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When to seek medical intervention?

Hi Ladies, thanks for taking the time to read my question. Looking for lots of answers and advice here! My question is, for those of you that have used any kind of medical help (clomid, IVF, etc), at what point did you decide to stop trying naturally and go that route? Was age a factor?

I am 38 years old and we are trying for our first. We finally got pregnant on cycle 6 naturally, but ended in m/c at 10 weeks (that was in October). We are now on cycle 2 since then trying again. I am not a spring chicken anymore, but my thinking is if we did it once we can do it again, maybe? Not sure if it's time to get some medical intervention or just keep trying. I always try the natural route first as I'm not a big fan of unnecessary medicine.

I look forward to your advice and shared experiences! Thank you.

12 Answers • 9 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

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Because of your age I recommend a fertility checkup for both of you. Have your CD3 hormones checked and your progesterone 1 week after ovulation. FSH + amh levels will give you important information on egg quantity/quality and can help you make a decision on how to proceed. Also, discuss with your dr progesterone supplements to support your luteal phase. Initially, we TTC naturally for 13 years; we then decided to do IVF, GIFT, ZIFT because of advancing age. After several failed attempts we finally succeeded - I was 36 at that point. After that I conceived naturally at ages 39, 42, and 45, but this is definitely not the norm. We then tried again at age 47 with medical help ( Femara, FSH injections, HCG shot). It took 16 months of monitored cycles until I conceived, now 48. Although I have no idea on your fertility status I will say: don't waste any time. Be proactive with nutrition, supplements, and medical help. Best wishes and the Lord's blessings.

9 years ago

I waited 6 years and wish I didn't. I kept thinking it would happen. Now I am 34 and just started my first round of clomid bc I found out even though my periods were normal I was not ovulating. With my first it took over 2 years to get pregnant without any help besides opk. She is now 8. I also have pcos.

9 years ago

Hi, I've not had any intervention to date but have had all the tests, scans, bloods, ( I've got pcos) DH had 2 semen tests 1 was abnormal other results in tomorrow eeekkk! I'm about to have a womb biopsy and a scratch n scrape?!? Apparently it's good for women who don't produce a thick lining ( like me) I had mirena for 10 years and I'm 42 in a month and regret wasting all this time as I've had 2 misscarriages and 1 chemical this yr and I've not ovulated in 3 mths- yet 2 docs both say there is nothing wrong and I've just got old eggs that are defective and it's good my body gets rid of them, not exactly what I call a good bedside manor but my advice - don't wait like I and others have get checked now and if required have and freeze your younger eggs. I wish i had and I actually thought about it at 36 but thought no - I will fall on naturally , which I did but each ending in disaster. Don't live to regret what you could / should have done is now my motto , GL xxx

9 years ago

The general recommendation is that women over 35 seek medical advice/intervention after 6 months of being unsuccessful. I waited 3 years before seeing my regular ob and then another year to see a fertility specialist. I waited awhile because I was 22 when I started trying. Now I am almost 29 and finally expecting my first after 6 ivf attempts. I regret waiting that long even though I was young because I basically wasted all of my 20's ttcing. Obviously you don't have the 6-7 years that it took me so definitely look into at least some testing very soon. It's crazy how long fertility treatments take if that's the route you have to go. I wish I had known how time consuming it could be. When I started I was told I was young, had great eggs and embryos and that I would get pregnant easily with ivf...yeah right!

9 years ago


I agree with all previous posts. Get checked out, try on your own if you like and don't forget about your age. I wish I had done that. Now I can't turn back the clock :( GL with whatever you decide!

9 years ago

Wow, fantastic information, thank you all so much! Definitely a lot to think about and some important decisions to make. I have no idea if my fertility is good or not, this is the first time I have ever ttc. Maybe this month will be our month and I won't have to worry about medical intervention ... But if not you have given me some really great advice! You have all really drilled home not to waste time, that you can't turn the clock back, and that is just so true. Thank you for the eye opener, I don't want to be wishing that I had done something when it's already too late!

9 years ago • Post starter

Update, I just got a BFP, praying this is our rainbow baby!!! FX please :)

9 years ago • Post starter

I go for a blood HCG and progesterone test tonight, so excited and nervous that they turn out well! HPT's have been getting progressively darker and the CB digital reads 2-3 weeks. Sticky baby dust for me please!!

9 years ago • Post starter

Results were good! Hcg 4374 and progesterone 32. First ultrasound 2/13, please stick baby, let that heart beat!!

9 years ago • Post starter

This is my post, I know it’s three years later but here I am ttc again & I thought I would update on this. I ended up having a wonderful pregnancy and now have a beautiful 2 1/2 year old daughter :). Hoping to give her a brother or sister sometime soon!

6 years ago • Post starter

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