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The EPO Experiment Chapter 3

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Since we filled 15 pages already, it's time to begin a new thread and to welcome anyone interested in joining our supportive and hilarious group of epo researchers.

For those who are new, I think it's appropriate to give a little spiel:
EPO is supposed to help create more cm when taken from cycle days 1- Ov. Stop taking it from Ov until your next cycle, which we all hope to ride through with warmer temps, high high cervixes and a BFP, not to mention love and support.
Some folk switch to flax oil after Ov, but some of us just quit and hope for the best.

So let's hear your personal experience with the epo journey to success!

Here's to another chapter!

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288 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hello ladies, just thought I would pop in. I had a rough night last night and posted a long journal entry here if anyone is interested. It was just too much to go into on the forum.

Bee ~ I think it's amazing that you posted something about our DH's not really understanding the ups and downs of ttc from the female perspective. You hit right on my issues the last 24hrs. And pontificate? Are you Catholic? You don't have to answer, it's just that I've only heard that word a few times and it was always when talking with Catholic friends.

Joy ~ I'm soooo thrilled that you've made it this far w/o any bleeding/spotting! I get frustrated when things drag out for two weeks; I can't imagine going as long as you have. It's a testament to the strength you have that you have not gone insane over the past few months and I commend you. I still can't wait until you can ttc again. ;-)

MrsOtt ~ Just a consideration on your temp that I wanted to voice; you traveled and are in a new environment and that may have affected your temps. I'm still keeping my fx'd for ya! Also, every little boy I've been around has been so much more even tempered than my daughter but I have noticed that they can fluctuate as well. I believe I just got "lucky" with an extremely sensitive little girl who has a bit of a drama queen in her. Can't wait until she hits 13 or so. lol

AFM ~ I'm cd 12, and according to my OvaCue ovulation was confirmed today, but if this cycle goes like the last one then here in a few days a purple box will pop up indicating secondary fertility, or a second attempt at ovulation. I pray that I get the purple box this time just because of what happened last night. I'd love to think that I have another shot this cycle but as it looks now, I have little to no chance.

I'm hoping things improve around here and wishing you all are having a great weekend! I'm off to go pick up my daughter from her play now and I'm thankful that it's her last performance as I'm worn out and I'm sure she is as well.


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12 years ago

Well, Dag Nabbit! The witch found me here in Canada. So, I'll focus on the good. She stayed away all day while we were running around doing errands and patiently waited to show up after dinner was served, eaten and cleaned up. :) Nice witch visit, eh?

KJ: I thought of the temp flux with traveling and almost didn't worry about it, but honestly... I knew she was coming. I did second guess it a few times, but then everything just felt so AF. (I'll PM you for your journal entry)

Joy: I'm in Langley/Surrey. Just across the boarder from WA State. It's nice. I like it, but I couldn't live here - It's too busy. I need a small town. Even where I live in the states is too busy, but it will have to do for now.

Bee: Absolutely loved your post and Thank You. We do make a pretty good hen house here on this forum! :)

Well, just wanted to check in really quick. Hope everyone is enjoying their evening. I'm exhausted. Shopping with a 70 year old and an 88 year old is harder than shopping with a handful of toddlers. We had a good time and we got our errands done. Hurray!

To all my lovely ladies.... you're amazing and awesome!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Kj, haha! As a matter of fact my family on both sides is a large Catholic family (27 cousins), and I was baptized, but I'm more of a secular pontificator these days. I was using it in the 'speaking in a pompous and overt manner' sense. LOL. I hadn't clearly made that connection with the Pope.

Ott & Joy, nyaw shucks. I'm glad you liked my love letter. xo

I'm just waking up still, and about to head off to aikido after my green tea. Those mats will be COLD on the toes this morning! eeee!

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12 years ago

Bee ~ Thanks so much for your comments on my journal. You were spot on saying that we would have things out in the days to come and we did indeed. In a big way. It was all purging that was very necessary to get us back on the same page and working together. We aired our laundry, then neatly folded it and have put it away for the time being. Thank God. I got a bonus BD in there as well and I'm pretty sure I didn't O yet so I'm keeping my fx'd that "lovemaking" not "babymaking" will help us out in more ways than one.

MrsOtt ~ So sorry the witch got you too but it sounds as though you are staying positive about it so that's good! Also, I agree with you about small towns. There are less than 3,000 in my town and I couldn't love it more. Yes, I have to drive further to get to a Walmart. Big deal, the sights on the way there are so serene it's well worth the gas. Oh, and while I'm thinking of it, I have worked with the elderly for most of my adult life and I completely agree with you about it being exhausting!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and I look forward to all of your updates!


PS I am having some really INTENSE pains going on right now and I am praying that it's all ovulation related, but man this hurts!

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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

I could have sworn I replied earlier today, but dh and I were over at a friends house so I was a little distracted... probably typed it all up then forgot to hit submit! LoL!!

Bee - Yep definitely loved your "love letter" LoL!! Hope you enjoyed you aikido!!

MrsOtt - So sorry the witch found you... was really hoping you could hid from her up here in Canada!! LoL! Glad you're enjoying your trip! Surrey is beautiful!

