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Do you think I’m pregnant based off this

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I’m driving myself nuts here , I’ve done a FRER at 9dpo ( this is approx I’m not tracking so I’ve gone back to the calendar and guessed based on my cycles when I was TTC my son in 2017) early evening expecting it to be neg and nope it’s fsintly positive . Thought it was an evap but it’s pink ?? Came up within 10 minutes ish so it’s out of time frame but idk. So yesterday late evening I did another , negative . No hint of a line nothing . Today with FMU I’ve taken one and it’s negative with the tiniest shadow of a line , I’m convinced that’s an evap no pink on it that I can see . I wrote it off as a chemical pregnancy , but here’s my symptoms which I’m still having even stronger today and they started from around 5dpo:

Tingly tits ( I know that sounds like a stripper’s stage name but bear with )- feels like the milk let down sensation and I found dried crust in my bra ( v sexy ) which upon squeezing the nips lots of colostrum type stuff comes out . ( something that tipped me off I was preggers with the second , but I did stop breastfeeding last May so I’m wondering if it’s just from that )

Nausea from around 6dpo, the sort that goes if you keep eating makes your mouth salivate and now at 11dpo this evening I’m feeling very sicky no matter what I eat ( I’ve had HG with both pregnancies prior )

Lots of watery cm, cervix high and firm but soft ? Feels swollen like a donut only way to describe it .

Sore boobs on the sides but stabbing pains not an ache more like it’s a muscle inside squeezing and radiating down to the nipple if that makes sense .

I’m tired , and nauseous , and have funny tingly boobies . I’ve had two kids prior , I know what pregnancy feels like . I’ve had a positive test on frer. But yet. I’m hesitant to think I am ? The line is so faint and I’ve had two negs since AND I’m not due on until 4th Feb I ovulate around day 10/11 in my cycle .

How Can I have a positive one day then two negs? Is it just early days ? I’ve been off my food too but at random times like we had spag meatballs tonight and I couldn’t stomach it even though I’m starving I’m just eating bread .

Is it all in my head ? This is too early to feel anything surely ? Also I never get sick or sore boobs on AF and I wasn’t trying to conceive , I only did the test because I noticed these symptoms that won’t go away . I’m so baffled

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Okay , it’s now 13dpo . Feeling very sick , waking up and boobs hurt , shoulders hurts , lots of pinching pulling on left side , feeling v fatigued . Did a test today v faint possibly evap but with put in comments

Another update now Approx 17 dpo and CD 27:

I’ve been so tired the last few days falling asleep earlier than usual , lots of vivid dreams , pains on sides of boobs , pulling in left side still around belly button . I’ve got the weirdest ache in my armpits , swap from left to right daily . Period due tomorrow so I’ll update with a period or a test but I wanted to keep adding to this post for people that drive themselves mad symptom spotting . I have had every symptom going this cycle and the chances of being pregnant are slim because of timings of intercourse around O. I’ll update tomorrow

35 Answers • 5 years ago



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Well I’ve had faint lines on them days before my period but I don’t know if they are evap lines . I always throw away if no line after the time limit but these show up so maybe they are just as crap as the amazon cheapies x

5 years ago • Post starter

Ugh, we need a FRER sale or a coupon or something, but even they have had ridiculous indents and evaps recently. IS NO TEST SAFE?!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago

I feel like the only way to know for sure now is to miss a period because the more I google the more I see ‘ false positives ‘ with so many tests so im going to take it I’m not pregnant unless the absence of my period shows me otherwise x

5 years ago • Post starter

Okay so it’s period day , no period yet . Cervix is high and swollen feeling and closed exactly as it was with my second boy . It’s mushy almost blending into walls of vagina . Still got tingly boobs , nipples look bigger , armpit pain , cramps , sensitive scalp , burping a lot , I’ve been getting lots of de ja vu and dizziness . I’ll do a test this afternoon with a digital

5 years ago • Post starter

Found one last cheapie dip strip, looks evap to me so faint again . I’ll go get a better test this afternoon but I don’t feel pregnant so I’m sure period is on her way

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5 years ago • Post starter

I'm sorry hun, I'm in the exact same position, cervix high, squishy and closed but all negatives, my period is due between tomorrow and Friday I just want it to come now so I can start the next cycle! Excited to see if your digital test picks anything up!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago

AF show yet?

5 years ago

Hey , no period still . I did a clear blue digital with fmu and ‘not pregnant’ so I think I’m definitely not . Still no period though I’ve never been late and not pregnant so I am slightly worried, but if I was a digital would deffo show it by now . I should of started my period yesterday and nothing , mouth taste gross still and cervix still high soft and shut. Just a really weird month all in my head zoning into normal symptoms I think . It’s bittersweet we weren’t trying to conceive but I had gotten used to the idea so a sigh of relief and a bit disappointed. I hope this helps anybody symptom spotting I’ll update when period shows

5 years ago • Post starter

Mine came last night even though my cervix is still high, maybe February we'll catch that egg :)

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago

Rough rollercoaster you were riding there, hopefully AF comes soon and offers you some closure

5 years ago

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