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TTC PARTY! BYOB: Bring Your Own Baby! AKA AF Christmas Girls

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Ok ladies...

Our last thread was 17 pages long!
We were honest, open and held nothing back.

I really enjoyed every one of your posts and want to thank you so much for being such a fantastic support to me and to all of the other beautiful women on the thread. Everyone has got something unique and special to offer... Let's help eachother through this next month.
Here we go! On our way to making some babies!

Thanks so much for joining me on this journey!

BIanca's Mama (NIcole)

338 Replies • 13 years ago



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Oh ladies, I'm so sorry. Love and support to each every one of you. Hang in there, all of you. You're much love! Cry if you need to, drown in chocolate ice cream, watch reruns on tv...whatever works for you to make you feel babied.

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13 years ago

Hey Nicole, at least you heard it from the mouth of your doctor and didn't see another bfn. It is a downer. I would love for my dr to inspect me this second and either say nay or yay as well, seems so much easier. We'll all have each other this next cycle, so no worries!

Corvina! I can sense how upset you are..obviously! Maybe the fall did contribute to it, who knows...I'm sorry that happened! :( maybe not talk to DH about it till tonight when you guys are off, at least your not having that conversation before work and getting emotionally upset, ya know? Talk about it on the way home and than at least you have the weekend to booze it up and just kinda forget and focus on next month.

I'm officially leaving for the night, so you guys have a fantastic evening either way..and I'll chime in when I get home late tonight!


13 years ago

oh corvina... I am so sorry.
I know how you feel and how pissed off you are right now.

I had the same thing happen to me last month. I was exposed to some serious fumes (there was no way for me to avoid them) and I was so sure I was pregnant... I felt like I undid something by breathing all of it in...
There is nothing we can do about it now... I know you are going to go back and play it over in your head, but trust me... We are very strong... There is a huge chance that you didn't do anything to cause AF to show up. Trust that.

Now, Come on... You, me and the others are going to preseed it and get it on... Let's be positive... GOD will bless you with this when he is ready... You know, we make all of these big plans down here and while we are planning and checking our calendars he is laughing AT US... It is so in his hands!

Remember... Halloween Babies!!!!! The great thing about your situation is that your cycle is only 25 days... YOU LUCKY BITCH!

Call in sick and go get drunk...

We are in this together. Thanks God we have eachother.

13 years ago • Post starter

Sorry about all the crappy news this morning!

Bianca- Happy birthday!

Pookie- don't give up yet. The digital tests probably aren't as sensitive as the pink dye ones. I still have believe that you'll get your

BabyMumma- thanks for giving me some hope back. I keep thinking that unless I get violently ill around cycle day 17 like I did with ds, then I'm not preggers.

Bens- I used preseed for the first time this cycle and I noticed the same thing about dh's "deposit" leaking out. I think it's some of the preseed though and that's why it feels that way.

As for me, still no af and still refusing to poas. Maybe Saturday i might try for my bfp.

I hope everyones day gets a little bit better......or drunker!! Lol. Keep your chins up cause it will happen for us! Xoxo

13 years ago

Corvina- I'm so sorry! And I've gotta admit I know exactly how you feel when it comes to telling DH the Showed up. Have some drinks, eat a bunch of junk food and feel bad until you feel better.

13 years ago

Pookie, hand in there... one never knows...

I am home today because of snow again..finding it hard to keep my mind off things... although if the witch is coming, I wish she would just arrive already.

Bianca - the good news is that you are healthy and that it is just a matter of time for you... our next step is getting my DH checked... but that may not be until march.

schmidty - I can't remember, did you use pre-seed this time?

Corvina.... I know what you mean. last night I delayed telling DH that I poas and it was BFN. but men handle things better than us. so don't worry...

as for me, I have girls night tonight. I will be enjoying a few cocktails.


13 years ago

No, we didn't use preseed. Not to give you TMI, possibly, but we actually made sure that I had an orgasm every time before we actually BDed. That way, I had a LOT more natural lube and the muscle contractions from that actually help the sperm to get where they're going.

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13 years ago

I also put a pillow under my bottom (a smallish one) and put my legs up the wall for 10 minutes after we BDed so that not as much would come out and if DH's swimmers were feeling lazy, they would have a little extra help.

User Image I want a !!! User Image

13 years ago

ok... TMI question coming you way Mrsshmidt.
Was the orgasm on top or inside?
OMG, such a tmi question, I can't even deal.

13 years ago • Post starter

Aw, Biancasmom, you're so cute! I'm not embarrassed at all, and if it will help you all get your BFPs, then I'm more than happy to share!

I actually don't orgasm vaginally, so we always made sure to orgasm before DH even did anything! lol! As soon as I was finished, we got down to the business of actual baby making. lol.

Important thing- another reason for doing things that way (besides being REALLY good just!) is that we didn't have to use lube then! A lot of lubricants can inhibit sperm swimming or are even hostile to sperm. This way, we didn't have to use any and sex was still comfortable for me.

User Image I want a !!! User Image

13 years ago

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