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Possible miscarriage... again

Yesterday I was exactly 7weeks and I had my first scan, my husband and I were so excited to see our baby as we’d never made it that far. But our day quickly went down hill when the ultrasound technician got her boss to come into the room so they both could look and I had a gestational sac measuring 7weeks however they couldn’t find a fetal pole or a heartbeat and said at 7 weeks then should be able to, they rushed to get the report made up so that I could go back to my doctor yesterday. My doctor has told me we have a 50/50 chance of our baby being ok. I have no cramping and have had no bleeding so he said that’s a good sign. I’m completely heartbroken but I’m trying to hold on to that little hope that everything may be ok. I’ve had a blood test yesterday and I have another one Monday and I go back to the doctors Thursday morning for the results of my hcg levels.
Has anyone else had this happen and what was your outcome please?

12 Answers • 5 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

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At 7 weeks I also wasn't showing any fetal pole or heartbeat, I went back at 9 weeks and there was my little boy, he's now 8 months old! Don't give up hope!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago

Thankyou so much!!! Your story definitely helps to give me hope that everything will be ok!!!

5 years ago • Post starter

I hope to see a happy update from you soon :) best of luck!!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago

Thankyou so much!! It’s going to be a long week waiting but I will do my best to stay positive.

5 years ago • Post starter

I went in for our 8 week scan and all they found was a sac and pole. The doc said we would likely miscarry because the dates were so far off but gave us the option to wait for my body to miscarry and if not do another scan in 2 weeks. When they say the 2 week wait is hard this was by far a longer/harder 2 weeks! When we went back 2 weeks later there was our baby with a strong heart beat and measuring 7 weeks! She is now 3 years old!

5 years ago

Oh wow! That’s so amazing!
I’m definitely feeling a lot more positive and praying that I get the same outcome.
The wait to find out what’s is going on is definitely hard, but I just keep telling myself there’s still that 50%chance everything will be ok.

5 years ago • Post starter

Last Thursday and then again on Monday I had blood tests to see if my hcg levels were still rising. Went to the doctors yesterday and they were rising and rising a great deal. He referred me and my husband for another ultrasound which we went to yesterday but unfortunately they could still only see a sac ???????????? back to the doctors Monday to work out our next plan. Doctor said with my hcg levels we should see the baby. Life can be so cruel sometimes

5 years ago • Post starter

Same thing happened to me twice.
I was 7 weeks and went for an early scan as I had been spotting.
When I went for the scan I had a sac but no fetal pole or yolk sac. I was deverstated but they said to come back the following week to see if anything had progressed. I knew deep down something was off because I was set with my dates.
When going back they told me there still wasn’t anything there and it was called a blighted ovum. They said they can’t do anything until the sac measures 25mm and then they can give me medication to help pass the pregnancy. I was devastated.
Ended up a few weeks later having a D and C as my hgc levels were rising but my body didn’t realise there was no baby there and wasn’t coming away on its own.
This has happened on 2 occasions now.
Hope you have a positive outcome...xx

5 years ago

I am sorry you are going through this. I would recommend seeing yr doc and dig deeper, as there are too many reasons why a woman might experience mcs. Myself I know a few ladies who were in the same boat, one lady got pregnant naturally after mesotherapy treatment of ovaries, and one lady got pregnant via IVF PGS NGS. Good luck

#1 IVF failed, no implantation #2IVF failed, no implantation, #3IVF - a new clinic in Gdansk

5 years ago

So after the 2nd ultrasound still showing an empty gestational sac I went back to the doctor. My hcg levels are still rising and I’m still experiencing pregnancy symptoms including nausea every day but no signs of miscarriage. My doctor referred me to the hospital. I’m going into an early pregnancy clinic where they believe I’ve either had a blighted ovum pregnancy or a missed miscarriage. I go in tomorrow to meet with them and they will do their own scan to confirm and then we will discuss my options. I am planning to do a d&c as this will be my 3rd miscarriage and I think it’ll be good to start fresh next time. They’ve also said that I can be referred to the gynaecologist and they will do investigations in why this keeps happening. This has been the hardest 3weeks. I don’t think I’ve ever prayed and cried so much in my life. As hard as I know tomorrow will be I’m looking forward to getting the answers I need and to be able to start to move on and heal.

5 years ago • Post starter

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