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Starting clomid, anyone with us? Can we get a hell ya!Part 7

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This forum is for anyone using Clomid. We are a great bunch of ladies on here so feel free to share you TTC story!

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

329 Replies • 11 years ago



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I don't know when I ovulate. I have only had 2 cycles on clomid so far the first lasted 30 days the second 34 if I take off 14 days for the luteal phase I should ovulate on day 16-20 lol so yes late. and my first cycle my 21 day test was 63 and would have been around 5dpo and my 28 day test was 34 so it was falling by 12dpo.

I can't wait to see my fertility doctor in December my g.p hasn't got a clue

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

Hi girls, It has been a few days.. So first I am going to play catch up with everyone!

Rockermama- Welcome! As for your question about what everyone's doing besides clomid... I am taking prenatals, folic acid, using preseed, and using opk's. I have also never heard of clomid being prescribed for 10 days but if that worked before that is great that your Dr is starting you out there.

lisserb - Glad you are feeling better!

babypbaby- Sorry about your wacky cycle. That is frustrating ovulating later. Are you going to do anything differently next cycle bc of the later o?

glmyers1986 - I am getting ready to start 150mg for my next cycle soon . Have you had any side effects so far with the 150mg?

ellekayejaye - Well your dr sure did give you an in-depth explanation of your high progesterone.. lol . And your not out yet! If you get AF, is your dr going to up your dosage or is he going to keep you on the same dosage?

MrsFlasche - Sorry about AF! Have a nice vacation and wonderful weekend!

As for me.. I am on Cycle day 29 and around 14DPO... I got AF on this CD last month.. So I am waiting! I took a Preg test 2 days ago in the evening and it was Neg.. Last month I had brown spotting the day before AF arrived also and so far nothing. SO I bet Af will just come full force.. lol.

11 years ago

Elle, I hope you have better luck with a specialist. I have heard/read that late ovulation makes it really hard. Maybe the new Dr will put you on extra progesterone in addition to the clomid.

Mama to 3(14, 10, & 6). PCOS. 2 clomid pregnancies(150 10 days). Hoping to complete our family soon

11 years ago

MrsFlasche, Sorry about AF. I hope you have a good vacation!

Mama to 3(14, 10, & 6). PCOS. 2 clomid pregnancies(150 10 days). Hoping to complete our family soon

11 years ago

Pink, Thank you! What does preseed do? It doesn't seem as though 10 days is typical at all. Last time my pharmacy made me jump through hoops for it, thinking that it wasn't real. We were living in WV at the time, but my R.E. was in Pittsburgh, so I wasn't making frantic phone calls to get the meds in time to start. No trouble with the pharmacy this time, but I had to keep reminding the Dr with the forms that I needed 30 pills, not 15. It was the first time I ovulated last time around, so I am hoping it does the trick.

I hope AF doesn't show for a good reason. Are you planning on testing soon, or just waiting?

Mama to 3(14, 10, & 6). PCOS. 2 clomid pregnancies(150 10 days). Hoping to complete our family soon

11 years ago

pink - hopefully af stays away for you! No I am staying on 50mg

rocker - yeah late ovulation sucks! I hope they don't put me on extra progeaterone it makes me feel awful lol!

afm - CD27 and I think I feel a migraine coming on which usually means AF is just around the corner :/ this cycle hasn't been that bad migarine wise - anyone else get them on Clomid?

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

Oh no! I have never taken progesterone.

No migraine from the clomid. I did get a little dizzy yesterday. Plus the upset tummy, but my metformin causes that, too.

Mama to 3(14, 10, & 6). PCOS. 2 clomid pregnancies(150 10 days). Hoping to complete our family soon

11 years ago

I am trying to shop on amazon for Christmas stuff, but baby things keep coming up to distract me! My brother and his wife are having twins in April(though, probably March). After looking at stuff for her, now all my "suggested" stuff is baby related. Waahhhh. haha. Oh my goodness, stuff is so cute, though.

Mama to 3(14, 10, & 6). PCOS. 2 clomid pregnancies(150 10 days). Hoping to complete our family soon

11 years ago

Rockermama- Preseed is just a sperm friendly lube..
Do you feel like you have a lot more Side effects from being on it 10 days? As for me testing, if no Af tmrw morning, I will go ahead and test.. my longest cycle has been 30 days so tmrw will be CD30.. I really do not think I have any chance tho. I know its sad to think that way.. but i would just rather not get my hopes up! And about the baby stuff... I have actually broken down and bought a few baby related items.. I keep them put up so I dont have to see them often tho. And that is awesome that you will be an aunt to twins! Congrats! I love looking at baby stuff, it is so darn cute!!

ellekayejaye - I would love if AF would stay away.. but I just do not think she will! As for headaches or migraines, I had a few last cycle with clomid and it was during my first few days of taking the clomid. But tylenol worked and they weren't much of a bother.

11 years ago

Elle - I had my first migraines in years with this cycle. I got them cd4&5, then again on cd 9. I didn't know what to take so I just tried to keep the house dark and quiet. I was just thankful the one after i was done taking meds only lasted one day. I used to take zomig for them before. I just had headaches on other days.

11 years ago

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