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Late Feb Early March Babies!

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Hey gals! I’m on CD 5, and if I get a BFP this cycle, I’ll be due 2/28. How’s everyone else doing? I’ll start temping again tomorrow. Giving this TTC thing one more year before getting surgery to remove my tubes.

~Summer~<img src=

425 Replies • 5 years ago



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Good morning girls! I started the Letrozole last night. It did make me really sleepy but i took it before bed so that wasn't a problem. So far no headaches or any of the other side effects. Only have to take it for four more days, thankfully. AF is almost gone and i'm ready to start the BD schedule! We try to do every other day during the week leading up to O and then every day after positive OPK. I'm not sure if the OPKs will work this month with the HCG trigger, so i guess i will ask my doctor about that. Only one week until i get the trigger so i feel like the wait before O isn't as stressful this time cause i know when it will be coming (if the trigger works!).

5 years ago

Nothing new for me. Still about 5 days or so until I hit my supposed fertile time. So boring lol. My libido is way up the last couple of days, and it’s driving me crazy. I don’t want to BD too much before O time lol

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago • Post starter

Spotting again today so frustrating! Hopefully you stay wanting to BD momma! I’ve been wanting to also but with this spotting I’m kinda waiting it out so I don’t tire out my hubby

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5 years ago

@mama that’s crazy! Sorry it won’t stop.
I have no idea what’s going on with my body. My temps went up to post o temps again today after a one day dip. I also have an increased heart rate. This is so strange. I’ll wait and see what happens tomorrow, but I swear it’s like I ovulated already or something.

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago • Post starter

My temps are staying pretty normal atm but I also have a horrible cold so I’ll probably have some funky temps coming up. Had some random spotting again today. Thinking AF just decided to take longer to go away this month. Already started with my opks because I’m crazy and I have to POAS or dip one in this case. Not sure when I’ll expect to O this month since I’m on metformin and I don’t know if that’s going to make me O earlier or later or if it will work at all. Momma I hope you didn’t already! Or if you did you didn’t miss your BD window! Liisa good luck with all this month hoping this is all of our months!

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5 years ago

Hello everyone. New to these boards but thought would be nice to chat with others in the same boat. Currently CD25. Got positive ovulation test 5/31 & 6/1. I have PCOS and am currently nursing our 20 Mo old. I have had 3 cycles so far pp. First was 120 days, second was 48 days,. And now if I ovulated on 6/1 this one would be about 38 or 39 days.

I don't know, but this cycle has been a little different got EWCM for 8 or 9 days before positive ovulation test. Breasts were super sore past couple days which is unusual for me even with nursing our lo. Then 6/1 around 5 to 630 pm started having some cramping/ mild pain in left pelvic area. So thinking may have been ovulation pains?

We have been ttc#4 since October before my cycle came back by using opts. For PCOS with 20 Mo old was on metformin 1500 mg. Dr upped it to 2250 but had been making me feel yucky so stopped them last cycle and didn't start back up yet. Taking prenatal vitamins. I will be starting vaginal progesterone suppositories on Monday once I get a chance to pick up my prescription.

DH works out of town a bit so try to time sex close to fertile window. With having many days of ewcm we had sex 5/28 and he came home 5/31 and got to have sex before went to bed around 1am 6/1.

If go by pains would be 1dpo 6/2. If we get pregnant we'd be due about 2/22/20.

Hoping have a chance this month as we're 41 and would love for our youngest to have a sibling close in age. Otherwise the other 2 from my previous marriage are 19 and 18 yrs old.

Good luck everyone!!

5 years ago

@mama I hope the metformin ups your chances this month. I was considering using OPKs this month, but i changed my mind. Just another expense and I feel like I already obsess over the bbt and stuff too much.
@crams Welcome! Seems like there are a lot of people in this site with PCOS. I hope your cycles straighten out soon, and baby dust to you!
AFM: my temps are still higher than they usually are at this time in my cycle, but I’m just hoping it’s because it’s warmed up outside. I’m sure my bedroom is warmer than usual. So I’m just going to keep temping and I’ll BD around the usual days. O has been CD 15-17 most of my cycles since I started TTC, so I’ll aim for that. However, we did BD the last three days in a row, so might need to take a break since fertile window is coming soon.

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago • Post starter

Happy monday ladies! Welcome to the board Crams. I'm also 41 and just diagnosed with mild PCOS. I have my cycles and they are ovulatory and fairly regular (i confirm O with BBT so i know for sure). I have PCOS, nonetheless, diagnosed by a reproductive endocrinologist (high AMH for my age and high CD3 follicle count). Everything else is normal (thank God) so i'm hoping we will be able to do this on our own without IVF. I've had one CP and a miscarriage at 7 weeks in March. This cycle we tried Letrozole CD3-7 so today is the last day i will be taking the pills (on CD7). I will go in on Friday for an U/S to check follicles and have a trigger shot to give myself when the doctor says its time and we are doing timed intercourse this cycle. Next step will be IUI or IVF (thinking we will probably jump straight to IVF because our insurance doesn't cover fertility treatments and money spent on failed IUI would be better spent on IVF (in my opinion).

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was pretty relaxing but i must say i think this medication is making me super sleepy. I'm glad today is the last day. AF went away over the weekend and i'm so ready for my fertile week this week. I can't wait to update you ladies on my appointments this week. On wednesday i'm going to meet with the "low cost IVF" group which is about half the cost of my current RE. Then on friday i'm going back to my regular RE for my ultrasound to check how my ovaries responded to the Letrozole. Hope everyone has a great week! This is it ladies -- let's do this!

5 years ago

@lissa sounds like you have a pretty solid plan in place. Really hope it works out for you this month. Hopefully you won’t have to worry about IVF!

~Summer~<img src=

5 years ago • Post starter

Cycle day 9 for me today. Still nothing new here. Just waiting on a positive opk here coming up soon. According to this website I should be starting my fertile week on Wednesday with O on 6/10 but my other tracking apps are saying later then that. So I am going to start BD every other day starting tonight and we will see where opks pick up my surge and hope for a temp rise shortly after!

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5 years ago

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