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Well, with my number having been 17 yesterday and more cramping and bleeding ramped up, we can finally bring closure to what has been nothing short of a nightmarish few weeks. I thank each and every one of you who commented and lent words of support and encouragement along the way.

My boyfriend is being amazing. He reiterated last night how much he loves me. I feared he would be disappointed in me for not being able to give him this child, but he told me not to even think that for a SECOND. Above all, he loves me and wants me healthy and happy. He said he would do whatever he could to provide support for me - he's just trying to figure out how best to do that. I told him that just his "being there" was support enough right now.

I don't know that we will actively "try" for a baby after this. With my age, it would be very scary, I think. Although my OB told me that I was in perfect health from a reproductive standpoint - in that my pap smear came back normal, all my "parts" look okay, and my hormone levels are absolutely perfect. I had been Googling, and feared that perhaps my progesterone levels were not good enough due to my age but she said that was not the case at all. However, the odds of me getting pregnant again, I think, would probably be pretty slim. There's still that slight chance. It is something that my boyfriend and I will discuss, and I will discuss it with my OB when I see her again for the final time next week. (She wants me back on Monday to take more blood to be sure the HCG levels have returned to zero.)

This had definitely been quite a ride. Again, thank you all for your support.

2 Comments • 9 years ago



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1 - 2 of 2 Comments

HUGS, and if you do decide to try again, we are here to cheer you and provide support. Take care of your self!

9 years ago

I'm so sorry but so happy that you have a wonderful support system. We will be here if you whether you want to try again or not xx

9 years ago

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