What women are saying

Frequent Urination

AlphaMa  2 years ago
12dpo and cannot go more than 30 minute between pit stops.


SaintGalahad  5 years ago
17dpo and I’m getting up at night every 2 hours to use the bathroom. During the day it isn’t so bad but at night I can’t sleep it’s so often


Sreeparna  6 years ago
13 dpo. For last 2 days every 1 hour need to urinate.




ntombi1081  6 years ago
2 days


MarriedaYankeeFan  6 years ago
17 dpo, coworkers wondering why I'm going to bathroom so much


  6 years ago
9dpo and peeing every hour or so since 8dpo. No pain and clear urine (tmi). Hope not UTI!


faylinameir  7 years ago
peeing a lot and feels like I can't get my bladder empty enough. ALWAYS have to go!


NicoleMaz  7 years ago
Peeing so much since last night.4 times during the night and then every hour -2 each since morning. only 4 -5 dpo.


MissShorty0312  7 years ago
I'm 4 DPO I Been Going To The Bathroom Every 2 Or 3 Hours Is Crazy Never Use The Bathroom That Much


MissShorty0312  7 years ago


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