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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Thanks lucky! I have got all my fingers and toes crossed lol for a bfp. I sure hope it works.

6 years ago

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7 days past trigger and 5 dpo.

6 years ago

Cronins looks like it’s still hanging around, but getting lighter. How are you doing today?

I’m feeling better today, hope it continues.

6 years ago

Thanks lucky! I am doing good. My nipples are a bit tender from the hcg trigger but that seems to be my only symptoms. Looking forward to seeing the lines get darker lol.

Glad you’re feeling better. Hopefully that trend continues. Any plans for today?

6 years ago

Dandy, how are you doing? Any plans for today?

6 years ago

Hey gals. Sorry for the absence. Been busy still. Things should be slowing down now.
Lucky, you will love the doppler! I losten to mine everyday. I almost forgot to donit yesterday since Im feeling more kicks and movements. Glad your starting to feel better more often!
Cronins that first signal actually looks a bit darker to me. Fingers crossed for that beta! No plans for today. Cleaned the house top to bottom yesterday so today after taking lo to school I may try to get a hold of a friend to have lunch. Otherwise I will probably just come home n nap. Lol. I still tire very easily.

6 years ago • Post starter

Dandy did you get the monitor that tells you their heart rate?

6 years ago

Hey dandy, glad things are going well for you. Sounds like you have been very busy. No worries that you are not checking in often, I definitely understand the pregnancy thing and heck life can get crazy on all of us! I hope that it’s getting darker. That would be great! Well off to do another urine hold lol. I am so impatient lol.

6 years ago

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Either the hcg trigger is dumping out of my system or my tests are a tad bit darker. Prayers for a good outcome.

6 years ago

Praying for that BFP Cronins

6 years ago

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