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I'm about to give up

Af wasn't due until 4 more days, but decided to show this morning :( I'm so upset because I never thought it would be this hard and now we'll be going on month #4.

I tried tracking my cm, making sure to BD on the necessary days, but now I'm back to square one...again.

DH is going on night shift starting next week and now I'm really worried that we won't get pregnant because I will barely see him, minus the weekends-but I might not be fertile then.

I thought I had some sort of "regular" schedule, but af showed up earlie than I thought.

Please, I need someone to give me uplifting comments because I am about to give up trying :(

6 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 6 of 6 Answers

The good news is that your cycle was clearly off this month, so it's unlikely that you BD'd on the correct days and still didn't conceive. It's more likely that you missed the days this month and will have a better chance next time. I've learned that my CM fluctuates or isn't there at all, making it really hard to tell what's going on. Have you tried OPKS? I find those helpful, especially if your CM doesn't provide alot of guidance.

I have had the same feelings that you are having right now. I'm sending positive energy your way...

10 years ago

I used OPKs and they were bold when I had EWCM. This just sucks...

Thank you xx

10 years ago • Post starter

Completely understand! I'm going on month 4 as well and I got pregnant with my first on 1 "ooops" lol I never though it would be so hard either. I just have to keep telling myself it wasn't the right egg and sperm this time and in two weeks it could be. Some days are definitely harder then others to keep hopeful or motivated but maybe do something special for yourself paint your toes or just take a real long bath or something. FX for your bfp soon!!

10 years ago


I have tried since the end of March of this year. My first was an unplanned blessing and we are trying for our second... First baby was conceived on a 32 day cycle. Period started on Sept 3 and I got pregnant on the 27th.. Cycles can go crazy there is no easy way about this.. All you can do is keep trying and keep your spirits up.. Take breaks and enjoy... It is hard believe me like most women on here who have been trying close to a year and some way way over 2 years. Most People say you have a 25 percent chance of conceiving per cycle.

10 years ago

I know how you feel!! My husband and I have been trying for 9 months now to conceive baby #1, just started my af again after a 78 day cycle!!! Was crazy, went to doc as I really thought this was it and had a blood test but was negative and that was 3 weeks ago, so this cycle has so far been the hardest and I really feel like giving up so many times, as my cycles are irregular ranging from 32 days to 48 days and now just had a wacky 78 day cycle, so only starting my 7th cycle since we started TTC. I hope we both get our BFPs soon!!

~? Milly Moo ?~

10 years ago

It is so hard but the good thing is there are so many people on the site who have gone through and are still going through the same thing. I guess no one ever says how hard it is to conceive. It's made out to be something so easy when you are younger.

My DH and I are going on a year ttc and the one thing that keeps me going is the thought of how great it will be once I get that bfp. We have had some pretty tough months but we just try and keep the big picture in sight and be thankful for the many things we do have.

I agree that doing something special for yourself, a little treat like getting your nails done, will cheer you up. Then just try and focus on your next chance.

Best of luck - hope you don't have too much longer to wait for your bfp!

10 years ago

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