Posts by Catson


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Posts 1 - 10



Can evap lines show up before 10 minutes?

I timed my test exactly, took a few pics before 10 minutes were up. I see a faint like in each pic. Could it s ...

1 Answer      

Latest 2 years ago



False positive or evap line?

Ok I was getting excited I got a faint bfp. However I heard these tests are known for false positives. This i ...

1 Answer      

Latest 2 years ago





Positive opk

I got a positive ovulation strip. My partner and I BD the twice the day before once the day of but he couldn't ...

1 Answer      

Latest 2 years ago



Bfn but no period

So cd 32 today, my period ranges from 28-30 days so I'm officially late. Took 2 tests, both look negative. Am ...

4 Answers     1    

Latest 3 years ago



Test sensitivity question

I took a first response 6 days soonerctest got what I think is a positive, though the line is slightly faded ...

7 Answers      

Latest 4 years ago



4 days before AF

Hi. So I've had brown when I wiped today, 4 days before my period. My boobs were sore since ovulation, but to ...

3 Answers      

Latest 4 years ago





3 days late, bfn

Anyone else experience this? My cycles have varied since my miscarriage last year, 27-30 days. I'm cd 31 now. ...

3 Answers      

Latest 4 years ago



Vvvf BFP?!

So I'm pretty positive I'm pregnant. I gave psoriasis snd its clearing up all on it's own. This was a symptom ...

0 Answers      

Latest 5 years ago



11 DPO, burning/sore breasts

11 DPO, i've had multiple pg symptoms: cold 2 dpo, insomnia,waking up starving, lower back ache, nipple pain, ...

1 Answer      

Latest 10 years ago


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