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TTC PARTY! BYOB: Bring Your Own Baby! AKA AF Christmas Girls

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Ok ladies...

Our last thread was 17 pages long!
We were honest, open and held nothing back.

I really enjoyed every one of your posts and want to thank you so much for being such a fantastic support to me and to all of the other beautiful women on the thread. Everyone has got something unique and special to offer... Let's help eachother through this next month.
Here we go! On our way to making some babies!

Thanks so much for joining me on this journey!

BIanca's Mama (NIcole)

338 Replies • 13 years ago



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My whole family is from Chicago. My parents were high school sweethearts and eventually moved to MI for my dad's work. I married a Michigander too, so now we're all just displaced Chicago fans. lol.

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13 years ago

WOOOHOOO!! Congrats MrsSchmidt!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!

13 years ago

Mrs. Schmidt! Conrats girlfriend!!!!! That is wonderful news. Hotflashes and a runny nose huh? I started having hot flashes BAD at 7dpo and had a runny nose for a while at 7dpo, but it never really came back. I am ALWAYS freezing cold and literally had NEVER had a hotflash until last Friday. They keep the dock doors at the plant open all the time so sometimes I am wearing my own hoodie in addition to borrowing a hoodie from one of the guys just to keep warm. I wanted to strip to my damn bra and panties that day right there at work it was so bad!
Sorry about earlier girls, but it was a sour start to my day. I mean, the girl pg with twins already has one and does not take care of her at all. Her mom has pretty much raised this kid to this point because all this girl does is goes out and parties with the child support money she gets. She is seriously a 7 day a week barfly. Hell, that is how I met her about 4 years back, at the bar and she knew one of my friends I was with. Another thing that really irritates me though and I think I need to get off my chest because I have a LOT of anger about younger sister is a total fkup. She is 22 now. She got pregnant with her daughter right after she graduated high school. Doesn't take care of the kid of course and lets her see and repeat totally inappropraite things (no 3 year old she be singing a song about "i'm gonna make your bed rock.") Anyhow, when I was laid off from GM when the recession hit hard, my sister was 21 and I got a job with her at a local resteraunt/bar as a bartender, she was a cocktail waitress. Everyday she would come into work talking about some new guy she met a couple days before and how she was in love with him. It was a different guy every week. Well, one knocked her up. She charmed a bar reg (very nice well-off man in his mid-40's, but lonely because he was disabled due to an accident at work and walked with a cane on the days he actually could walk) into paying for her abortion. She went over his house everyday before work, cleaned for him, cooked for him and god knows what else she did for him for about a week then dropped the bomb on him that she was pg with some other guy's baby and asked him to pay for the abortion. I did not even know she was pg until he came in and talked to me about it on her day off asking me that if he did this for her, would she stick around. I told him absolutely not. I talked to her that night when I got off work and told her since she was on the medical card and did not have to pay for the medical care anyhow, to have the baby and my bf at the time, hubby now would adopt the baby. She said she did not want to go without drinking for all those months because she "couldn't live without liquor for that long." The guy gave her the money, she killed the baby and of course never spoke to the guy again. So here I am wondering if my fertility is now hindered because I had a copper iud for 8 years and trying so hard to have a baby and my sister just throws such precious gifts away like yesterdays trash. We weren't raised this way. We were never church people, but we were upper middle class VERY blue collar. We were taught to work for everything we get and to take responsibilty for our actions. Oh well.
No af symptoms other than the sore boobs still. Hotflashes still, constipation, gas something terrible, nausea but it is tied to certain thoughts or idea (odd). I think about eating a whopper and want to vomit. I think about the stylist's manhands and want to vomit. Weird. I am due for af on Friday and I am usually spotting and cramping two days before, but none of that. Here's to hoping.


13 years ago

Oh Corvina...that's so hard. I don't have anything helpful to say but...I have lots of hugs for you! What a tough situation...

