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The visitors...ha, sounds like a horror movie!

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So, to sum it up in one word...UGH! Holy fucking questions. The doctor asks less questions! In less than 5 mins, she asked if Braelyn is on solids yet, what she eats, how much, what's her favourite, if she gives me a hard time to eat, does she still take formula, she's very she healthy (I wanted to smack her for even asking that....THAT pissed me off!), does she roll yet, what does she do on the floor, is that a highchair, why is she sitting in the highchair watching a movie, what time does she wake up, what time does she go to bed, is she sleeping through the night, were u walking the floors when she was teething, did she cry a lot? I'm sure I'm forgetting 5 or 6 questions...but yeah, they all came out one after the other...and what pisses me off, is its the same shit every visit. She knows the answer and I almost feel like she asks hoping to catch me/us in some sort of lie. She's never happy that we have an easy baby, it feels like she wishes we were exhausted and suffering, becuz she did. U know, I get asked every visit if Braelyn sleeps through the night...every...fucking...visit. Braelyn started sleeping through the night at 6 days old...she is now 6.5 months...thats a lot of time to not grasp the concept that she sleeps through the fucking night. Its just little annoying shit, I yawn and its shit like, "oh ur tired, up all night with the baby?" NO, I'm tired becuz I dont go to sleep at 8 when Braelyn does. Shit like that makes it seem like she doesnt believe me. And asking hubs the same shit in a different room or on the phone just pisses me off more. It made me laugh when she let us know that she told us Braelyn was, Braelyn got her first tooth at 5.5 months...MIL told us she was teething before Braelyn was 8wks old...shit if u wanna play it that way, then yeah, I guess u were right...fucking psychic (its like the women that say they know they're pregnant, every cycle...keep saying it, ur eventually gonna be right lol!!)! Other than the questions, no fingers went in Braelyn's mouth...she didn't even attempt to pick her up. She did stand in front of her a few times saying, "give us a kiss", Braelyn leaned to the right to see her movie and ignored one gets between her and Madagascar 3...great movie, btw!! Look up a clip called "afro circus", u'll be singing it alllll day!

I have a coffee date with my gf today, haven't seen her in months, I'm so excited! She's gonna swallow her fear and come to my house! She's petrified of dogs, well, large dogs, she owns 3 little foo-foo dogs. So she's gonna come over and meet Cora-brat...Cora's great, it's just her size that seems scary, she's actually a sweetheart! Omg, small funny...Cora stayed 10' away from MIL at all times. Every time MIL went outside for a smoke or up to use the washroom then came back in the livingroom, Cora's fur went straight up. A big long strip from neck to tail, standing straight up. She HATES that woman...possibly more than I do. MIL is the ONLY person Cora acts like this with...everyone else gets drooled or laid on. It's fucking funny!

That's my update...sorry so bitter, the woman brings out a whole other side of me!

Watching for BFP entries...let's go ladies, chop chop!! ;D

Good luck!! =))

28 Comments • 9 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

21 - 28 of 28 Comments

I hate that choking hazard bs...ur not making it into a paste, its just a minor thickener. Less of a hazard than solid foods. I did 2tbsp in 6oz but u gotta work up to it. Start with like a tsp in a daytime btl then gradually add more once shes used to the consistency, only takes a cpl days. U also wanna allow time to see how it affects her poop, rice cereal constipates but oats and barley have fiber. U also gotta make the nipple hole a tad bigger, but not much, like fractions of a mm. And make sure to slowly stir the cereal in so it doesnt clump and plug the nipple or send chunks down her throat. Its an oldschool trick that our parent/grandparents used...everyone now goes by a book, all while complaining they get no sleep. I stick with what work, and for me, this works!

9 years ago • Post starter

Yeah she already has issues with constipation (when we give her a little extra water throughout the day she's alright though) so maybe I'll try oat/barley stuff. Poor kiddo with her solid poops lol. Doc hasn't seemed too concerned about it because she's still pooping once every day but I don't think it's supposed to be solid at 3 months =/

9 years ago

Awww, poor thing! I always feel bad when their tiny little bums have to pass a hard poop. Try a bit of prune juice in the water...or pear juice. Pears are uber high in fiber!

9 years ago • Post starter

Love the photos you placed back on your profile :D. And that computer one is hilarious! Lol!

9 years ago

Omg I love all the new pictures

9 years ago

Lol! Thanks! I have a few more but these seem like I'll prob just rotate 'em all!

9 years ago • Post starter

I love the new pics too and your chart is so sexy that I want to make out with it. Jk maybe, lol ;) what dpo will you test?

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9 years ago

Thanks! I was surprised when I woke up today and had that temp...its 30mins early...the 5 before it are an hour early. U can make out with my chart if u want...I wont judge! Lol!
Testing starts tomorrow (8dpo), I dont expect much.

9 years ago • Post starter

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