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After a couple poopy days earlier last week, I am now CD6...and get this, I haven't taken any drugs...WHAAAAAT? Yup, this is my au naturel cycle. Trust me, it's hard to not take anything, but becuz I've never been this route before, I'd like to see how my body deals with it. I know it's only a chemical and really shouldn't have much impact on things, but I need to know what it's like as a whole. Hoping I O on a decent cycle day. Hubs is starting his travels in approx. 5 wks, so if I can get things going early, I may be in the running for next cycle's eggie as well...if not, it's a forced 1-2 cycle break. Not gonna complain tho, I have two beautiful kids to enjoy my time with!

Ok, so last week was very up 'n' down, we all know the down, so here's the up. We went out car shopping Thursday evening....ahhhh! We had full intentions of buying something that we could have paid off in no time (had, being the operative word lol!). So here's hubs walking around looking at Ford Edges and some fugly little Kia thing, then he wanders over to the Chargers and Challengers...Sandy toddles over to the Rams hahaha! It really didn't take him long to locate and veer me away (I'm pretty predictable in a Dodge dealership)....annnnd it didn't take me long to toddle back over lol! Anywho...after 20 mins of car creeping, the sales dude comes over and asks if we'd like to look inside something, drive anything...the usual car salesman schtuff. We're standing there surrounded by a bunch of little cars when hubs looks at me and says "just get it"...I'm like, "uh yeah, I want *that* Ram". The dealer looked a little confused cuz we *were* standing in the car section. So he grabbed the keys, we (hubs) did a quick walk around (I had already thoroughly investigated it), I jumped in to push some buttons and open things lol, then he filled out all the paperwork and we picked her up Saturday. She had to stay Friday so they could do a rust-proofing and detailing. So, I am now the proud (and pee my pants excited) owner of a black 2012 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie! And yup, she's got a Hemi lol! Soooo excited!! I haven't had a new-ish vehicle in 12 years. I bought my Dakota 12 years ago (not brand new) and minus the things that go here & there (water pump, brakes, ball joints), she has over 300,000 kms w/ the original, never repaired, tranny and engine...runs pretty good too. I love her, so she's staying...but Dakota's got a BIG little sister now lol! Eeeeek! In the process of naming her...hubs likes Tetrafina (WTF?), he says it's easier than saying "Fina-Fina-Fina-Fina" lmao..W...T...F? I'm gonna have him tested for crack lol! Obvs the name search is still on.

Sunday we took Braelyn to Lake was a gorgeous day out. She had her first experience with sand, loved it! Of course, there is absolutely zero evidence we were ever there becuz hubs forgot to put the card back in his camera before we left...would've been some cute pics tho. Ah well, we'll be there many more times in the coming months.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and lotsa warm sunny weather! Best of luck with the cycles, ladies!! =))

15 Comments • 9 years ago



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You're soooo lucky!! I want a truck again so bad. I had to downsize to a little Chevy car, because I needed better gas mileage. It's just not doing it for me. I miss my truck!!! I've always wanted to go to Lake Erie. I've heard it's gorgeous. It's about a 6-7 hour drive for me I think. Might have to be on the bucket list in the next couple years :)

~Summer~<img src=

9 years ago

Congrats on the new 4-wheeled baby! lol Hoping this cycle goes well for you! FX

9 years ago

Also, I've never seen Lake Erie from the Canada side. We only live 1.5 hrs away from it on the Ohio side. We've been talking about taking a dinner cruise on the lake this summer :)

9 years ago

Wow, you're a fast, persistent car shopper! We had to go look at so many cars first before getting the one we thought we wanted all along. Congrats!

9 years ago

I love Dodge Rams! I drive a 2015 charcoal gray 4 door also with a hemi. They definitely have power!<img src=

9 years ago

Congrats! I am praying that au naturale is the cycle that you have been waiting for. Baby dust!

9 years ago

Congrats on the new Vehicle :) and glad you had a nice family day out to put a smile back on your face. you are going au natural and I on the other hand am going down the medicated route ( baby aspirin) mixed with Vitex... heres hoping xx

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

9 years ago

Thanks, ladies! =))
Rcola; I've been Ram stalking for 3+ years now, *everyone* knew what I wanted. Lol! Hubs just likes to look at cars cuz they cost him less money lol, he was probably hoping I'd see a sporty car and take that instead...he knew what we were getting tho cuz it was being bought for me. When the Dakota dies, he'll end up getting himself an Edge or a Charger.
Gemma, no worries, we'll all get it sooner or later...fingers crossed for sooner!! Kinda regretting I didnt take the drugs now, I'm still spotting and have zero ovary action....fuuuuuck!

Thanks, girls! Best of luck to all of us!! =)) {hugz}

9 years ago • Post starter

Ugh...I'm so sorry. I just posted well wishes on CMP. You do have 2 beautiful children and another one will be on the way before ya know it. xo

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

9 years ago

Wow - congrats on your new truck!!! I love the feeling of driving a new vehicle!!! You deserve it!

9 years ago

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