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I'm so confused ladies,I don't even know anymore,please help

Ok so me and my husband have been TLC, the other day I got the faintest line ever like you could barely see it,I took a test today and it was negative, I'm gonna be a week late for my period tomorrow, I'm thinking it is too early to test, but about 2 minutes ago I took an ovulation test and it was a faint postive, can't that mean I'm pregnant as well?? why would I get a positive Ovulation test but no period?? my period is like clock work,I never ever miss it . . the day I was suppose to start I got crampy but never started, I think I need to wait until I'm two weeks late and retest so I don't stress over it. my nipples and the area around them are getting brown,I'm feeling nauseated more, like food doesn't sound good whatsever but if I don't eat I'll feel sick . . anybody else in the same boat as me?? :/

3 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 3 of 3 Answers

I think you should test! :) sounds like you are pregnant Baby dust


10 years ago

Hmm.... I can not speak from experience on this - have you read about chemical pregnancy? It sounds like you're pregnant, but the negative test today after a positive last week is strange! Was the it the same type of test?

10 years ago

This is really hard to tell. It could honestly go both ways. Some women don't test positive until 21 dpo or later. On the other hand, a chemical pregnancy is always a possibility as well. However, I know that with my chemical pregnancy I bled within a few days after the first faint, faint positive. As for opk tests, I wouldn't take that into consideration much. My tests always come up with a faint test line. Your LH hormone can fluctuate throughout the month. The tests just test for the large surge and that's why you often get a line regardless. Since it's only considered positive if it's as dark or darker than the control line, there isn't really a such thing as faint positive with opks. If you don't get your period or a bfp by 2 weeks late I'd see if you can schedule a dr's appt and get a blood test. Baby dust!

10 years ago

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