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July 2018 Babies

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I was in the JUNE 2018 Babies forum.
Since no BFP that cycle on to the next.

If you wish to to join from our previous posts please do so! Just wanted to add a July baby post. Hope some of yall roll on over here.

Congratulations to all who received there BFP in that Forum!!!!

449 Replies • 6 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Vettech- let us know what test says!

AFM this morning, just mild cramps still. Very very mild sore boobs. Other than that no symptoms. But might be early as day just started.

6 years ago • Post starter

@ninni yes have fun with that especially since weekend is around the corner, I think that we did good bc my O day feel of Saturday. It’s hard to find time in a busy schedule during week. Everyone is just exhausted. Best of luck!!

6 years ago • Post starter

@beautiful: I will definitely let you guys know what’s up. I fell asleep during my lunch and I never do that. -_- I am dealing with severe exhaustion.

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6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Yes I did get my OPKs. Today is Cycle Day 7 for me and I think I will start using them in a couple days.

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6 years ago

I hear you about during the week..its so crazy and everyone is tired! Def a good idea to have fun with it.. Congrats on the car @Ninni!

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6 years ago

Hi all,

I'm CD #17 today. I had a positive OPK yesterday morning and this morning my temp had gone up so I think I must have ovulated yesterday. So begins the TWW.

@vettechgirl: It definitely sounds like something is up! Fingers crossed for you.

@beautiful: I think that you are the only one in the TWW so far. Do you test early or wait for AF?

Good luck to everyone else in their fertile window!

6 years ago

@ellebee yes I’m 5dpo today. I want to test next Wednesday but hubby is thinking next Saturday or Sunday. Bc he would like to do test together. AF starts Sunday 29th.

As my morning progress (9:40am in Texas) I still have twinges and mild cramps, and load of creamy cm. Then twice I had brown stuff on TP. To early for IB. Thinking maybe bc we dtd. I had coffee this morning and just didn’t taste sweet enough. It was Starbucks so you know that has to be sweet!! Lol just trying not to get my hopes up to soon. Temp rise at 98.1 this morning. And lower backache

6 years ago • Post starter

@dragonfly: that is so exciting! I am having my fingers crossed for you!

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6 years ago

@Vettechgirl11. Thank you! When can I take these tests? Do they have to be in the morning or just whenever you have time?

I'm thinking I might try the progesterone creame as I have noticed that my cycles are dropping to 26 days instead of 28 and I am concerned that I do not have a long luteal phase and that there isn't enough time for the egg to latch. Would I need a prescription or can I buy it over the counter and where would I put the cream?

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6 years ago

Dragonfly: I usually test three times a day with my OPKS ALWAYS AT THE SAME TIMES... oops sorry for the caps locks lol anyways the cream you can get without a prescription and I don’t know where to use it. Sorry hun!

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6 years ago

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