What women are saying

Anxious/On Edge

BlessedBaby2015  6 years ago
@divinestar13 did you get a bfp?


DivineStar13  7 years ago
Yes 8dpo


MrsSharp.RaindowBaby  7 years ago
Yes, I agree. Although I'm happy, you get these waves of anxiety that makes me stress about everything e.g. money, working, being tired. Ugh




Burtstequila1st@  8 years ago
Yes's 10 & yes


Hopeso1124  8 years ago
10-11dpo I forgot to add


Hopeso1124  8 years ago
I feel like I've drank 3 cups of coffee and a redbull I feel so weird and it come and go twice/day


YamiRT16  9 years ago
I forgot to add I'm 11dpo


YamiRT16  9 years ago
Felt anxious all night. Couldn't sleep well. Felt panicky about getting pregnant. Felt scared even thought I'm 100% sure I want a baby now .


Sunset0777  9 years ago
I tried to take a nap and couldn't because it felt like every single cell in my body was AWAKE. and tingling. Even my fingertips and toes.


Thehopefulone  9 years ago
The wait continues/Anxious/tired sore/Anxiety


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