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June/July IVF buddies?

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Anyone starting IVF soon or starting IVF again? This is my first cycle trying it and am looking for others to chat with during the process whether you are a first timer like me or you could practically get an honorary doctorate in reproductive endocrinology because you know so much :-)

197 Replies • 11 years ago



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The ultrasound went good. I had more follicles today I think about 12. I had a couple at 20mm and one at 21 and 19 few at 18mm and one at 16 mm then I had a few more at 14mm and one at 12mm. I'm hoping the ones that are 14mm will be ready by the retrieval. I don't know though, my doctor told me to trigger (ovidrel) tonight at 11pm and then go in for the retrieval Saturday at 11 am. I have to be there by 9:30 I guess to get ready. They told me nothing to eat or drink after midnight tomorrow. Its really starting to hit that I am really doing this and I could possibly be pregnant next week. I'm feeling pretty nervous right now. I only have one more needle to do though. yeah. I will start endometrin on Saturday, I think to help with the uterine lining. So when do they think you will do your retrieval? Also do you know what your uterine lining was? They told me mine was .9 whatever that means. I will have to google it.

10 years ago

How exciting that you are triggering tonight! So far it looks like I could be triggering Saturday and have the retrieval on Monday. They didn't say anything about the lining which must mean it was fine. When I went through qualification testing for the ivf refund program I measured at 9mm too. You will have to let me know how your retrieval goes. I am nervous about mine. The last time and only time I had to go under anesthesia I was like 10! I kind of feel like a freak because I input Monday as my ovulation day already in a pregnancy tracker app just to see when I could be due if this works. It says I am 1 week 3 days pregnant and due april 7th. Kind of like thinking of myself as "technically" pregnant already since it counts from lmp.

10 years ago • Post starter

You are definitely not a freak for looking at your due date. I think I look on here as soon as I start a cycle. April sounds like a good month to have a baby. Its so exciting to think that we could be pregnant soon. I did the trigger shot at exactly 11pm and am ready to do the retrieval. My husband is happy that it fell on Saturday so he didn't have to take any time off of work to go and I am happy that he will be able to be there beside me for it. I have a 2 hour drive to get to the hospital I am doing the retrieval at so I am kind of nervous about the drive back and how painful it will be, but I am more nervous that they won't be able to get any eggs because I will ovulate early. I know it doesn't happen too often but still its on my mind today. I will let you know how everything goes.

10 years ago

All 4 of our iui's fell on saturdays. It was very nice. I think my hubby will enjoy taking a day or 2 off though this time. I have read that a hot pack is wonderful after the retrieval. Maybe bring one in the car with you? I am hoping to still be groggy and sleep all the way home :-)

10 years ago • Post starter

I thought I had a hot pack but I do not so I will hope that I will be groggy and sleep on the way home too. I'm curious as to how long I have to wait in recovery before I go home. I also hope they can tell me how many eggs they retrieved before I leave. I hate all the waiting. It is really getting real. I am starting to get things ready for tomorrow morning and its making me feel really nervous and excited. I didn't ask a lot of questions on how the whole process works tomorrow, which is unusual for me but I guess I will know by tomorrow afternoon.

10 years ago

ok I did the retrieval. They retrieved 8 eggs, I was hoping for a couple more but the doctor told me they look to retrieve 7-10 so I guess it went ok. They told me they would call me Monday afternoon to let me know if they were fertilized. The procedure in itself was not too bad. The worst part for me was when the actually needle penetrated the ovary. They gave me some kind of medication in the iv that made me feel drunk and when they got me back to recovery I threw up. The part when they numb you with the needle wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. However saying that, I am in a lot of pain tonight. They gave me a t3 for on my way home and a prescription. I was hoping that I would only need the one and would be able to manage with the pain at home, but it is pretty bad. I hope it gets better in a couple days.

10 years ago

I hope the pain goes away very soon and a bunch of your eggs fertilized! Were you awake for the retrieval? I was under the impression that I would be completely knocked out.

I was disappointed at my ultrasound...and kind of mad. I went from having 11-12 mm follicles to only 12-13 mm follicles in 2 days and my estradiol dropped from 888 to 448. I usually gain 3-4 mm's and was expecting to see some 16's. Doesn't look like my retrieval will be til the end of next week :-( I am pissed because I told them they were starting me at too high a dose and then they had to majorly decrease it and now I stalled. If they had just listened to me in the first place I would be ready for retrieval right now! Grrr.

I hope you feel better soon. Get some rest. It will all be worth it very soon!

10 years ago • Post starter

I was awake during the retrieval. They had a tv screen in the room so you could see the needle go in to the follicles and suck out the fluid. I am feeling a bit better today and am anxiously waiting to hear from the lab tomorrow afternoon.

I can understand your disappointment with your ultrasound. I don't know what the estradiol number should be because I didn't get the info until yesterday. The nurse told me yesterday that my last blood work day showed it was 7792. Well I hope the next time you go in you will be shocked and your follicles will have grown quite a bit and your estradiol level is more in line with what you would like it to be. Its too bad they didn't listen to you, after going through a lot of this stuff you get to know your body better than the doctors do.

10 years ago

Did you get news today about how many fertilized?

10 years ago • Post starter

I did get a call today and all 8 fertilized, however 3 out of the 8 I guess fertilized abnormally. Not exactly sure what that means. My doctor said 2 look really good and the other 3 are still in the running but don't look as good. He said he will call again tomorrow and he said he would like to do a day 5 transfer with 1 embryo. I am really confident in my doctor and if I can have a pregnancy with a single baby that would be the best outcome. Of course it wouldn't hurt to have one or two to freeze just in case. This is our one and only IVF cycle, the last shot at having a second child. We've done so many IUI's and we feel blessed to have a beautiful daughter, so I hope I can give my daughter a brother or sister.

10 years ago

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