KJ - Thanks hun, you are such a sweetheart! I am so sorry to hear about everything that happened last night. I didnt get a chance to read the entire journal entry yet, but I will be going back to finish it a little later. I know how heartbroken you must feel... our dh's really dont get how invested we are in ttc and to have them unable to finish and then just roll over and fall to sleep as we lay there a cry... its a feeling I have definitely had!

AFM - I had a very aggrivating day.... lets just say it really isnt fair that some women get to be parents while those of us who would be great Mom's dont.

Still no more bleeding tho, so I am happy about that! Honestly I am so happy for EVERY day I go without bleeding!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Good Morning, Ladies.
Well, I'm back in Washington and exhausted. Being with two elderly people really took it out of me. There were so many moments where I wish I could have sent them to bed for a nap, but well - yeah.

Joy: I'm so happy to hear that your bleeding has completely stopped and you are getting your energy back to decorate and spend time with your Niece and Nephew. How awesome for that bonding time.
As for the unfair bit you wrote about, I was just crying to my DH about that from what i have seen on the news lately and what I have witnessed. It breaks my heart.

KJ: hope you're feeling and doing better.

AFM: CD3. I'm choosing not to temp this month and not do opk's either. With the holidays and family coming and all that, I'm due to O over Thanksgiving and I just know it's going to be stressful enough without making sure I have my temps right.

Happy Monday, Ladies. It's only 7:35 am and I'm ready for a nap already! lol

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Hi girls,

I've got a question about opks for you. Okay, remember how I *wasted* my first two of 7 tests with my brand new CB digital (notably in the hardware store bathroom)?
So I've got 5 tests for this cycle, since I won't be paid for a while (ah, academia), and I'm wondering how often to test.
Have you ever tested every two days rather than one?

Specs: I have a 28 day average cycle. Aside from checking cm, I don't actually know when I'm ovulating, but my cm is slippery cd 15-17.
I'd like to test early just in case I'm missing something, so I was thinking:
cd10 (today)
cd16 (this should cover cd 17 right?)

Any other suggestions for a first timer?
I read that the surge normally comes on in the late morning, so I'll test at 1pm each day.

xo Bee

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12 years ago

Hi Ladies,
Baby dust to all.

I was thinking of trying EPO tihs cycle but i've decided against it, i'll see what God will do with Vitex and Mucinex.

This is my first cycle trying fertility aids, last cycle i tried a DOPK for the first time and was so ecstatic when i saw a smiley face. I got it on Halloween so my guess is I O'd on 11/1 but only BD that day and the day after. It's amazing what i've learned about my cycle, body and this process since i've started TTC#2. I can't tell the last time I noticed EWCM, which may explain 5 months of AF visiting on time everytime. i've always given the glory to God over conception, pregnancy and birth, cause anything can go wrong at anytime and always sow a seed of faith and hope with all who are TTC#1. My prior pastor and his wife had their first child after 17yrs of trying and even then, when they conceived twins, one died at 23 wks and the other was delievered at 24wks weighing 1 lb. Yes, I typed 1lb. He is now a healthy toddler up and about. Faith and prayer kept them to see a child, their child through birth, and a lengthy hospital stay. So I am hopeful and believing for my #2 and everyone else who's trying. God is in control. Motherhood is a precious previlege. Keep faith ladies

with him all things are possible, his grace is sufficient for me

12 years ago

Hi ladies

Please forgive me for not responding individually, Im still going through a bit of a funk. I have had 2 seperate LH surges this cycle a week apart from each other but no ovulation on either. I called my Dr. Last thursday and told them what was going on.

Well I heard back from my Dr's nurse today. She just asked me what was going on and said she would talk to the Dr and get back to me...That was at 11 and I stil havent heard back. Im not really in a hurry to hear from them though....I could really care less about this whole ttc thing anymore.

I had a dream last night that the Dr. called me, and told me that I should just go ahead and start the adoption process because I was never going to get pregnant. I woke up crying. In my heart I kinda believe it though...

Hope yall have a great day.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hello ladies!!

Shea - Aw sweetie dont give up hun - you will have a baby soon!

talless - Welcome to the thread!

Bee - Hmm.. not sure if using opks every other day would work or not... depends I guess if you usually get 2 days of positive opks. Otherwise you would miss it. But I think it's worth a shot!

MrsOtt - Glad you're back home! Sounds like you could use a vaction from your vacation! My Mom always says that after spending an extended amount of time with my Grandparents! Enjoy your month off from temping & using opks! A break might be nice, especially since you will be so busy with family for the holidays! Still hoping you catch that eggie tho!

AFM - Had a great day today... My Mom and I took my neice and 3 nephews out bowling, then picked up pizza for lunch and came back to the house for a "movie night" in the afternoon! Everyone had a blast!

This evening dh is at work and I have a ton of cleaning to do... Boo to that! LoL, but I have lots to do tomorrow and I am having company over on Wednesday so I want everything to be clean! (Plus having 4 dogs + 4 kids AND my husband in my house at the same time = HUGE mess!!)

Hope everyone had a great Monday!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

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