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Okay, so to be completely honest with you I was using this sight and then stopped due to being overly stressed. I have PCOS and my husband and I have been trying to conceive since May of 2011 (month before our wedding). Well, I got tired of all the charting and temping and stopped having periods. Started on Vitex and started having regular periods. Couple of months ago I ran out and just did not get anymore. I had a period right around December 14-15 that lasted 6 days... My husband and I met on New Year's Eve so uhhhh, needless to say, at midnight into January 1, 2013 we were BD'ing. LOL. 3 days later I had a light light pink spot the size of an eraser on pencil show up on toilet paper. Now, today January 9th, I had a BM that I strained on this morning and when I wiped I had a lot of cm mixed with light pink blood. Nothing since then. What is going on? Am I finally pregnant? Or having weird spotting?

4 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 4 of 4 Answers

It's a possibility. I would take a test in a couple days. You would have to wait until at least 11 days past sex to possible to get a positive test.

11 years ago

@ kknott10: Thanks hun! Yea I'm going to wait until at least this weekend... Maybe longer... Not sure yet.... Is there any other reason thT I could be spotting like that between periods? Never done that before! Why does the female body have to be so confusing!???

11 years ago • Post starter

My last period was on Dec 14! I think I "0" on Dec 28 I am 12 dpo! And I have lots of cm! Got 2 positive. 7dpo but. Negative. After that! Please update us on everything! Good luck!

Bryson Alexzander Parker August 10, 2012 - September 2, 2012

11 years ago


I have PCOS and long cycles. I spot randomly throughout my cycles every month. Sometimes it's sporadic and only when I wipe and other times, I need a pantyliner. I always spot red when I O too. My point is, since you're not charting...there's no way to know for sure what's going on and if you're pg. If you think you might be pg, the only way to know is to take an hpt. GL!

11 years ago

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