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13 years ago

I have friends from Wisconsin and they are wonderful people :( LoL I do understand the rivalry though. Being a Browns fan, we HATE Pittsburgh. The thing is, I live basically 50 miles to either city, so the fanbase here is mixed. We joke around constantly about "trashy Pittsburgh people" and how Pittsburgh fans are trailor trash, but it is all in fun, lol. Some of my favorite people are Steelers fans, they just can't help they like a team the worships a is a mental illness, lol.

There was a GM plant in Wisconsin that closed and we had some of their people transfer to our plant. Honestly, I was convinced the state did not exist because I had never met anyone from there not had I ever met anyone that even visited the damn place. I still feel the same way about Montana though. I mean really...are there even people there? LoL! I guess people MIGHT say the same about Ohio, but I am not sure how, lol. We have The ProFottball Hall of Fame, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Serpent Mounds, Ohio State Buckeyes (which I LOATHE btw, I am a Wolverines fan, lol) and we used to have Lebron James, lol.


13 years ago

Yay Mrs Schmidt! Congrats
I'm keeping For the rest of you ladies and your bfps this month!

13 years ago

Corvina your sister sounds like a read piece of work! So sorry you have to deal with her. I can't believe some people! To think they are killing their babies and then there's people like us trying SO hard to have one!! Grrr!! How frustrating!

Well I have been so up and down today (addmittedly more down than up) I think it must be the full moon!! LoL!! Making me act crazy!

Ok, so I am not out of the running till the witch comes (I still think I'll be seeing her Sat or Sun) but my symptoms so far... sore boobs (mostly on the sides & under arm) funny cramping (not like af for the most part, but some bits that could be af like), dry mouth/thirsty, fatigue, headache/lightheaded, VERY emotional, gassy, occasional uti-like symptoms (they come and go), acne breakouts, & backache. As I said, I've got it all, but they could all also be attributed to impending af.

I am hoping that af is actually due sun (my cycle isnt regular, and I havent been monitoring it long! Just a few months!) but if af is really due sunday then maybe today was just too early (4 days before af) so if af hasnt shown by monday I will be testing again. (Though I am not holding my breath... I'll still be devistated when af shows, but I just have a feeling she's coming.)

Good luck ladies. Let's hope Mrs.Schmidt was just the first of many bfps for this thread!!

(Much better... I took a day to mope and now I'm back to my usual self!! hehe! )

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13 years ago

Corvina, I'm sorry to hear about your sister - what a crappy situation. I feel really good about you getting your BFP this month though! I just know it's your turn!

Expecting, don't give up hope *just* yet - maybe you implanted late...?

Well I did the grocery shop this afternoon, and picked up a FRER OPK testing kit (7 tests - or 6, i can't remember) and it also includes a hpt. So starting on CD10 I will get to poas every day for a week! Woohoo!! haha.

This evening I treated myself and baked a sticky date pudding - yummo! I better not eat too much though - I don't want to pack on the weight before I even fall pregnant haha.

13 years ago

Hi ladies... update at 10dpo... BFN.
Off to work. Have a great day!

13 years ago • Post starter

Thanks BabyMumma... I haven't completely given up hope, yesterday was just a really BAD day!! LoL!!

I am sorry to hear about your bfn Bianca, but it's still early! Are you testing everyday? Or when do you plan on testing again?

I'm feeling SO much better today!! (I swear a bfn just puts a sour note on my entire day!!) Last night I had such a hard time getting to sleep, and then it was so difficult waking up this morning! I had some uti-like symptoms again, and still sore bbs (again mostly on the sides) I am keeping my that af doesnt show this weekend! It should come on Sunday, which would mean testing on wednesday probably would have been too early for an acurate result. (Kinda grasping at straws, but whatever! LoL!)

Ok, so I don't know what it is like where you guys are, but we got the flyers delivered yesterday and I swear everywhere has "Baby Days" sales on!! Last week I was good with it, cause I was thinking I would get my bfp, but yesterday was NOT a good day for them to come!! LoL! Very depressing looking at that knowing I dont have anyone to shop for yet (for my own kid i mean) & just made me want to shop!! LoL! Just had to share! They tend to put those sales on at the worst times!

ladies! & to all

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13 years ago

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