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Starting clomid, anyone with us? Can we get a hell ya!Part 7

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This forum is for anyone using Clomid. We are a great bunch of ladies on here so feel free to share you TTC story!

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

329 Replies • 11 years ago



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I am the worst woman. I know nothing about that stuff, and I have had two kiddos. All I know if that the female body does a lot of gross and unpleasant things, haha.

I did notice I am wetter, but it isn't EWCM, and my cervix is higher than before. So hopefully that is still a good sign. My ovulation thing on here says tomorrow is the big day, though the other site I used before I found this one said today. We have been active this weekend. Like, a LOT! Obviously hubby having days off is working out well for me, lol.

Mama to 3(14, 10, & 6). PCOS. 2 clomid pregnancies(150 10 days). Hoping to complete our family soon

11 years ago

I spend way too much time looking at things I have peed on...

Mama to 3(14, 10, & 6). PCOS. 2 clomid pregnancies(150 10 days). Hoping to complete our family soon

11 years ago

Rocker mama, ain't that the truth!!! I also spend entirely too much time stating at pee sticks, lol! I call them crazy sticks.

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

11 years ago

Dang. Negative OPK again this morning.

Mama to 3(14, 10, & 6). PCOS. 2 clomid pregnancies(150 10 days). Hoping to complete our family soon

11 years ago

I am really wishing that we did the u/s to check this go around so I wouldn't be left wondering if I would ovulate or not.

Has anyone ever had negative opks on clomid, but still ovulated? I know you are more likely to have false positives cause of PCOS(which I have), but I wasn't sure about negatives.

Mama to 3(14, 10, & 6). PCOS. 2 clomid pregnancies(150 10 days). Hoping to complete our family soon

11 years ago

Hi ladies! I just spent a little time catching up. I have to say to the ladies that are struggling right now with the holidays and feeling low, it will get better. I know the thoughts you have right now! I had them before we were blessed with our son. I thought I was not able to get pregnant, when I finally did and lost the baby, I was crushed. I thought I would never be a Mom and I was wasting our time and money. Dh and I took a vacation the week of our first due date because I didn't want to be around anyone I knew. I was still taking clomid and that was the week that I conceived our son. My body was ready, the stars were aligned, whatever you want to say, but that was finally the end of our 4 year ttc journey. Just keep trying, eventually you'll find your path to parenthood, however many twists, bumps, potholes, yields and u-turns you may come across, you'll get there! Keep breathing and take some time to just be quiet to help keep yourself sane!

afm - DH and I decided that we're going to do one more round of 50mg of clomid and an IUI, then we're done. It's sad, but we're ready to just focus on the family we have and stop spending so much energy on ttc. AF is due tomorrow, so I'm going to try EPO and baby aspirin this cycle. I've used EPO before on non-clomid cycles, but not medicated ones because I'd heard conflicting info on it, but I figure I don't have anything to lose and if it doesn't work then I, at least, know I've tried everything I'm comfortable trying. Any one else have any other things to experiment with?

11 years ago

LauraMarie what a difficult decision to make. I hope this month is it for you. Hugs, Sweetie.

Mama to 3(14, 10, & 6). PCOS. 2 clomid pregnancies(150 10 days). Hoping to complete our family soon

11 years ago

I called my RE and asked for the u/s and they said no problem. So I go in tomorrow at 8:30. I am not good at just waiting to see. Since I haven't gotten a positive OPK I just want to know if there is no good follicle or not. At least if I saw that there wasn't, I would know not to have my hopes up for this month.

Mama to 3(14, 10, & 6). PCOS. 2 clomid pregnancies(150 10 days). Hoping to complete our family soon

11 years ago

Rockermama GL at the ultrasound! I hope you find good news :)

Lauramarie, my heart goes out to you. This struggle is so hard, I can see why you feel done with it. Perhaps you will be ready to pickup and start trying again in the future. Lots and lots of hugs to you <3 <3 <3

Just waiting on ovulation for me so I can get progesterone checked. DH and I are preventing per doctor orders, but we did the baby dance without a condom on Friday. I still haven't Oed yet, and probably won't until Thursday, so that was probably much too early to catch the egg. But who knows. Miracles happen. If by chance I do fall pregnant, would that affect the progesterone results? It's measuring the amount of progesterone after O to make sure I can maintain a pregnancy.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Hi ladies,

I am 3 days late and still negatives. Has clomid made ur period late? I got a positive OPK on cd 14 and usually I get a pos on cd12. I'm trying to keep my cool but sometimes I get anxious so I'm just still gonna wait for AF. To come . Today is CD28 for me so maybe I will make it to a thirty day cycle this time if I'm not pg I wish she just come so I can start me next cycle.

<a href=

11 years ago

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