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I am prepared!

OPK's, check, BBT thermometer, check, HPT's check. I plan on giving it the full go this month. I have two very appreciated, but very unplanned little girls. Since I have never tried to get pregnant, I have no clue how it is done, and I have no idea the joy of a planned pregnancy. I know some of the ladies are saying "cry me a river'. During my 8th month of pregnancy with my little Abby her dad told me he was in love with someone else. Kinda ruins the bliss of new motherhood. Great now, awful then. I have met and married the man of my dreams and now would love to conceive a baby. My purpose here is to try to conceive a boy if at all possible, or at least up my chances of it. So the challenge begins to pinpoint my ovulation. Last month after having my IUD removed, I was thrusted into a cycle (which has been neglected for 6 years) that was unpredictable to say the least. With alot of "what ifs" bouncing around in my head it was very stressfull. I guess that is what this wonderful site is for. Anyway, I feel good about this month. The chinese chart says boy for me this month, hopefully a BFP on or around my mom's birthday (she is in heaven). DH isn't even freaked out by the BBT monitoring or the OPK's. He say's whatever happens, happens. That is so not me. Control freak me says, if you can sway it, why not? I know that some ladies here have been at this for a long time, and I am probably a little too optimistic. I am just so excited to BE EXCITED about getting/being pregnant.

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2 Comments • 12 years ago



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All the best, will you be taking prenatals as well?

After 6 years TTC with MFI number 1 was born December 12 2018

12 years ago

@newlyjg- I am taking a women's one a day, enough?

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12 years ago • Post starter

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