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June/July IVF buddies?

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Anyone starting IVF soon or starting IVF again? This is my first cycle trying it and am looking for others to chat with during the process whether you are a first timer like me or you could practically get an honorary doctorate in reproductive endocrinology because you know so much :-)

197 Replies • 11 years ago



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I had another 1 done in oct 2012 before starting iui's which came back completely normal. Right now I am having a chicken or the egg problem. My re isn't sure if the miscarriages caused the scar tissue or the scar tissue caused the miscarriages. My re said normally she wouldn't try to remove it since it's fairly small but since I have had 2 losses already she feels more comfortable removing it before moving on because she wants to eliminate all problems and make sure my uterus is at peak performance.

10 years ago • Post starter

I think that's great that your doctor is being proactive. Good luck and keep us posted!

10 years ago

mnor - so sorry to hear that! I know it's so frustrating when any of this gets delayed further than it already has. Anxious is an understatement with all of this. At the same time, it's definitely encouraging to hear some sort of potential "reason" for the miscarriages. Hopefully the surgery will have you as good as new!

I got discouraging news this morning too. I only have 3 measurable follicles at this point (day 8) :( I had 2 on Sunday and they were hoping to see at least double that today. Do any of you remember how many you had at this stage?? Of course, there are other tiny ones, but they aren't counting those. They say I might just be a slow responder and I'm hoping they up my dosage of follistim for tonight. I know the follicles should grow exponentially, so I'm staying positive! My nurse also mentioned that since I started Ganarelix yesterday it can slow things down at the beginning.

Here's hoping tomorrow's u/s is better!!

10 years ago

Waiting game - You have been on stims just 2 days right? Today will be 3?

You can't really go by me as to how many follicles you should have since I overproduce them like crazy. I would easily have 15-20 follies on each ovary around the 6-8mm range by 2-3 days of stims. That's the pcos for ya!

The Ganirellix will probably slow things down it's meant to hold off the bigger/dominant follies to get smaller ones to catch up.

10 years ago • Post starter

No, I actually started stims on CD 3, so this morning started my 6th day of follistim. All three follies were only 1-2mm as well :( That seems tiny to me, but they don't seem as concerned as I feel. Said, we can always extend the stimming to get more and then since my lining would be too thin at that point they would just retrieve late and the freeze. Said they still feel positive I could start responding more quickly though.

I just remember with my IUI's I didn't even start stimming until CD 9 or 10 and I always had at least 2 if not 3 follicles at 17mm+ and that was a way lower dose! Not sure what to think. Just hoping things look better tomorrow!!

10 years ago

Whew! My nurse just called and clarified the follicle size for me. They measure in cm (not mm like my previous doctor). So when they told me I have a 1.5, 1.4 and 1.0, that really means a 15, 14 and 10. So, still very few, but I'm feeling much better! Estradiol also raised to 227, so that's positive as well. They are keeping me on the same dosage. Still hoping for more above 10 (or 1.0 cm) tomorrow!

10 years ago

Big whew! I was gonna say 1-2 mm follies would be like specks :-) I hope some smaller ones catch up for you!

10 years ago • Post starter

So they cancelled my IVF cycle this morning. I'm SO upset and disappointed!! I really thought with this many meds I would do better. U/s still showed only 3 follies today (11, 15 and 15). My doctor suggested I convert to IUI. I feel so defeated, especially since I've already done 3 of those before! They will perform 2 IUI's this though (Saturday and Sunday)â?¦ so I guess there is still hope.

I just hope the protocol the next go around is a lot better.

I hate it when they say things like "for someone your age we would have expected a lot more, maybe even too many"â?¦ I use want to say yeah, well, there are a lot of things that should be different for someone my age I'm sure!! I'm only 30 and in good shape so I feel like they look at my and make assumptions rather than looking at the past charts and seeing a low responseâ?¦. just venting I guess. Maybe the 4th IUI will be the charm, who knows.

10 years ago

So they cancelled my IVF cycle this morning. I'm SO upset and disappointed!! I really thought with this many meds I would do better. U/s still showed only 3 follies today (11, 15 and 15). My doctor suggested I convert to IUI. I feel so defeated, especially since I've already done 3 of those before! They will perform 2 IUI's this though (Saturday and Sunday)â?¦ so I guess there is still hope.

I just hope the protocol the next go around is a lot better.

I hate it when they say things like "for someone your age we would have expected a lot more, maybe even too many"â?¦ I use want to say yeah, well, there are a lot of things that should be different for someone my age I'm sure!! I'm only 30 and in good shape so I feel like they look at my and make assumptions rather than looking at the past charts and seeing a low responseâ?¦. just venting I guess. Maybe the 4th IUI will be the charm, who knows.

10 years ago

Aw, I'm so sorry! I underproduced my first IVF cycle, though they didn't cancel. But I heard the same things, "You're 'young,' we figured this would work."

I'm a bit older than you -- the marked "35" next week -- but still one of my practice's youngest patients, I'm told.

I should start my stims this weekend, a different protocol that is supposed to be more aggressive. Fingers crossed!

It's nice they'll at least do the IUIs, just in case, and hey -- it only takes one!! :)

10 years ago

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