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BYOB: Blocked Tubes & Leaking Boobs

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Hi ladies!!

Lets start things off as usual.... with an introduction/update!

My name is Joy
DH and I are both 29 (he'll be 30 next month)
we've been together just over 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
We have 1 fur baby named Cooper
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but will soon be a stay at home mommy

I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby

Got pregnant again in June of 2011, but had a missed m/c (baby had died at 8 weeks) with many complications & a 3 week hospital stay

I Finally got back to TTC in Jan/Feb 2012 and on March 21st I got my BFP!
I am currently 38 weeks 2 Days pregnant with a precious baby BOY!
I am due in just 12 short days, on Dec 1st 2012!

This is truly an amazing group of ladies & I really hope our string of luck (& bfps) continues!! ladies!


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100 Replies • 11 years ago



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joy - tell me about it lol there's just been me and the tumbleweeds!

Nothing to report. Pretty sure I ov'd cd15. Had sex 2 days before and the day. So just in 2ww now.

Scan and hospital appointment at the end of the month and my DDs 5th birthday :)

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

Elle - Hope your doing well! Guess your in the middle of your 2ww now, good luck!! You werent kidding about it just bring you & the tumbleweeds!! Where the heck is everyone else??

take care sweetie & good luck!
xx Joy

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

11 years ago • Post starter

Hello! I'm still here and keeping up with my friends on here, just not trying so I don't have much to report. :) Hope all is well!

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11 years ago

Hello ladies...hope you don't mind if I join in!

My name is Liz
I am 23 and DH is 24
been together almost 4 years and married 1 year 3 months :)
I gave birth to our first daughter in October- Ella who is now 3 months

I had to stop bf at 2 months bc my supply all but dried up :/ so this is my first real cycle since having Ella. Maybe things are just off from the hormones still but I am a little nervous about being pregnant again. We hadn't dtd in almost 3 months and once we had I realized that it just happened to be right around when I was supposed to O. I started having all my usual symptoms for ovulation the day after... EWCM, cervix open. Now at 7/8 dpo Ive been super nauseous the first half of the day, then feeling like I could eat everything in sight and then some in the evenings. (one of the symptoms I had with Ella) Maybe its just nerves... Of course we would happily welcome another baby since we wanted more children anyway. With it being this soon though, I am just really anxious and worried about whether my body can handle another pregnancy so soon. I guess we will see what happens!

~Liz~ DH 24 ME 23 User Image

11 years ago

Hi all!

Wow, it seems like it's been so long I almost don't remember how to start one of these anymore :)

Elle - hope things are going well with you!
Liz - Welcome! As you will come to find out, the BYOB ladies are the best and most supportive group of ladies you will ever meet. Here's to hoping things work out for you!

AFM, HI!! My name is Kat. I am 26 and DH is almost 30. We have been married for almost 6 years and conceived our first baby girl, Gemma, while I was here on CTP chatting in the BYOB section :) I also was the first to start the BYOB section over on CMP before Joy got her BFP. Gemma is now 14 months old and we will probably start trying for number 2 in the very near future, so I thought I would jump back on here.

Look forward to hearing all of your updates and discussing temperatures and line-spotting with you all into the wee hours of the morning.

Lots of to all of you wonderful ladies!

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

Kat - Yay! Welcome back!! Can't believe Gemma is so big already! Time flies!! Hopefully baby #2 doesnt make you wait too long! Good luck & glad to have you back!

Liz- Welcome! Any news? Have you taken an hpt or anything, where are you in your cycle now?

abc123 - hi sweetie, how ya doing?

AFM - Not much going on here, enjoying my sweet baby boy - can't believe he is 2 months old already! (10 weeks actually) he had his dr apt last week and now weighs in at 12lbs 15.5oz!! :o Yikes!!

xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

Joy - I know Dr. appointments are never fun, but I'm glad to hear that your lo cooperated and is growing so nicely :) It's so funny as they grow and appointments get fewer and longer apart that when the doctor says, "Ok, we will see you again in 4 months" you are almost floored.

AFM, Ugh ... Gemma and I have been sick the last few days. I have been used to getting a full nights sleep with no interruptions for awhile so to have her waking again, mid-night and being sick myself is really taking it's toll. Not to mention, laying in bed for about an hour and THEN deciding to BD and as soon as I am settling into the covers again after, I hear cries from the baby monitor ... about 2 hours after I should have been going to bed in the first place. Oh well. I just warned DH that I was going to bed at a decent hour and if he wanted to BD then we would be doing it early lol. "Because the only reason I would want to have sex with you when I am sick is to make a baby, not because I actually felt like it." LOL

Maybe I am more honest when I am sick

I should be right around O time, although I have no way of knowing since I am not temping or testing for O this cycle. I don't hold out much hope for conceiving this cycle since we are kind of starting right in the middle of it. However, if we conceive next cycle, our kids will be almost exactly 2 years apart .. and December babies are awesome because you can claim them on that years taxes haha

Lots of to all of you ladies and I hope everything is going well with you.

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago

So very sick :P Only very very slowly getting better. Just found out a couple days ago that on top of both Gemma and I being quite sick, I have a clogged milk duct with very sore nipple and Gemma just had her first two molars pop through the surface. So exhausted this morning. Can't wait for Gemma's naptime today so we can both rest. Over the last week I haven't been able to do any of the normal things I do except for the bare minimum that Gemma requires. Nothing around the house. Only just last night was able to cook dinner again. Needless to say, BDing has been out of the question since my energy was at level zero. I just remember thinking last night, thank goodness I don't have early pregnancy symptoms on top of all of this this cycle.

Maybe we will really start trying again next cycle. As for now I'm just concerned about getting well.

Hope everyone else is having a good day and lots of to all of you wonderful ladies!

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago

Well, we definitely BDed this morning. My dh had the smile of a kid in a candy shop when I told him to get back in bed with me while he was getting ready for work. Seriously doubt anything will amount from it this cycle but at least I can say we tried.

Finally have an almost decent amount of energy back with this stupid cold and little Gemma is hardly coughing anymore but still has a nose like a faucet. You would think there wasn't a thing wrong with her though, the way she tears around the house :)

Although I am nervous, I am also very much so looking forward to making another baby.

Before having Gemma I had wrote on the CTP blog how much I hated when mothers told me, "I love my kids, but having children is so difficult" I said on the blog "TTC women KNOW that having children is difficult. TTC women are in fact the MOST knowledgeable women on the planet about the difficulties of raising children".

I now feel that I better understand the phrase that I had heard so often. I would never, after my experience here on CTP, feel the need to tell another woman what her experience may be with or without children.

All I can say is that in my own experience, having a child has been the most physically, mentally, and emotionally challenging thing I have ever done and ever expect to do in my lifetime. And there are many bad times, times I regret, times I wish I had been stronger, and times where I questioned why I had ever wanted to do something so challenging. In spite of that all, my little girl is worth it. She astounds me everyday and I have so much love for her that I am willing to abandon myself for her and for any other children that I may be blessed enough to have.

So, I am nervous to start trying again ...
nervous and wonderfully excited.

Lots of to all of you wonderful mothers of the heart

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

So Kat (popstarh8ter) & I were chatting & decided we need a re-boot... so dispite this thread only making it to pg5 I am starting a new thread! I am hoping this will help generate some chatter!! I know my little guy is only 2mos old but I will be back here ttc #2 in no time & I need my byob ladies!!


This is officially the end of this thread!!

Join us on the new thread:

BYOB: Bring on the BFPs!!
in the 2 week wait - general chatter section

Hope to see everyone there!!
xx Joy

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

11 years ago • Post starter

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