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I really need some feedback. It looks like I am going to O on CD9 from taking Soy Isoflavone??????

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This cycle I decided to try Soy Isoflavone I found out I wasn't ovulating on my own and their suppose to be a natural alternative to clomid. Today was my last day of taking them I took them from CD3-7. I know they are suppose to help me ovulate sooner but I was shocked when I took a opk today. It was positive the lines were the same. I usually get were the test line is darker and I think that will happen tomorrow. I posted my opk and I am on CD7. Has anybody took Soy before and had this happen? Has anyone gotten a BFP from ovulating early like this? The last two cycles I was taking Vitex and red clover along with some other things and it changed my CD from CD35 to CD29. So instead of ovulating on CD20-21 I ovulated CD15 last month. I stopped the vitex and red clover and just did the soy and evening primrose oil this cycle. Because I will ovulate early can my eggs be mature for conception or does they soy mature your follicles as well?

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13 Answers • 9 years ago



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11 - 13 of 13 Answers

Thanks lilrae78 So I took soy in from CD3-7 had a positive OPK on CD7 but it was faulty and inaccurate because of the soy. I started Vitex on CD10 and I am just taking the vitex now I had a positive OPK on CD12 then it went neg for two days then a blasting positive from CD15 AND 16 so it delayed my ovulation by one day witch isn't bad at all so my temp has been pretty low on this cycle taking soy then vitex and I am having strong o pains on both sides EW CM, tender breasts, open cervix and high temp is low and will probably dip again tomorrow when I got prego with twin the same thing happened I had a pos on CD18 and a temp dip with EW CM, and then it went neg for two days then three blasting positives and the last pos followed with a dip in BBT. So tomorrow It will probably be pos with a temp dip and tomorrow will be my O day. I am just hoping that its not twins because I cant carry twins back in January 29th 2014 I lost my twin boys at 22 weeks and I had a stitch in my cervix.

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9 years ago • Post starter

well it worked I am now 13 weeks prego so glad I tried it:)

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9 years ago • Post starter

Congratulations hon I know this post is old but I suffered infertility for 25 months. Pcos endometriosis thyroid problems and high prolactin. My doctors said I would not be able to conceive naturally. I took soy isoflavones 100mg cd3 to cd7 I ovulated cd19 in Jan 2015 and my 25th momth TTC and my first month on soy I got pregnant now have my 5 month old baby girl she came 8 weeks early but not because of the soy. My cousin was TTC 6 years and 2nd month on soy alone she got pregnant that's how I herd of soy

8 years ago

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