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The big O day!!

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So happy with this cycle so far. Tons of EW CM. and Mark and I have been very good on our BD'ing. We dtd on Monday, because we didn't on Sunday. Got a blazing positive OPK last night and this morning. So we DTD last night and once this morning. We will get busy again tonight just to be safe. ;) Strong cramps on both sides this morning, so hopefully we will have more than one egg.

The clomid, was amazing. No mood swings, just hot flashes here and there. I actually found myself more calm then normal. Things that would normally just urk me, I just laughed.

Feeling good about this cycle, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. Just treat it like every other cycle, after being at this for almost three years, you learn to not get all excited about something new.

Posted a picture of my OPK. Obviously Positive but want to keep it for my records.

Oh another thing, I work in DC, and my company did a dinner cruise on the Potomac and we got to see the monuments at night from the water. It was really nice, we had a great time. Posted a pic on our page. I love this picture, what a GREAT looking man. ;0)

Stalking you ladies.

15 Comments • 7 years ago



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11 - 15 of 15 Comments

Girl, cramps and pressure were pretty strong. I normally get O cramps but these were pretty strong.

7 years ago • Post starter

I hear ya! I used to bloat up so bad on O day, that sex was completely out of the question. I couldn't even sit flat on my butt cuz there was just too much pressure.
The things we do to get! It's all worth it in the end.

Keep that chin up!! xo

7 years ago

Great news! Looks like you guys covered all bases. I'm glad that you aren't stressing. That always helps. FX

7 years ago

So, do you go in for Progesterone testing this time? I'm really excited for you. Don't think too much about the temp dip because when I did the 100 mg of Clomid, my temp never went up much and I was worried I didn't respond well, but when I got tested, my Progesterone was 55. :)

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7 years ago

They aren't testing my levels this month. I was a little concerned with the lower than normal temps, but I know I ovulated. Thank you for the assurance. :)

7 years ago • Post starter

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