strips with the two lines? Those two lines tests have never worked for me. I have to use the digitals.

4 years ago

I only use the strips. I haven’t tried the digitals. I was thinking about trying it out. But I’m pretty confident I did in fact O today or will overnight. I had some serious pains today in my right side. It felt like I was repeatedly getting stabbed. Like a sharp pinching pain. Almost passed on bd because it was hurting pretty bad. BD anyway and it seems a little better now. Well see what happens with my temps in the morning

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4 years ago

@lissa, tempting in general is never a good indication of anything it's your BBT that matters the most. I hope on Wednesday you get two beautiful lines.

@mama oh yay. Hoping you have O'd

Well BD didnt happen last night, things just wasnt working for the fiance. Sad but he said he will try in the morning. So now I have to wait till he wakes up.
Oh, we finally talked about dates, it is possibly going to be in March next year. Like the 7th or 20th. Depends if I conceive this cycle or not exactly when. It will be a push before a baby is born and hopefully the baby doesn't come earlier when we get pregnant this cycle. Yes, this will be the one.

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4 years ago

Good luck bug! I hope this is your cycle for you!
AFM I’m pretty positive I did O the pain is now completely gone and my temp spiked way up this morning so hopefully the next 3 days will stay high so I can confirm O.

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4 years ago

@mama, yay for a temp rise.

No BDing this morning, this wouldnt work again. Ugh, I cried and was so devastated. Then I went to the Bathroom and it looks like the start of EWCM, never had it before. I think I am going to O sooner. Temp drop this morning too. Going to two parties today so I may be able to test OPK but not sure.

Update: now I am feeling pain on my right side like O pain which I havent had in a long long time.

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4 years ago • Edited

My O pain was ridiculous this month it’s not usually that bad! But it definitely helped me identify when I was Oing. Hubby wants to bd again today but I don’t feel up to it. I’m very tired and we’ve been BDing every other day for like 2 weeks

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4 years ago

Ugh I’m so frustrated with my temps. They dropped way low again this morning so now I have no idea what’s going on with my body. I’m going to give up on telling for the rest of this cycle and I’ll just test around when my AF is supposed to start.

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4 years ago

Well my temps being all over the place was just explained. My BBT thermometer is not working at all so the battery was all messed up so this whole cycle I have no clue how accurate any of my temps were. So I guess I’m just going to wing it and see what happens. I don’t have a new battery for my thermometer at the moment. I’m looking to buy a new one anyway. Any recommendations? This is the second time I’ve had issues with the battery in this one. So frustrating

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4 years ago

@mama what a bummer about the thermometer. I do not have recommendations I got one and thought it would remember my temps however it does not.

As for me, my temps haven't jumped so I don't know if that was O or not on Saturday. My opk yesterday was darker than it has been. No Bding every other day like we are suppose to. I told my fiance yesterday this cycle was a flop and that I give up in it. He didnt even try to BD yesterday. Since my temp didn't rise I guess I'm not completely out but injust dont know about this BDijg it sucks. It's more of a downer than my AF coming.

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4 years ago

Prayers please ladies!! 12 DPO today and in complete disbelief.

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4 years ago

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