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Soooooooo queasy....

I am getting more and more nauseated every day. I woke up this morning and I swear my breasts "exploded" overnight and grew another two cup sizes - they're so heavy - I feel as though I am carrying two bowling balls around, only very, very soft, squishy ones. My nipples seem to have doubled in size as well. If I miscarried, shouldn't this stuff at least start to go away instead of getting more pronounced? The cramps and bleeding had stopped for the last couple of days, but this morning cramps (mild) started again and I am passing some brown discharge when I pee. (TMI?) Still no call from the doctor's office about the lab results. Still in a holding pattern. I did email my doctor yesterday and asked her if she could phone me in a prescription for nausea meds, but I haven't heard anything back. (sigh)

I feel miserable and I think the worst part of it is being in limbo from a knowledge standpoint. :-(

If by some miracle I am still ACTUALLY pregnant, I would be 5 weeks and 4 days today. :-/

5 Comments • 9 years ago



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They drew blood on Monday and said it would take a couple of days to get the results back. That sounded reasonable to me. Last time they did the HCG blood test it also took a couple of days - they have to send it off. My doctor is in the hospital this week, not in the office, but she's typically very good about answering emails - she must be very busy or else she'd have gotten back with me already. If I don't hear from her by about 3:00 this afternoon, I will phone her office manager (who is also a nurse.) She told me that she would be happy to take care of anything I need - she even gave me her mobile number. Hopefully I will know something soon - I'm just not a good "holding pattern" person. :-P I think I am more cranky than usual because I feel so yucky too. I'm ordinarily not a crankypants type at all. LOL!

9 years ago • Post starter

Oh sweetie HUGS!!!! Do you notice your veins being more prominent in your breasts? What about the round bumps are found in the areola, and on the nipple itself, do you see more of them than normal? Have you taken any more pregnancy tests? I would say you need to call the doctor and be a bit more pushy. No matter what is going on you deserve better then this. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

9 years ago

There's only so much they can do when they're at the mercy of waiting for the lab to process the blood work and send it back to them. I don't think they're in the business of waving magic wands. ROFL! ;-)

Yes, I have more pronounced veins and the bumps - they've been like that for about two weeks now though. I haven't taken any more pregnancy tests - I'm out of them now. I didn't see the point in wasting more money on them if I've already done the blood test. I just need to be patient. Hopefully they will have results today or tomorrow. Last time they drew blood on a Monday and I had the results Wednesday afternoon late. Hoping that's the case with this one as well.

9 years ago • Post starter

I would have been driving myself (and my husband) nuts by now!! I am so impatient. The few HOURS I have to wait to get a result on a beta hcg feels like forever. I need to find some of your patience. :) I really, really hope that your more pronounced symptoms are a good sign. Come on little miracle baby!

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9 years ago

:-) I am usually not super patient, but I've been trying to work on it - trying to be more "zen" like and take deep, cleansing breaths, etc... LOL! With age comes wisdom? I don't know. Hahaha! I am still quite impatient but I've learned not to hound people about things and to be very patient with them and tolerant (to a point, of course) and it tends to be more productive and it also keeps one's blood pressure more constant. Hahaha! Just going to sit tight until this afternoon.

9 years ago • Post starter

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