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December 2018 Babies

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This is a little corner of the world for those of us who didn't conceive in February. A small place for those of us that need support, encouragement etc during this crazy TTC journey. Blessed all of us that enter! You're not alone! A little bit about myself. I am 40 and DF is 49. We've been TTC'ing for ol' bout 5 months now with no avail, no BFP, no baby. We will keep moving forward. I know one day we'll get it right! We're currently doing the ol' fashion SMEP! I am wishing each of you My goal is for you to find strength, advise and positivity . Welcome ya'lll!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

618 Replies • 6 years ago • Edited



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thank you everyone for your kind words. Getting my betas checked juuuuuussst to make sure.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

@neomasie - congratulations! What a blessing after a loss - I'm a loss mommy too.

@bahama - I get that same dip at 6dpo with an estrogen surge every month and it doesn't signify implantation for me, unfortunately. I read it's your body getting ready to implant in case your egg is there and fertilized, and it can affect your temperature - so it could be a good sign! It just hasn't been for me because I'm not dropping good eggs every month.

AFM - 10dpo, bfn. Don't even feel anything. I'm going to do Femara next month and hopefully be successful since that's worked for me in the past. Don't think I caught the egg this month at all. Just waiting for AF to show.

6 years ago

Hey ladies I am 10dpo today and yesterday I felt like I was getting AF same symptom as last cycle think I implantion happens (I hope) strong cramps went to restroom and nothing but wet stretch cm (Tmi) please let me get a rainbow baby this cycle!!

Hope everyone is doing good!!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. I hope this is it for you this cycle and that you get your rainbow baby.

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6 years ago

@ bahama - I get a dip like that every cycle too around 7-9 DPOs. So far I've seen it every cycle that I track my BBT and it has not signified implantation, as I have yet to get a BFP. The research I've done on it suggests what calvingirl says. It's just more estrogen being produced and doesn't necessarily mean implantation is happening. I sure wish it did mean that!

@Beaut1ful38 - I'm happy to hear your symptoms are the same as when you got your last BFP!! I'm crossing my fingers for you and I can't wait to see your test results.

AFM - I'm on CD13 and I got my fourth High in a row on my OPK this morning. I'm going to start testing twice a day now as I think I might ovulate tomorrow, which would be early for me. DH and I have been doing a good job of BDing more regularly this fertile period so I'm starting to have high hopes.

6 years ago

Thank you ladies! I seriously feel like a crazy person the last couple days... I go from thinking I'm definitely pregnant to nope, no way I'm pregnant to oh maybe that's implantation feeling to nope, negative test, to oh I see a faint second line, then nope that's probably an evap/indent line, then oh let's try a dip strip - and then hmm is that a second line? I took a Wondfo dip strip with my SMU and I feel like I see a second line on that (i posted it on my page)... but I feel like I can't even trust my own eyes anymore... I know sometimes you can want something so badly that your body will feel certain things...

That's literally my thoughts the past few days... sounds crazy, right? I so appreciate you all listening to me and especially the ladies who can relate to me and share your experiences!

@dragonfly23 - I was married in 2012 for a year and half - we tried to get pregnant and couldn't - he had something called vas deferens (he had zero for sperm count because nothing comes out). It was a big issue for us and along with other issues, that marriage ended quickly. Then I reconnected with an old bf from high school - we moved in together after 3 months together and I found out I was pregnant a week later.... crazy fast! I ended up having a MMC at 6.5 weeks, he broke up with me and kicked me out of his house about a week after the miscarriage... I had nowhere to go and no one that could really help me, it was the lowest point of my life I'd say and I truly believe that's why I lost that baby... him and I were def not meant to be. Then I went on some dates but never with anyone I saw a future with. Now I'm with the man I've waited my entire life to be with... he is AMAZING! We got pregnant by accident last September, but then we were so excited about it once we had time to sit with the thought of it... but then at my 10 week checkup there was no heartbeat and baby had stopped growing at 8w5d.... we were both devastated. He has 2 kids from his previous marriage, but we want one together now. I do believe everything happens for a reason, but I can not fathom the reason my baby girl's heart stopped beating. I saw it on the u/s screen at my 7week appt and then nothing at 10 weeks - I broke down hard!! Just wanted to share my story since you shared yours XoXo

6 years ago

Neomasie- thank you so much means a lot!! Congratulations to you!

BB2018-I don’t have much symptoms this go around as I did last month. No sore boobs till today. So every women is different and I heard that no symptoms is a good sign too!! Keep positive

Dragonfly- thank you I will test this weekend as I will be 12dpo Saturday! If get a BFP I’m going to cry cry cry lol and jump with joy as I can be one of the lucky one to conceive right after a MC.

6 years ago

@BB2018. Thank you for sharing your story, it made me sad and it is absolutely horrible that the ex kicked you out like that with nowhere to go and no one to talk to. I'm very glad to hear that you found the love of your life but so sad that it ended so quicky. I don't like talking about miscarriages as I am 10w 4d and that is just around the same time you lost yours but I won't ask if you had symptoms or anything like that. So, I have to keep reminding myself that just because it happens to other ladies at that stage, doesn't mean it will happen to me. Guess that is why I am stressing about this upcoming ultrasound as I don't think I can handle what you went through or any of the other ladies who suffered a loss at that stage. So, to change the subject as I don't want to dwell on it. I'm sure my baby is fine and growing but it's the what-ifs that still lingers in my head. You will get your rainbow baby. Stay positive.

@Beaut1ful38. I will be jumping for joy as well. Hope you get your rainbow baby as well. The symptoms sound promising.

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6 years ago

You're right dragonfly23 - Positive, happy, beautiful thoughts for you and your baby!!! Are you going to find out what sex you're having? Does hubs want to too? It will be here before you know it!!!

6 years ago

Quick question for you ladies. I’m on cd 9 and got my static smiley today on the advanced clear blue digital OPK. Cd9 seems really early for an Lh surge... my average cycle length is 28days. I do tend to ovulate early but this is the earliest Lh surge I have ever had. Do you think it’s means that it just takes my body longer to release the egg after surge? Maybe closer to 48-72hrs after surge instead of 12-36? Any thoughts are appreciated. We Bd’d last night and will again tonight and tomorrow but I wonder if we should try to do it everyday until around cd 14? (I think we’re gonna run out of steam! Haha) I don’t record my temps but will probably start if we aren’t successful this cycle.

6 years ago • Edited

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