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June/July IVF buddies?

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Anyone starting IVF soon or starting IVF again? This is my first cycle trying it and am looking for others to chat with during the process whether you are a first timer like me or you could practically get an honorary doctorate in reproductive endocrinology because you know so much :-)

197 Replies • 11 years ago



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I'm guessing you have another ultrasound tomorrow. Good luck and I hope everything goes better than the last one.

10 years ago

That is great news that so many fertilized! Hopefully your daughter will be a big sister very soon. Would definately be nice if you had some to freeze. It is much less expensive to do a fet and not so many crazy injections. I am currently laying in bed with an ice pack on my head, either the menopur or lupron give me wicked headaches. Don't remember this happening with just the gonal during my iui cycles. I had mostly 14-16 mm follicles today and 1 that was almost 18. Getting super close now. I have to go back for another u/s tomorrow. Ugh! I am running out of veins for blood work!

10 years ago • Post starter

That is great news that so many fertilized! Hopefully your daughter will be a big sister very soon. Would definately be nice if you had some to freeze. It is much less expensive to do a fet and not so many crazy injections. I am currently laying in bed with an ice pack on my head, either the menopur or lupron give me wicked headaches. Don't remember this happening with just the gonal during my iui cycles. I had mostly 14-16 mm follicles today and 1 that was almost 18. Getting super close now. I have to go back for another u/s tomorrow. Ugh! I am running out of veins for blood work!

10 years ago • Post starter

That is great news that so many fertilized! Hopefully your daughter will be a big sister very soon. Would definately be nice if you had some to freeze. It is much less expensive to do a fet and not so many crazy injections. I am currently laying in bed with an ice pack on my head, either the menopur or lupron give me wicked headaches. Don't remember this happening with just the gonal during my iui cycles. I had mostly 14-16 mm follicles today and 1 that was almost 18. Getting super close now. I have to go back for another u/s tomorrow. Ugh! I am running out of veins for blood work!

10 years ago • Post starter

I got a call today that I am going in to do the transfer on Thursday at 12. The nurse that called didn't have any further information for me about my embryos, so I am thinking that I might call back tomorrow to see if they have heard from the lab. It must be ok if they are scheduling me in for Thursday. That is great that your getting close to the trigger shot. So has your doctor told you when he/she thinks you will be doing your retrieval? I hope you don't get any other side effects. I was lucky enough not to have any other than bloating. At least you're almost done with the needles. Do you have to take a progesterone supplement after the retrieval? I have to use endometrin (or something like that). Its not fun. Well I hope you get to do your retrieval this coming weekend

10 years ago

Hopefully tomorrow will be my last u/s. This will make 3 days in a row. Today I had a 20,18,17, couple 16 and 15 and a whole mess in the 14 range so they wanted me to stim one more day to try to get those 14 and 15's one more boost. Looks like I will trigger tomorrow and retrieve Friday.

I tried the vaginal progesterone, both crinone and generic and hated them. Plus they weren't quite enough progesterone for me. My options are intramuscular progesterone injections in my tushy lol or double up on crinone. I have looked at the im needles and don't think I can do it myself. Especially at that awkward angle. I think my dh is going to have to suck it up and do them for me. He doesn't even like seeing me do gonal and that is the easiest one. Either he does it or I am going to be going to my mother in law who is a nurse every single day.

10 years ago • Post starter

Well I had to make 2 2- hour long trips today to the clinic and sit at the pharmacy for an hour to try to get novarel instead of ovidrel to trigger with tonight because they want my smaller follicles to still get another boost. But in the end I am finally scheduled for retrieval on Friday!

10 years ago • Post starter

That sucks about all the driving but its exciting that your retrieval is Friday. I go tomorrow for my transfer. I didn't hear anything from the clinic today so I have no idea what's going on with my embryos. I'm guessing there has to be at least that is doing well as they didn't call to cancel.
We got an emergency call from my mother-in-law tonight that my husbands grandmother is in the hospital and is likely not going to make it through the night. Its crazy, but we both had the thought that one person is leaving and hopefully we will go tomorrow to bring another into this world. Its weird how things happen sometimes. I hope your retrieval goes really well and you get a good number of mature eggs.

10 years ago

Good luck at your transfer today! I am praying for a healthy sticky little embryo for you! So sorry to hear about your husbands grandmother. I just lost my grandmother last month. I wish I could've told her some great news that we are pregnant before she left us but I like to think that she will know when that time comes. Strange as it sounds I had a dream about her a couple days after she passed. She was holding rosary beads and standing in a circle with me and friends and family. We were praying for a baby! It was weird because I am not particularly religious so I wouldn't think I would ever have a dream like that. So hopefully she is giving me a little help from where she is now.

10 years ago • Post starter

We transferred one blastocyst today, which my doctor said looked amazing. He said I will get a call in the next day or 2 letting me know if I had any to freeze. We did the transfer at 11:30 and strange thing happened, we found out my husbands grandma passed away at 11:30. Hopefully your dream is a good sign that your grandma is looking down on you helping pray that you will have a healthy baby in 9 months. I really hope this works for both of us. Good luck tomorrow on the retrieval, I hope you don't have too much discomfort and you get a great number of mature eggs. Have a safe trip and rest the next couple days.

10 years ago

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